SAHM 10/19-10/25



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hello sisters of the SAHM guild. I'm new to the flock. I joined Sunday & have already dropped a pound thanks to all the awesome tools on this website. I have a wonderful 15 month girl who is a complete ham and wicked smart to boot.
    I am worried about what I'll do for exercise when it gets too cold to go walking. I want to drop 100 lbs and meet my goal weight of 150 lbs by my birthday next September.
    I have been working hard every day to come in under my calorie limit with the help of exercise, and I know it's already paying off.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Hello sisters of the SAHM guild. I'm new to the flock. I joined Sunday & have already dropped a pound thanks to all the awesome tools on this website. I have a wonderful 15 month girl who is a complete ham and wicked smart to boot.
    I am worried about what I'll do for exercise when it gets too cold to go walking. I want to drop 100 lbs and meet my goal weight of 150 lbs by my birthday next September.
    I have been working hard every day to come in under my calorie limit with the help of exercise, and I know it's already paying off.

    You've come to the right place! Everyone here is so helpful and Good luck on your journey. I ended up investing in a fold up tredmil for the winter months. We used to live on an island in Alaska so the gym wasn't exactly convienent sometimes. Look on craigslist or post a wanted ad on there. I ended up getting one for $200 which was a great deal on the model it was. But I have seen plenty on their for free. Also check out the under $101 section in your local newspaper always something in there :)
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Welcome DrBorkBork, this is a great group. You could also invest insome work out DVD's that you can do at home. I do Slim and Sculpt with Resistance Bands 30 minutes when I actually work out.. hehe. I try to get it in atleast twice a week.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Can anyone tell me about the 30 day shred? does it have strength training stuff in it?
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome drborkbork! we are sure glad you joined and happy to help you reach your goals. since you're new to mfp, i'll add that there are a lot of great teams to give you company and keep you motivated--incl a thread for ppl trying to lose 100+.
    i like this thread b/c it's cozy and we totally get how the chall of p-ing conflict with getting healthy--some days.

    for you and shera--check out fitness dvd's from the library. and if there are any you REALLY like, go buy them. i have a bunch of leslie sansone walk at home dvd's and am very happy with the program itself and the variety it gives me.
    i have also begun to add in my dh's p90x (from i think it'll be another cpl weeks, tho, till i canreally get back on board withthat pgm. kids home on track break andstill recovering from sinus infection.
    also, lots of people talk about free exer vids on youtube and sparkpeople.i haven't gone there tosee, but may be worth a shot.

    again, welcome dr and hope to chat with you all more soon.

    ps--silver--ROCK ON!
    pps-amy, welcome back. sorry you're sick. but glad you had fun at the reunion. i had so much fun talking to ppl at my dh's--i didn't know anyone so it was just all interesting to me, and even one lady i felt a real connexn with. now, i just have to follow up with an em and call to her.
    and thanks for the compliments--makes me feel very good--and keeps me on thestraight andnarrow. :heart:

    (sorry for all the typo's--space bar sticking today)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    who challenged water?? shera??
    yeah--i'm with you. i need to get in 7 to be at an increase. so here i go--chug chug :happy:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I've got 11 cups of water in today. and almost 16 oz of tea.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    who challenged water?? shera??
    yeah--i'm with you. i need to get in 7 to be at an increase. so here i go--chug chug :happy:

    Yep, that was me :wink: Good job to, i'm just a freakin water machine today for some reason i'm just really retaining today. I thought I should see if anyone wanted more's to yet another glass :drinker:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good Morning everyone! WHHHEEEEEWWW! I think I got up on the wrong side of the bed! I am REALLY cranky with the fam this morning. I get so tired of constantly having to clean up after them! :angry: :angry: :grumble: :grumble: Ok, I have calmed down...I think i need to exercise to relieve some of that! LOL I hope everyone is having a good day!
  • good morning everyone! I just wanted to say yum yum I made pumpkin seeds!! Its been a long time since I've done that and carving pumpkins is kinda hard work. We sat and carved on Friday night and it took us almost 3 hours! We have a dog face, a funny face, and tigger. My 3 year old patiently stayed up until we were done (9pm) but then we realized I dont have any candles to light them to show him what we really did. So thankfully my MIL only lives 1/4 mile away and after some sweet persuasion from our boy she brought us some. The look on his face seeing the pumpkins glowing-priceless!

    On the water drinking I"m slacking. I have a cold and I know thats especially what I need to drink but truthfully I don't want to drink anything, or eat for that matter. yuck not good but tonight I'm making chicken soup!

    Hang in there on the crankiness I think all of us feel that more often than not. I have a poem posted up in my kitchen and bathroom mirror to remind me how blessed I am.

    I'd rather be a mother than anyone on earth
    Bringing up a child or two of unpretentious birth
    I'd rather nurse a rosy babe with warm lips on my breast
    Than wear a queen's medallion above a heart less blest.
    I'd rather tuck a little child all safe and sound in bed
    Than twine a chain of diamonds about my foolish head
    I'd rather wash a smudgy face with round, bright baby eyes
    Than paint the pageantry of fame, or walk among the wise.

