He/She USED to be hot



  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    Funny how many people read this thread from their soap boxes, congratulated themselves for their political correctness, then posted here to JUDGE those of us who are just having a little laugh in...what was it again...oh yeah, the FUN AND GAMES category of the message boards. Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still... Not one person here pointed out any celebrity that hasn't already been judged by the mainstream media or millions of other people, so lighten up a little FFS.....

    Thanks for reading, and please be sure to log in all those extra calories you burned while patting yourselves on the back. :laugh:

    this is fun to you???? Look at the big picture honey, but whatever....yeah I am patting myself on the back cuz I'm a nice person!!!!!
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still...


    to be judged by the world are you kidding me! LMAO

    Yes, I'm an actress. I should know. You do get judge by directors, fellow actors, the audience. That's life. Deal with it.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    BETTER with age!




    yummy for all three! Thank you!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still...


    to be judged by the world are you kidding me! LMAO

    Yes, I'm an actress. I should know. You do get judge by directors, fellow actors, the audience. That's life. Deal with it.

    .....so how come we never heard of you?

    Anyway...did you ever think that actors just want to act? Maybe some of them aren't out there for judgement and celebrity status, they just wanna do what they're good at.
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
    That's just scary

    OMGOSH, is she a Zombie now????
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still...


    to be judged by the world are you kidding me! LMAO

    Yes, I'm an actress. I should know. You do get judge by directors, fellow actors, the audience. That's life. Deal with it.

    NO YOU deal with it-it's disgusting to me that people think cuz everyone else does it, it must be ok. And if you don't
    give a **** cuz it's just the internet-then stop responding!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member

    I refuse to believe the after picture if Mark Hamill

    If Jabba the Hutt and Emperopr Palpetine had a child.....
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still...


    to be judged by the world are you kidding me! LMAO

    Yes, I'm an actress. I should know. You do get judge by directors, fellow actors, the audience. That's life. Deal with it.

    .....so how come we never heard of you?

    Anyway...did you ever think that actors just want to act? Maybe some of them aren't out there for judgement and celebrity status, they just wanna do what they're good at.

    Just because I act doesn't mean I'm famous, honey. And if that's the case, they shouldn't be actors. Take a journalism class and learn about libel laws and how they apply to private individuals vs. public officials and you well get what I'm saying.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Not judging, and not patting myself on the back. It just saddens me to see others judged by their appearance instead of their actions or behaviors. Many of the people shown as aging badly brought much enjoyment to my life, whether through songs or movies and so on. That's what I focus on. What they DID and what they made me feel makes me admire them still. I see no need to tear down others based on appearance.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    With all the respect in the world because I'm a huge fan and love him dearly, Elvis did not age well

  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still...


    to be judged by the world are you kidding me! LMAO

    Yes, I'm an actress. I should know. You do get judge by directors, fellow actors, the audience. That's life. Deal with it.

    .....so how come we never heard of you?

    Anyway...did you ever think that actors just want to act? Maybe some of them aren't out there for judgement and celebrity status, they just wanna do what they're good at.

    Just because I act doesn't mean I'm famous, honey. And if that's the case, they shouldn't be actors. Take a journalism class and learn about libel laws and how they apply to private individuals vs. public officials and you well get what I'm saying.

    Of course I knew that, honey. I acted in the 4th grade play so I'm an actress too.

    And I'll pass on the journalism classes. I'm done with college and made sure I went to a school that didn't make me waste time in a class like that. Maybe you should take an acting class and you might make it big :smile:
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Not judging, and not patting myself on the back. It just saddens me to see others judged by their appearance instead of their actions or behaviors. Many of the people shown as aging badly brought much enjoyment to my life, whether through songs or movies and so on. That's what I focus on. What they DID and what they made me feel makes me admire them still. I see no need to tear down others based on appearance.

    well said sista!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Funny how many people read this thread from their soap boxes, congratulated themselves for their political correctness, then posted here to JUDGE those of us who are just having a little laugh in...what was it again...oh yeah, the FUN AND GAMES category of the message boards. Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still... Not one person here pointed out any celebrity that hasn't already been judged by the mainstream media or millions of other people, so lighten up a little FFS.....

    Thanks for reading, and please be sure to log in all those extra calories you burned while patting yourselves on the back. :laugh:

    Beautifully said! It's for fun, guys! Come on! Nobody is making anyone look at these pics, or reply to this thread. If you know yourself to be so sensitive about a few jabs at some has-been celebrities, then go find a thread that's better suited to your delicate constitution.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    while it doesn't often happen for women (sad but true), som do get BETTER with age:

    helen mirren then:


    helen mirren now:


    I can only hope to look like this when I reach her age. Awesome..

    i NEVER looked that good, even in my 20s. Is there still hope?
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still...


    to be judged by the world are you kidding me! LMAO

    Yes, I'm an actress. I should know. You do get judge by directors, fellow actors, the audience. That's life. Deal with it.

    .....so how come we never heard of you?

    Anyway...did you ever think that actors just want to act? Maybe some of them aren't out there for judgement and celebrity status, they just wanna do what they're good at.

    Just because I act doesn't mean I'm famous, honey. And if that's the case, they shouldn't be actors. Take a journalism class and learn about libel laws and how they apply to private individuals vs. public officials and you well get what I'm saying.

    take a spelling class!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Funny how many people read this thread from their soap boxes, congratulated themselves for their political correctness, then posted here to JUDGE those of us who are just having a little laugh in...what was it again...oh yeah, the FUN AND GAMES category of the message boards. Celebrities are people who have put themselves out there to be judged by the world, and I'm sure none of them under any delusions that they look fantastic still... Not one person here pointed out any celebrity that hasn't already been judged by the mainstream media or millions of other people, so lighten up a little FFS.....

    Thanks for reading, and please be sure to log in all those extra calories you burned while patting yourselves on the back. :laugh:

    this is fun to you???? Look at the big picture honey, but whatever....yeah I am patting myself on the back cuz I'm a nice person!!!!!
    Then I guess the rest of us are just horrible people because we no longer think certain celebrities are as hot as they used to be? Are you frickin' serious?

    I think the best part of this thread is these people who have their panties all up in a bunch defending celebrities. Do you think these celebrities give a rats @ss if you're defending them, and even better...do you think THEY wouldn't ever judge YOU based on your appearance?

    If you're all so 'saddened and disgusted' by the thread...please, by all means....LOOK AWAY! The fun and games section is for people with a sense of humor after all...stop taking yourselves so seriously (and be careful not to fall off that high horse) :laugh:
  • chameleon77
    chameleon77 Posts: 124
    THANK YOU to the people who posted pics of the folks who've improved with age and/or aged gracefully. At 50-60-70 You're NOT gonna look like you did 20-30 years ago, but who wants to? I think if you accept who you are and feel confident and comfortable with yourself (and your looks), you can ROCK IT at any age!!

    Youth fades, but attitude lasts forever!!

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Not judging, and not patting myself on the back. It just saddens me to see others judged by their appearance instead of their actions or behaviors. Many of the people shown as aging badly brought much enjoyment to my life, whether through songs or movies and so on. That's what I focus on. What they DID and what they made me feel makes me admire them still. I see no need to tear down others based on appearance.

    Yea, I have to agree. Not a fan of this thread, with the exception of those who chose to post pictures of celebs they think aged well. Well, carry on.
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Better with age! :love: Gary Sinise! :bigsmile:


  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    someone should do george michael and will smith, although, willl still looks good