Sick of negativity and people laughing at me!



  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Don't stoop to their level. Just keep doing what you are doing. You are doing fantastic. Raising money for a cause is wonderful.

    However I will suggest that next time don't ask to see the box to make your decision. Ask if it's FROM a box and then promptly say no thanks. ;)
  • urfitnesspal2
    urfitnesspal2 Posts: 62 Member
    Don't take their comments personal, it sounds like that is the way they treat everyone. Pointing out the faults in others prevents us from having to look at our own faults... Sounds like it is easier for them to take shots at those around them then to look at their own "program." Hang in there and listen to the positive voices. BTW- dont be surprised if one of them eventually asks you for advice after they see your fitness improve (may be a while though :) )
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    I am so sorry your family is not supportive of you.

    Good for you for taking charge of your health in spite of their treatment of you and not giving in to what they want.
    Sometimes people are not comfortable seeing a change in YOU because they don't want to make a change themselves.
    Keep doing what you are doing and don't let them get you down!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    The more you focus on the HEALTH factor, the more people will begin (slowly...and not everyone will EVER catch up)

    to realize your journey isn't about *vanity* (although seriously....what's *wrong* with that as well?)

    it's about taking control of your health.

    However, I'd like to point out something you wrote:
    When my aunt said 'dont eat that, it will make you fat' and laughed at me I lost it and said 'well I'll always be thinner than you.' which promptly shut them all up.

    Words shot back out of anger/frustration often expose *some* elements of truth.

    There's an element of haughtiness/pride/superiority that came out of you with that retort.
    If you're trying to *win* them over to your side, that didn't help.
    An apology for a barbed comment from YOU will speak volumes to them- and perhaps
    show them you aren't doing this to prove your own superiority to them who don't show support NOW.

    Just my two cents.
    I'm a strong advocate for seeing conflicts resolved- and it ALWAYS begins with ourselves
    and checking/adjusting our own attitudes FIRST.

    BEST WISHES to you!
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I did see in your profile that you are recovering from an eating disorder; I wonder if their reaction may also be an underlying concern for you? I am not saying that there is anything wrong with what you are currently doing, but maybe they don't understand and are worried for you. Maybe a discussion will help.


    But after your discussion you have only 2 choices.. either:

    #1. You need to put your foot down about it. You are no longer a child and even though they are your family their 'job' as your family is to support you and not tear you down and insult you. If they can not control themselves I would suggest removing yourself from the situation for a while. Firmly explain that you are not visiting them so that you can be insulted and if they insist on doing so they will have to find another punching bag.

    #2. Ignore it. Be the Teflon.. Don't even reply or acknowledge them.

    My personal choice has always been to remove myself from the situation. Life is too short to have to be constantly trying to teach adult people proper manners and failing that watching your reaction so that you don't offend them when ignorant crap spews from their lips. I have no patience for those with such obvious mental deficiencies that prevent them from being considerate human beings so I just leave and go on with my life ;)
  • GFab
    GFab Posts: 75
    I think it is jelaousy, just smile and let it won't stop, because closer and closer you get to your goal the more comments there will be. This weekend I was told by someone who has been fit all her life and now vomits after every meal to take it easy with weight loss....wanted to punch her in the face. People who have never struggled with things you might be will never understand it, therefore I feel it is a waste of time to try and school them on the subject. Just smile and do your thing =)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    It's certainly jealousy, people will often focus negatively on another's faults, or what they perceive to be faults, because they feel badly abou themselves. If there is just one relative you could get to start exercising with you or to start eating a little more healthfully, perhaps you get break the barrier between you and them and show that's it's a healthy lifestyle you are leading-you aren't just trying to be Barbie and deny yourself everything to be skinny.

    Have you been able to sit down with any of them and tell them how it makes you feel when they act like this? Sometimes people do things without thinking. I used to have a Great Aunt who would greet me after not seeing me for months or years with "My you've gotten fat!" and then proceed to act insulted when I didn't want her baked goods and fattening foods. Family is just weird sometimes, they feel they know us and what's good for us-but sometimes we need to clue them in.
  • kirsty_mc
    kirsty_mc Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in the place you are right now. People look at me and say "oh you dont need to loose weight" but I'm overweight for my height and I'm clearly out of proportion (I'm quite short). Some people have been quite rude and some have even suggested that the reason I'm not changing shape is because I am ... wait for it.... going to the gym.

    "If you just watch what you eat and dont go to the gym you'll slim down, all the gym does is bulk you up an make you eat more"

    I've found the best reproach is to thank them for their kind advice, but "I must politely decline". My family (who frequently say I have a massive *kitten*) get told that if they dont have anything nice to say then not to say it, and I have started to decline invites to family parties to avoid the confrontation.

    However, you are in the best place HERE for support and encouragement. No matter who is supporting you, its the support that matters and you have it here.

    I wish you all the best, and I do hope that your family start to respect your life choice to become healthier and fitter.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member