    Hope that helps!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks bilimina! I needed that!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Afternoon, Ladies!

    I didn't like my weigh in this morning for my other thread so I 'm gonna weigh in tomorrow and hope for better results. Yesterday the scale said 176.6 today it said 179.6 and I know I didn't gain 3 lbs over night even though I went over my calories by almost 500. So hopefully I'll see better results tomorrow.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Silver - You're right about not actually gaining that much overnight. A 3 lb weight gain overnight is probably just water weight. Drink lots of water today and I'm sure you'll see better results on the scale tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    Billie - I love the poem. Thank you! :flowerforyou: I understand not wanting to drink water while having a cold. I'm just getting over one. I still had my appetite, but all I wanted to drink was sodas. At least they were diet, so no cals. But they do have sodium. :grumble:

    Nicole - We all feel cranky now and then. You're right about exercising helping! Also, venting here can help too. That's part of what we're here for. I hope you're feeling better! :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    Than twine a chain of diamonds about my foolish head

    idk, billie--diamonds around my head or neck vs kids....:tongue:

    nicolee, some days are like that--even in Australia--as we say around here. (our take on Judith Viorst's hilarious classic of Alexander and the Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day).
    i can relate, tho. HUGS
    in fact, i brought the 3 of them to dh's office/warehouse/workshop today so they could bang hammers on scrap wood and use the screwdrivers--and otherwise leave me alone for a bit while they played in the mess that is his workplace.
    we are home now, i have eaten, the girls are playing school, the boy is napping, and i am here with all of you.
    so life is good for now...:flowerforyou:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Thanks for listening everyone! I am not seeing the scale go down and I can't join a gym at the present moment so i have just started doing things like dips and wall sits and pushups to hopefully help. I lookedat my profile and realized I took measurements on oct. f1st, so I figured, why not? Why not check it out? YEAH!!!! It may not seem like much because it is a small number, but....I lost 2 inches!!!! not everywhere but in my problem areas....hips, thighs and waist! Yay for me!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: That almost makes up for not losing any weight! I hope you have a wonderful evening ladies!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    rock on nicolee!! that is such a big deal! :drinker:

    as for not having access to a gym--go to for lots of exer stuff that you can do at home. also, many people have talked about videos on youtube and sparkpeople. i haven't looked at those, but may be worth checking into. and dvd's from the library are a great way to try new things and not have to commit. that's how i got into leslie sansone walk at home. (and while walk at home sounds lame, it's actually become addicting for me--it's easy low impact moves that truly gets your heart rate up and changes your shape.

    soooo congrats on what you have accomplished and hope these suggestions help you get to the next level! :flowerforyou:
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Hey everyone----sorry been MIA. Jackson is still very sick- coughing and a fever. It seems that some of the schools here are seeing an absentee rate as high as 23%, which is very, very high! We actually did an interview with the local DC news about Jackson being home sick....was kind of cool. The reporter found us via Twitter ( I had tweeted about having a sick kid at home) but I really wish he was better. It appears that he won't make it to school at all this week. So far, no one else in the house has shown any symptoms and I hope it stays that way.

    Hubby has worked from home since Tuesday to help out some so I was able to get in a couple of 2 mile runs. Good thing, I needed the stress relief. At least the weather improved and has been beautiful in the 70's during the day. I like running and seeing all the pretty Fall leaves.

    Hope everyone is doing well! Keep up the good work!
  • Oh my lettuce I'm so sorry he's still sick. That sickness is going around I know alot of people that have been struck with it. I hope he gets better. I hate it when kids are sick. They are just so miserable and there's hardly anything you can do to fix it. Terrible feeling :(

    Anywho I'm having one of those frumpy days where I just want to crawl back into bed and never get up. But I found a quote and thought ya'll might like it. Its really good on your not so pretty days :)

    People often say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder. This empowers us to find beauty in places where others have not dared to look, including inside ourselves.
    - Salma Hayek

    There now I feel like a million bucks. lol I love scriptures, quotes, and poems so whenever I come across one that gets me thinking a little deeper I will most definately share. Its good for the soul :)

    Have a great day everyone. Remember drink up!!---sorry that was a pep talk for myself :smile:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Bilimina, I do believe "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" I don't actually have a problem with how I look. But I do want to see less in the mirror when I look into it. I actually don't "feel" fat, I just thought it would be nice to lose some weight and get into a healthier lifestyle.
  • lettuceb
    lettuceb Posts: 207 Member
    Bilimina--Thanks for sharing. I like reading quotes and inspirational messages. Makes me feel better :smile:

    At least my littlest guy (Caden) hasn't gotten sick (yet) am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.

    Since I can't go to the gym today with Jackson still home, I am going to try and do some lifting here. I have lots of dumbells and a bench....just have to motivate myself:grumble:
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