Need PCOS friends



  • luvprincess
    luvprincess Posts: 9 Member
    I have PCOS and been learning a lot about it. I have books, etc. I was very blessed to have my son. He was premie due to the condition but is almost 2 now and healthy. Please add me.
  • jolo908
    jolo908 Posts: 8
    I have it too! My doctor said I most likely have it (all of the symptoms), but said they don't really test for it. I need to lose the weight though regardless!
  • crossuturn
    crossuturn Posts: 15 Member
    WOW! The responses are overwhelming! I'm adding all of you :) I know we can do this with all the support and encouragement from one another!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I have it too! My doctor said I most likely have it (all of the symptoms), but said they don't really test for it. I need to lose the weight though regardless!
    Talk to your doctor again, or find another doctor who will test you. My doctor sent me to the blood lab with a HUGE list of tests for them to draw. Basically, all of my hormones (progesterone, estradiol, etc), insulin test, a metabolic test, and so on. There isn't one, single test for PCOS, but they can diagnose it and treat it better once they know what they're working with in terms of your hormones and insulin.
  • Riley0617
    Riley0617 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm Riley and I have PCOS too. I'd love to be your friend, have you thought about maybe starting a group?
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I am newly diagnosed (though I am fairly sure I've had it for years). We had one miscarriage and several years of trying again before getting pregnant a few months after starting metformin (which I then stopped taking because my ob/gyn never really told me *why* he put me on it). Anyway... new rounds of testing with a new doctor and she just made a PCOS diagnosis. I haven't even talked with her about what it means for diet or ttc (though, at 37, i'm starting to feel like I just need to give up on having #2) :( I'm kind of still in the "really annoyed because no doctors listened to me over years of me saying my hormones were wacky" stage.

    Feel free to send me friend requests too (preferably with a message why!).

    Edited to say that I think a group would be a fantastic idea! If the OP isn't interested in starting one, I'd be glad to do so. :)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    There are several active PCOS groups. Click on "groups" and search for "pcos".
  • anglbebe
    anglbebe Posts: 89 Member
    Hey everyone!
    Im 34 have been diagnosed PCOS for about 8 years now.
    Feel free to add me.
    It took them a long time to diagnose me. They felt that I may have had it when I was a teenager, and told me I would never have children, but 4 kids later they were saying "with PCOS you can never get pregnant" Although I did notice that I tended to get pregnant when I lost 15-20 lbs. I have been on all kinds of birth control. I DID NOT want children, But I realize they are a blessing and I don't believe in abortion and I must be their mom for a reason. I went through years of well you have to watch what you eat. I would always keep a food diary, I was a 300 pound vegan, and I would show my doctor saying "WHAT HERE MAKES YOU FAT??? The lettuce, or the tofu????" I was always told adjust your lifestyle.. I dumped that doctor like a hot potato, once I was able.
    I started going to a different doctor, and she saw the hair on my face, my body type, and the fact I always was on a type of birth control when I got pregnant. I was in hell. She also noticed that my periods were 18-20 days long and HEAVY!!! Plus that 2 of my cousins had it. (Its actually hereditary I didn't know that.) The doctor told me that birth control is used in mild cases to help conception---GREAT! But because mine went so long being untreated, it now has gotten much worse, and now is no longer mild... In order to control my period I have had an ablation and to stop getting pregnant had my tubes removed.. I also lost 100 lbs, buy have gained 39 back, but Imma lose it. I did it once I'll do it again.

