hypothyroidism pals?



  • rashmirao74
    rashmirao74 Posts: 14 Member
    Totally understand the frustration. There are lots of women like us who have the same condition but have managed to lose the excesses. I guess the important thing is to hang in there, literally work our buts off and eat right. Not getting enough sleep and stress too could be making the weight loss difficult. I have heard many people say, think thin. Basically what they mean is don't fret a lot about the weight, be happy and peaceful, things will fall in place. Easier said then done I know, but, we should try and adopt means to not stress about ourselves. Meditation is really helpful. I'm doing that for the past couple of days and feel a lot calmer. Maybe you should try that too. All the best!!!
  • rashmirao74
    rashmirao74 Posts: 14 Member
    In your post you have mentioned metformin. One of the endo docs that I consulted started me in Metformin during November last year. The first few days I had severe loose motions. So I lost a lot of water and my weight dropped a couple of pounds. My energy levels got extremely low. I was feeling fatigued and depressed. All I wanted to do was sleep. I made the decision to go off the tablets cause, though I was overweight I had energy and zest for life. With Metformin I felt like a corpse. I took the meds for just 20 days and stopped it all together. I'm back now to exercising, eating right and sleeping enough.