JUNE STARTERS - Monday Weigh In - October 19th



  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Bumping for thursday. How is Everyone today? Has anyone careved pumpkins yet? We did Elly's last night. :smile:

    I posted the picture in "Jstar kills threads" but I'm posting it here too since I'm so proud of it. :laugh:


    We put a red light in it. :tongue:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All, Happy Thursday!

    Busymom – That looks so awesome!!!! I love it.

    Courtney – Congrats on the loss. Every bit counts and you are more than halfway to your goal which is fantastic and a result of your hard work.

    Shannah – Great job on breaking the barrier! And you only have 13 to go, that is fantastic!

    Yellowhouse – Wow, awesome news about the skirt. I love when that happens.

    Schlieffen – Big congrats on reaching your original goal!!! Woohoo!!!

    Ilike2moveit – Don’t worry about the plateau, they are completely natural. It is the body’s way of adjusting to the changes it has gone through and preparing for the next stage of change. I learned that in University Nutrition class.

    Amanda – That is great news! Every goal and accomplishment counts and I hope you had a great time at Seaworld.

    Kevinsgirl – You are doing so awesome. No need to feel frustrated because being down a lb is amazing. Keep up the awesome work!

    Well I didn't perish after last night's Week 5, Day 3 of the couch to 5K which was a 5 minute brisk warm up walk, 20 minute jog with no breaks and then a 5 minute cool down walk. Although I did 10 minute warm up and cool down instead. I actually made it and am unabashedly proud of myself for doing so. Saturday I start on week 6 and I know I can do this since I have unwavering determination to get this weight off and to get fit.

    I hope you all are having a great week and have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself because you are all worth it.

  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    had a busy time this week so my exercise and eating was not so good.
    well done to all the losers.

    SW - 180
    LW - 154.8
    CW - 153.0
  • amandadaisylotus

    Last Week: 271.7
    This Week: 272.7

    I gained a pound. Doesn't surprise me because I went to my family's pizza shop and I was starving... stuffed my face. This is what I get. I know better than to go down there when I'm really hungry, all will power goes out the door. Ugh.

    Today's a new day. Back on track and even though I HAVE to go down there this saturday, I will not be eating food there. I'll bring snacks and eat lunch somewhere else.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I'm having a crazy busy day at work today. I'll post the spreadsheet tomorrow from home. Have a good weekend!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I weigh in on fridays. :ohwell: But I've got some good news!

    I went to seaworld yesterday with my friends, and to my surprise and great delight, I found that I fit into the normal roller coaster seats again! Whooo!

    YAY!!!!! I understand what a big deal this is!!! You so totally rock!!!! GREAT inspiration!!! :heart:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    SW: 253.4 lbs (June 26)
    LW: 214.4
    CW: 211.6

    Progress this week: - 2.8 lbs
    Total Progress: - 41.8 lbs

    I am off work but having a pretty busy day with errands. Take care all and have a great week!


    You are amazing!!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    SW 182.4
    LW 151.2
    CW 150.0 (-1.2lbs)

    I hit my original goal of 150lbs! :bigsmile: Sooooo close to the 140's!!! :love: I'm still carrying around some extra flab, so I updated my goal to 130lbs.

    I bought the new wii fit plus yesterday, so hopefully that gets me back into the exercising groove. I haven't done anything in two weeks now (:grumble:) and I need to get back into a routine.

    Congrats to all the losers (datenshi... 2.8lbs is awesome!!) and all the maintainers (at least it wasn't a gain!) :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to you!!!! WOW!!!! You are truckin' right along!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    LW: 195
    CW: 192.5 :bigsmile:

    Yay I finally broke through that stupid 193.5 mark. My goal was to be 192 by today but I'll take it!!!

    Next mini goal 189 by Nov 4!

    Way to go, girl!!!! :drinker:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    My weight has been jumping all over the place all week, so I'm glad that it decided to land on a lower number for this week :laugh:

    Congrats to everyone on the losses; keep it up everyone!

    LW: 159
    TW: 158.5

    The losses are slowing to a crawl, but a loss is a loss, so I'll take it!

    Awesome!!! you're moving downward!! AND I know that you are busy with classes so you are doing GREAT to still be going in a downward motion on the scale.... Good luck with your classes and keep up the good work with your health!!!! :heart:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member

    Last Week: 271.7
    This Week: 272.7

    I gained a pound. Doesn't surprise me because I went to my family's pizza shop and I was starving... stuffed my face. This is what I get. I know better than to go down there when I'm really hungry, all will power goes out the door. Ugh.

    Today's a new day. Back on track and even though I HAVE to go down there this saturday, I will not be eating food there. I'll bring snacks and eat lunch somewhere else.

    Great attitude... If we didn't indulge every now and then, we might go crazy :laugh: The main thing is to get back into the game :wink:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Ok... my turn... nothing exciting...

    SW 230
    LW 216
    TW 216

    I didn't do anything this week but take care of a sick boy... My son had the flu...

    I will be starting zumba class real soon, so I'm excited about that... and I'm starting back on the C25K program... didn't do anything this week though... so, I'm thankful I didn't have a gain...

    Keep it up June Starters... You guys are my inspiration!!!!! :drinker: