Fitting WINE/BEER/ALCOHOL in food diary

Anyone else feel like fitting any of these drinks effects weight/loss gain even if it is within your calorie allowance? Basically seeing if it inhibits weight loss for anyone who has alcohol everyday?

Drinking a glass of red wine as I post this.....:happy:


  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think if it fits in, it's not that big of a deal, but I personally wouldn't skip eating all day to go on a drinking binge or anything like that. And now that I said that, I realize that I haven't had a drink in months, mainly because I like to eat food...
  • acar414
    acar414 Posts: 19
    I definitely do, I feel like it bloats me. I use to have a glass (or two) of wine a night and cut it out when I started dieting. My stomach definitely deflated! Lol
  • Leoba
    Leoba Posts: 10
    Still playing around with this to see how it fits in. Have definitely cut way back now that tracking makes me see how those calories add up.
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah. I mean I guess for me I am only talking about a glass or maybe 2 (if i'm feeling frisky, LOL). I feel like I can still eat what I want, I usually end up around 12,000-13,000 calories in food, and usually an extra 100 calories in a glass of wine doesn't hurt the intake. Just was seeing if it made you feel like it was harder to lose weight! Thanks guys!!
  • Kalliejc
    Kalliejc Posts: 36
    I haven't had a drink in two weeks to try to jump start this weight loss.(results are underwhelming so far). Today I decided to have some wine - BECAUSE I WANTED IT!! ;). I lost a lot of weight two years ago and I drank A LOT. It took 8 months to lose 40 lbs. You can still lose, I think it'll just take longer. I'm really trying to drink much less wine this time though so i can lose faster and be healthier. We'll see how it goes. Good luck, and cheers!

    Oh, and to answer your question, I did make room for it in my calories for the most part.
  • recoiljpr
    recoiljpr Posts: 292
    I have my beers on the weekends and I have done it since day one. I've lost a good amount of weight in the past 2 months and i've lost a bunch of inches as well. As long as it's in moderation, I really don't see how it can cause any problems.
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Really great help :)
  • marcenepea
    marcenepea Posts: 364 Member
    I just started again today, and have gained back all but 1 pound I had lost before. But when I was serious I would have a drink or 2 or 3 on most nights and still lose weight. I just made sure that it fit in my daily goals. I plan on enjoying a drink when I feel like having one. But everyone is different and that might not work for some people.
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    I adore red wine, and like whiskey a lot... the problem is that alcoholic drinks have a lot of EMPTY calories. I don't abstain completely, but I do watch it carefully (I'm pretty sure my love for red wine has a lot to do with my being overweight).
  • I can never give up beer and certainly not a glass of cheap wine every so often to relax me. I fit it into my weekends usually all the time. I think if I have too much sodium that day before hand it definitely bloats me. I need to cut back haha. Being 21 is so fun though
  • I have two drinks every night after work and I count them..I exercise every day and started Raspberry Ketones a week ago..My drinks are with Diet Cola from Soda Stream...if I go golfing and have a beer I count it..and as long as I watch what I eat it works fine...still losing...plateau over...
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Everyone has their own take on this topic... It's been discussed in other similar threads. Basically, including alcohol into your calorie count is never a bad idea. Definitely will help keep you on track if you want to drink a glass of wine here and there. Including alcohol in your diet at all really depends on what your long term goals are. I've made a personal choice to exclude it almost entirely, since even a glass of wine really does get in the way of my goals. But that's ME and MY choice. I used to include alcohol in my diary so that I could meet my daily goals but still enjoy a drink or two. However, that backfired because 1) alcohol didn't help with hydration and 2) alcohol didn't provide me with any filling calories. So, I'd be hungrier than before I had the glass of wine/beer/etc. That just led to eating more and then going over. Just my 2 cents :)
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    I LOVE my alcohol. I used to drink more wine; however, I realized I could cut a lot of "numbers" by switching to vodka and diet???....or low cal juice and vodka or rum. I still drink. I love it:) Does it affect my weight loss? Yeah, I'd say so; however, I modified--I switched to fewer calories/carbs/sugar:)....that's healthier, right???
  • StatHaldol
    StatHaldol Posts: 414 Member
    I have a drink or two most every day before bedtime. If I fit it in with my calorie allowance, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference...cheers!! :drinker:
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    I typically come close to my macros and still manage to fit in a glass of wine each day. Yes, it probably makes me fatter, but I also feel like being fit is pointless if it means you're not living normally.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Nope. Not at all. In fact, oddly enough, I see bigger losses after a week where more of my calories are from drinks, be it mocha, iced coffee, wine, or Summer Shandy.

    I think it detoxes my body. Okay, not really, I'm totally joking - just in case someone gets all worked up, I'll make that clear.

    But my biggest struggle has been overeating, not what I eat necessarily. That's the battle I have to fight.

  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    I almost always have "5:00 cocktail" on the weekends, and actually I will reach for a drink after work when making supper - I have found my ounce of tequila (mixed with zero calorie margarita mix) calms my nerves and is a lot less calories than the mindless munching that I used to do! I stick to only one though - usually a glass of wine or a margarita, both in 100 calorie or less portions. I can definitely see why a glass of wine a day is GOOD for your healht!
  • SeaStar
    SeaStar Posts: 113
    I quit drinking alcohol a while back and for myself personally it has many benefits. No hangovers, no lack of energy the following day, no drunk snacking and no using up calories with beer etc. leaving more for wholesome foods. It's done a lot for my mental health as well, but everyone is different. When I used to drink however, I definitely did my best to add it to my food diary (the unfortunate part was then adding all the food I snacked on that I wouldn't have otherwise.) I battled many years trying to balance alcohol, exercise and eating healthy, so cutting out drinking made everything easy, and I don't miss it.