Stalled on bench press



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Unfortunately if you really want to take a run at increasing your bench you're gonna have to ditch the machines and get on the bench with a barbell and get some DB work in there too. Just work in sets of 3's or 5's and work to a max, don't really need a spotter for that. Throw-in 2 or 3 sets of max rep DB bench presses and you'll be good. Rotate the bench press with the floor press, close-grip press, incline-press, and even low-pin rack press if you can and go from there. Get some sets of heavy tricep work and sets of moderate tricep work, Lat work, and even some shoulder to work to strengthen and protect your delts.

    5/3/1 would be excellent for you.

    My shoulder has been feeling better. Tomorrow is bench day, and I may deload a bunch and go back to dumbbells and see how it feels. Right now my program requires lifting to virtual failure, and doing that with a barbell bench makes me nervous.

    Bench day workout looks like this (assuming I'm off that effing machine):

    Chest press (barbell or dumbbell) - warmup x3, weight no more than 10rm. My working set should be my 4rm and 4 reps of course. Deload 10% do 5 reps, deload 10% do 6 reps.

    Weighted Dips - same rep program as above.

    Shoulder press (dumbbell) - 5x5

    I think I will do the dumbbell chest thing tomorrow, and work on some assistance forward and reverse shoulder work after my main workout. The injury I had was pressing 95lb dumbbells as I said. Weird electric shocks in my forearm, then instantly after, cold pain in the rear part of my the ball of my upper arm crushed part of the socket in my shoulder in the opposite direction of the press.

    I'm looking into other lift methods...but I really like the simplicity of this reverse pyramid, and the results seem pretty solid. Just slow on the bench, which as you said could be due to the limits of that machine.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Finding a spotter is as easy as "hey will you spot me, don't touch the bar unless I call out 'help' ".

    Or you could sing it:

    Hey I just met you
    And this is crazy
    But I'm doing bench press
    So spot me maybe?

    LMFAO!!! That's so awesome!

    I dead stole it and put it on my profile lol.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Unfortunately if you really want to take a run at increasing your bench you're gonna have to ditch the machines and get on the bench with a barbell and get some DB work in there too. Just work in sets of 3's or 5's and work to a max, don't really need a spotter for that. Throw-in 2 or 3 sets of max rep DB bench presses and you'll be good. Rotate the bench press with the floor press, close-grip press, incline-press, and even low-pin rack press if you can and go from there. Get some sets of heavy tricep work and sets of moderate tricep work, Lat work, and even some shoulder to work to strengthen and protect your delts.

    5/3/1 would be excellent for you.

    Ha, that post was actually for the OP but that's cool too. :laugh:

    Yeah I just threw-out WS as they have a cool approach to lifting. Things like 5/3/1, reverse pyramid are great too.You can actually pyramid with 5/3/1 for added volume.

    How is your shoulder during weighted Dips? Although they're better, my shoulders still have some trouble tolerating weighted dips. How wide is your grip usually on the bench press?
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    I had some shoulder problems and it's largely gone away since I replaced the flat bench press with the decline bench press and incline bench press. The decline bench press actually works out the pectoral muscles more effectively than the flat bench (which puts about 40% of the stress on the shoulders, especially the front deltoid). It seems a lot of people with shoulder problems from benching are actually just over-working the front deltoids -- which get hit a lot from a variety of exercises.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Unfortunately if you really want to take a run at increasing your bench you're gonna have to ditch the machines and get on the bench with a barbell and get some DB work in there too. Just work in sets of 3's or 5's and work to a max, don't really need a spotter for that. Throw-in 2 or 3 sets of max rep DB bench presses and you'll be good. Rotate the bench press with the floor press, close-grip press, incline-press, and even low-pin rack press if you can and go from there. Get some sets of heavy tricep work and sets of moderate tricep work, Lat work, and even some shoulder to work to strengthen and protect your delts.

    5/3/1 would be excellent for you.

    Ha, that post was actually for the OP but that's cool too. :laugh:

    Yeah I just threw-out WS as they have a cool approach to lifting. Things like 5/3/1, reverse pyramid are great too.You can actually pyramid with 5/3/1 for added volume.

    How is your shoulder during weighted Dips? Although they're better, my shoulders still have some trouble tolerating weighted dips. How wide is your grip usually on the bench press?

    My shoulder was doing pretty well during dips. As I started adding weight (I think about 70lbs in really), it hurts up in my collar bone of all places. I did 90lbs of added weight this week though.

    I wasn't doing bench until yesterday lol. I was doing that retarded hammer strength machine with 250lbs. Yesterday though I said fark it, and skipped the barbells that I mentioned I was going to do...and went to the bench. I overdid my warmup sets because I had NO clue what I was going to do for my working set. It ended up like this:

    Bench Press - 135*5, 145*5, 155*5, 205*4, 185*5, 165*6

    I could have did 205lbs for one more rep...but my left lat cramped clear the eff up, enough so I almost dropped the weight. It definitely would have been my last rep though. Why my lats were engaging in a manner that caused one to cramp, I'm not really sure. I must be doing something wrong...but I can't think of what. My sets felt good, shoulder blades locked down into the bench...pushing from my chest...I dunno.
    On my bench yesterday, slightly wider than my shoulders.