40, Type 2 diabetic w/ a twist of health problems. Yea!

:blushing: Sad. I took care of my kids and my husband who is in a wheelchair and forgot about me. oops. Now it is time for me, I am about to be 48 and over weight, hard time walking because of the weight 313, and im 5 ft 9.
I need some help my kids are out of the house and the only motivation my husband gives is doing housework and yardwork.


  • mmachick2011
    mmachick2011 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! I am 43, and after the last six years of dealing with massive injuries/ surgeries.... I was up to 262 on a 5'8 frame. I lost 60 pounds on WW and then moved to MFP. You can absolutely do this. It took a LOT of work to remember to take care of me and a wake up call at the doctor's office of putting me on meds for blood pressure.

    Made it through rehab for all my broken parts and then started to pay attention to myself instead of only my family/ husband. PLUS I work full time with a 4 hour round trip commute.

    Things I learned...
    1. I can always make excuses. I have to choose to do something.
    2. The family will survive if they have to help around the house or make dinner for a change. You may not like the way they fold laundry, but seriously... it gets worn and washed every other week, so who cares!
    3. No food is off limits... I just have to limit the portion.
    4. I don't do a "cheat" day, because every day I have just a little something... a square of chocolate or a glass of red wine. I am never deprived.
    5. I deserve 1/24th of a day spent on ME! So yes... go to the gym. Take a walk. An hour should be yours. Every day.
    6. The weight made everything hard at first. I walked in a pool at first. I started doing tricep and bicept curls with a soup can because that was the best I could do. I wrote it all down... and realized that within a week, I was doing better than the week before.
    7. I started a journal to vent. Instead of starting the car to go to McDonald's.
    8. I started at a gym when I had dropped 20 pounds. I took every type of class I could to find something that I liked. And I didn't give a crap what other people thought. I knew that I was better off than sitting on the couch.

    Good Luck!!! I know you can do this. :)