New and already panicking!



  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    That's the problem I have. Lose, then gain, lose, then gain. Grrr... I do know that there is no possible way I can stick to 1200 calories a day, so I guess I will just have to get my butt moving and earn some bonus calories.
  • Hello Amanda! I too am an Amanda! Welcome to the site. Just logging your food alone will help out alot. TRUST ME! I managed to lose 3 lbs this past week by purely logging what I was eating. And I even had a horrible day last Wednesday and consumed 3x my daily limit! You definately look at what you eat if you log it before hand. Because the numbers will blow you away! Seriously how can something so tiny have so many calories!!! No exercise last week as well. This week I started buckling down and jumped on the exercise wagon as well. Kickboxing is so much fun! Tae-Bo is a great one! If you are interested in another workout I have started the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It is very worth it! I also did Weight watchers last year. From October 14th 2008 to December 6th 2008 and lost 16lbs but I had had surgery and stopped paying as much attention to the Weight Watchers, and even stopped going to meetings so I gained it all back! Here I am! Right here with you... so welcome, and you will definately find a groove here... just remember others are looking to you for support and motivation as well! That is what gets me through... being held Accountable!

    You really like the Jillian Michaels' thing? Do you think it's going to be effective? Maybe I will try that. Thanks for the recommendation!

    I love it! I tried to start my exercise regime at the beginning of the month (on the 1st and 2nd) but I had a few minor glitches up until now. I did do the work out on the 1st and 2nd ..the full workout, then again I did 15 of 20 minutes on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. I already notice a difference. I was ashamed that after being out of the military for just about 2 years I couldn't even do a push up to save my life! I had to do them on my I can do 5 regular push-ups (the rest I do on my knees)! Definately think about giving it a try... I really like it! I have a thread on it if you go to Fitness & Exercise... it is under Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred! Hope to see you join us there!


    I also love her workouts.. I am doing the thirty min, 30 day shred and I love it!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member

    I also love her workouts.. I am doing the thirty min, 30 day shred and I love it!

    Hey Jenny.... I just started a thread under Fitness & Exercise titled Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.. we all started yesterday... you should come join us there!

  • I also love her workouts.. I am doing the thirty min, 30 day shred and I love it!

    Hey Jenny.... I just started a thread under Fitness & Exercise titled Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.. we all started yesterday... you should come join us there!

    Im in!!!
  • Hi Amanda,
    Small steps will help us get through a lifestyle change. I have many many drastic changes in my diet, too drastic that after a point, I break and start to binge all over again :(

    Now, I have set smaller (and more reasonable goals) for me to achieve. You could try it too....

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