    Sorry for the wall of text... :P I'm just happy to find others like me.
  • julial84
    julial84 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi I just found out that I have PCOS...also looking for people who understand. I lead an active and healthy lifestyle and I can not lose weight...people are constantly giving me unwanted and unessisary advise about my weight (maybe you should do this or not eat that or blah blah blah....) I'm beyond frustrated and just want a little support from people who understand the frustration im feeling about all of this. I'm going to add you on here.
  • christine17145
    I found out that I have PCOS last year and I'm taking medicine but my doctor wants me to lose weight because I need to be healthy before getting pregnant again. I need motivation from people like me to do this. Please add me
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I also have PCOS and was diagnosed in June 2011 after being tested by my endocronlogist for everything under the sun over a 2 1/2 year period. The diagnosis was "by default." I think was hard to diagnosis since I have a period every month, but it is very heavy and lasts around 10 days. I was referred to the endocronologist after complaining of rapid weight gain after coming off BC due to a blood clot (I gained about 150 pounds in about a year and a half).
    Before this, I had been able to lose 100 pounds and kept it off for almost a year before the blood clot and having to come off the BC. I guess the BC was controlling the hormones and therefore controlling the PCOS.
    I have an 8 year old but would very much like to have another baby. I am 38 years old so time is of the essence. I had VSG surgery in November 2011 so we are waiting until November to ttc (must wait 1 year post-op). Before having surgery, I had been off BC for 5 + years and never became pregnant.
    Feel free to add me.
  • crossuturn
    crossuturn Posts: 15 Member
    I am newly diagnosed (though I am fairly sure I've had it for years). We had one miscarriage and several years of trying again before getting pregnant a few months after starting metformin (which I then stopped taking because my ob/gyn never really told me *why* he put me on it). Anyway... new rounds of testing with a new doctor and she just made a PCOS diagnosis. I haven't even talked with her about what it means for diet or ttc (though, at 37, i'm starting to feel like I just need to give up on having #2) :( I'm kind of still in the "really annoyed because no doctors listened to me over years of me saying my hormones were wacky" stage.

    Feel free to send me friend requests too (preferably with a message why!).

    Edited to say that I think a group would be a fantastic idea! If the OP isn't interested in starting one, I'd be glad to do so. :)

    If yall want to start a new PCOS group that is fine with me. But there are already several groups with you search under groups for PCOS. If anyone starts one, just let me know...I would be happy to join.
  • PhoenixRising624
    PhoenixRising624 Posts: 2 Member
    hi ladies. iijust miscarried my fourth pregnancy and was just diagnosed as well. i would love to join a group if you start one. My new boyfriend and iiwere excited to get pregnant but unfortunately it ended. Now we are both getting healthy in order to try again. Any advice or anyone in need of support, I'll be here. feel free to add me. thanks
  • Kgreteman
    Hi! Glad I'm not the only person on it! I haven't had too much for side effects, other than dry mouth. But I just drink more water. But I have now been on it for 14 days and I have lost 15lbs according to the scale, but I can't see it, or "feel it" yet!!!! Good luck... I hope it works well for you too!
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 96 but have manage to keep it completely under control all these years without any medication other than Vitex Elixer from Women, an herbal supplement that helps with periods. I have been pregnant but had a tubal pregnancy. I've had so many years to study this disease that I swear I feel like my job title should read Endocrinologist now lol. Back in my day it was not as known as it is now and the treatments they wanted to do were ridiculous and I just said screw it and took matter into my own hands and never let myself get out of shape. I've had some of the side effects though even while I was in decent shape. Today at age 43 I almost forget I even have it. Even though we can never get rid of it we can get and keep it under control. Weight loss being the number one solution :D
  • KamarieM24
    Hi I'm Kaii and Im new here . I also have pcos . I was diagnosed in 06/07 and Im only 18 years old. It would be nice to make new friends and have friends to support me and understand what I am going through.
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    I have PCOS, 2 beautiful children (10 & 3), and have recently got OFF glucophage meds! I'm controlling my symptoms through healthy eating and exercise. Feel free to add me, but please let me know why when you do!

    Best wishes, all!
  • toadoftoadhall
    toadoftoadhall Posts: 33 Member

    I have PCOS and also looking for support as trying to come off my meds and control it through diet and exercise. Feel free to add me.

    Pip x
  • HammerMolly
    Does anybody know the easiest and natural way of getting rid of pcos?
  • Work2Bfit89
    Hi ladies! I have PCOS too and I haven't been able to get pregnant !!! We have been trying for a year but nothing !!! :( feeling so down!! We want children so badly !!