
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    After a doctor visit, my first goal was to get off of BP meds and not go on diabetic meds as this was going to surely be my fate. As the weight came off(about 10 lbs a month), I felt better and began to look better. After that as I exercised I felt better. After I had lost 100 lbs, my doctor said"I get that you are eating 1200 cals and that you are exercising, but what I don't get is HOW you can keep this up for over a year". My reply" I am using my deep religious faith and strength of the Lord to help me with a true food addiction, MY willpower is simply not enough. "
  • Celticb3lly
    Celticb3lly Posts: 22 Member
    I have a total of 127 pounds to loose total to make it to goal. I am trying not to focus on the big amount but break it down in to short term little goals that will add up to the giant one in the long run.

    First goal is 30 pounds by my birthday, OCT 21. Currently down 7 pounds.

    I will set the next goal as I reach the first one.
  • gogonunubean
    gogonunubean Posts: 160 Member
    Set your self up to succeed!

    Break down that big goal into smaller goals. (I will go to the gym 3 times this week, or I will juice twice a week - whatever works for you). For me, each small success and small loss was a reason to feel good!

    I also dropped my usual 'lists' where I swore I would be a size 6 by XX date. That date would come and I would have failed, so I would quit. Now I don't set unreasonable goals and I have fun achieving my realistic goals!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I take it day by day. I didn't look at the big number. I know it is something that I needed to do for my health, my kids and especially for myself. There are days that I still get frustrated. I remember talking to my son (who is athletic) about how much I hated exercising. He told me to just do it. He said once you start seeing the results you will change the way you feel about it. He was right. I actually enjoy exercising. Make mini goals. Once you acheive your first mini goal set another. Also reward yourself when you meet your goals. Good luck you can do it.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    being in ketosis keeps me on track.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I took it one day at a time. I set short goals. I didn't let one bad day become a bad week or month. I didn't reward myself with food. If I really wanted a cheeseburger (I had it)...I learned I didn't have to have the fries too. Meals at restaurant were too much food, you will learn portion control. Having breakfast meant I didn't want to over eat at lunch. As I went down in dress sizes I donated all my old clothes, I wasn't going back to wearing a size 22 anymore. Life is full of surprises, don't let little obstacles derail you completely but be prepared to deal with some gains along the way...remember the loses will be bigger.

    The best thing anyone can tell you and I've read others have already said it, you have to find what will work for you.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    the mirror and every other reflective surface............and the stereo
  • papate
    papate Posts: 67 Member
    Baby steps, Didn't go on all at once, won't come off that way. Every time you see the scale drop 1 or 2 pounds, motivation kicks in more and all them litle ones and twos, add up to something big
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    I like numbers,so I mapped out when I want to lose weight by. Even if I don't meet those goals, it makes things so much smaller. "Oh, I only have to lose 7-8 pounds this month. Wow, 2 already came off!" It seems so much easier. Then they add up before you know it. I love seeing 168 one week then next week it's at 166.5. It's smaller!

    In other words, set mini goals for yourself. Look for the halfway point and aim for that.
  • mehs04
    mehs04 Posts: 184
    Break it up into smaller chunks. Set goals for yourself to meet for a month or a week at a time.
  • mamabearcushing
    mamabearcushing Posts: 30 Member
    I stay motivated because if today isnt the day, then I am just wasting time. Wasting days I could be losing weight instead of gaining.
  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    I motivate myself one pound at a time. And if one pound seems too much, then go half a pound at a time. I'm down 30 pounds and keeping motivated for the 31 that I know is coming soon :)
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    Knowing that if I didn't keep at it I'd be fat this time next year, and I couldn't live with that. If you don't want it badly enough then time will slip on by and you'll wonder where it went.
  • I have serious health problems. Diabetes and stage 3 Kidney disease. I want to be able to Cruise late next year to Hawaii and want to feel and look better besides being healthier. I know I can't reverse the kidney disease, but since I started dieting on July 1, 2012, I have lost 30 pounds. 28 of those were lost before I found My fitness pal and I am no longer on Insulin. Even though I knew I had diabetes, I had no motivation to lose weight until this cruise opportunity. I am now determined to lose 164lbs before the cruise.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    When I had 35 lbs to lose, I was more focused on becoming an athlete. I started with a desire to run and eating healthy supported my endeavors. The weight just melted off.

    Now that I only have 10 lbs to lose (mostly vain. i wanna fit into all my clothes) and already an athlete for 9+ years now, I find it much harder to stay motivated.
  • Meloyelo2010
    Meloyelo2010 Posts: 171 Member
    "No day but today!"
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Don't think about how much you have to lose. Think about your goal weight and how much closer you are to that. Also, find a healthy snack that you really enjoy, or learn how to portion a new "bad snack" (it's VERY hard to portion the bad snacks you already love. I used to love chips, now I love portioned cheez-its)
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Actually, what's keeping me going is the challenge of making meals under 500 calories. It's kinda interesting but it's like a scientific experiment. Can I make a dish that's under 500 calories and delicious? What works? I suspect the chef in me is starting to come out and want to play around with the numbers to see if I can do this. :)

  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    What motivates me is seeing the numbers on the scale going down, and knowing that soon my body measurements will be going down soon. It also helps to have a good support system. I feed off of hearing people tell me how proud they are of me. But it feels even better to be proud of myself. I also celebrate the small accomplishments I make.
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    I had a lot more to lose than you do. I set intermediate goals for myself, like losing the next 10 lbs. by a certain date, running a mile without stopping, entering (and completing a 5k), etc. Find your motivation and go for it!