Is it better to track as you go/eat or plan ahead?



  • stampnstitch
    stampnstitch Posts: 10 Member
    i plan my meals out every week before grocery shopping

    here is what the first half of this week looks like:


    hey, this is a cool program...did you design this yourself or get it somewhere? Mind sharing if possible? :D
  • PenguinNerd
    track as you eat when you plan ahead it easier to slip on your goal :)
  • stampnstitch
    stampnstitch Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the comments....I think I will try to do the planning one day ahead...after reading people's posts, I realized that I, too, usually eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch for the work week (except when people ask me to join for at least that part should be simple. And hopefully it will help me from "over-shopping" too when I go to the grocery store. hehe. :D
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I plan ahead, then tweak if I need to. That way I know roughly what to have and if I get hungrier in the day I can have a snack and reduce the size of my evening meal. Without planning ahead I always had too little left for dinner and was hungry.
  • meribel46
    meribel46 Posts: 7
    Planning definitely works best for me. I plan breakfast & my lunch the night before & enter it into my diary & also have a good idea what I shall be having for my dinner although this sometimes changes by the time I get back from work:smile:
  • SnowWhite824
    SnowWhite824 Posts: 210
    Plan plan plan EVERYTHING. It makes it no-nonsence, and you guessing work. Plus your not standing in your kitchen at 5:30pm with only 150 calories left for the day, and nothing to eat.
  • Gaubelau
    Gaubelau Posts: 24
    As a mummy, I have to plan the family meals to,make sure they are balanced anyway. So I have a list of dinners for the next 2-3 days. So I know what I can have for lunch since I know what s for dinner... I usually log dinner after lunch so I know what s left for snacks...
    It seems to work for me but,... you ll find your own way :-)
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    Everyone is going to have their own thoughts on this but for me, I fill out my day in the morning when I'm eating breakfast (except for today cause I was busy at work and not able to) but it's easier for me to figure out what I can have at dinner time/snack times an if I feel like a splurge on something I'm craving, I know if I'll go over or not.

    This is me exactly. I plan my entire day (leaving wiggle room for the unexpected) while I eat breakfast!

    I'm going to try this. I usually wing it but by dinner I'm famished and mostly grab anything and wince as I enter it in later. Obviously not the best way to get to my goal.
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    i lost a lot of weight in the beginning because every night i sat down and logged my food for the next day. every meal, snack, drink, glass of wine, etc etc.

    i usually went over my calories in the log book, but didn't mind, because i'd be able to take something off the list if i didn't feel as hungry or whatever.

    Ooh! Good tip. I like that you gave yourself wiggle room to read your body to figure out if you really wanted that extra snack or whatever that you already logged in and were able to edit later. Thanks.