Fitting WINE/BEER/ALCOHOL in food diary



  • Yeah. I mean I guess for me I am only talking about a glass or maybe 2 (if i'm feeling frisky, LOL). I feel like I can still eat what I want, I usually end up around 12,000-13,000 calories in food, and usually an extra 100 calories in a glass of wine doesn't hurt the intake. Just was seeing if it made you feel like it was harder to lose weight! Thanks guys!!

    Wooooowh how do you get that many calories?
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    I only drink on Friday and Saturday...this works pretty good for me however, if I know im going to drink during the week I exercise extra in the morning....I have never given up alcohol and I am doing just fine.It has taken me longer to lose the weight but I think its ok because I don't feel like I have ever been deprived this time around.:drinker:
  • DeadMarsha
    DeadMarsha Posts: 203
    I make sure I can get even a taste of wine into my daily intake... I love my daily glass of wine! I use it like I use my exercise calories... if I'm really hungry I'll cut it out/eat it back. But lately that hasn't been an issue. ;)
  • When I joined I decided to cut out beer. If I just need to relax I have a glass of wine, But when I go out and feel like getting wild I drink vodka water with lemon. I used to drink vodka cranberry but I most bars only have cranberry cocktail and I like real cranberry juice because its not as sweet so I switched to vodka tonic but after a few weeks of vodka water I hate the taste of tonic! I say its important to be healthy but its okay to enjoy yourself in moderation. There has been nights I did extra time on the olyptical because I knew I was going out haha! Good luck everyone
  • Why do you think you see a lot of young, healthy, slender people have a beer gut? It is because of the calories in the beer/wine/whiskey go straight to your gut. Each beer can run you about 150-200 calories. I say, have in moderation, but work out the midsection to offset it. I see a lot of hot chicks that could be hotter without that pouch there.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    Nope. Not at all. In fact, oddly enough, I see bigger losses after a week where more of my calories are from drinks, be it mocha, iced coffee, wine, or Summer Shandy.

    I think it detoxes my body. Okay, not really, I'm totally joking - just in case someone gets all worked up, I'll make that clear.

    But my biggest struggle has been overeating, not what I eat necessarily. That's the battle I have to fight.


    OOOOOO...... don't ya love Summer Shandy:drinker:
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Why do you think you see a lot of young, healthy, slender people have a beer gut? It is because of the calories in the beer/wine/whiskey go straight to your gut. Each beer can run you about 150-200 calories. I say, have in moderation, but work out the midsection to offset it. I see a lot of hot chicks that could be hotter without that pouch there.

    Yeah..... no.

    I had a pouch even as a kid. Wasn't from drinking.

    Now I drink wine. I'm losing said pouch.

    It's about body fat percentage, not alcohol - slender doesn't equal fit, and even when I was 16 and 98 pounds at 5'4'' I had a pouch.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Nope. Not at all. In fact, oddly enough, I see bigger losses after a week where more of my calories are from drinks, be it mocha, iced coffee, wine, or Summer Shandy.

    I think it detoxes my body. Okay, not really, I'm totally joking - just in case someone gets all worked up, I'll make that clear.

    But my biggest struggle has been overeating, not what I eat necessarily. That's the battle I have to fight.


    OOOOOO...... don't ya love Summer Shandy:drinker:

    Yep - best beer ever. And I recently discovered Bartenura's Moscato, which is hands down the best white wine I have ever had in my entire life. The bad part is that it's so good, you find yourself wanting more!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Lol I remember one time I was at a party and I was literally logging shots into the phone app. I lost track after the 4th one:laugh:
  • Why do you think you see a lot of young, healthy, slender people have a beer gut? It is because of the calories in the beer/wine/whiskey go straight to your gut. Each beer can run you about 150-200 calories. I say, have in moderation, but work out the midsection to offset it. I see a lot of hot chicks that could be hotter without that pouch there.

    Yeah..... no.

    I had a pouch even as a kid. Wasn't from drinking.

    Now I drink wine. I'm losing said pouch.

    It's about body fat percentage, not alcohol - slender doesn't equal fit, and even when I was 16 and 98 pounds at 5'4'' I had a pouch.

    Never said it was about the alcohol. And I am talkin about college kids that party every 3 days. My dad was like that, and he was athletic in high school. He joined the military and continued drinking heavily at parties and stuff, or on leave when in Panama (he only drinks to get drunk). Now, at 50, he has a beer belly that you can serve up for Thanksgiving dinner. And they dont call it a "beer belly" for nothing. If you drink to get drunk and can hold your liquor, you are set on a course of about 3000 calories or more. The body does not know what to do with those calories from the hops in the beer because it is too busy trying to get rid of the alcohol. In men, the extra calorie garage is in the gut. For women, it goes around the hips, but according to WebMD, smokers can store extra calories in the gut. now that a lot more women smoke, these women start storing extra weight in the gut, and thus creating beer bellies. It is not the alcohol at all. It is the calorie content, and COMPLETELY overdrinking.

    And to confirm.....I have always seen him with the belly. I was born when he was 25.
  • I make it work when I want it. I like beer and wine, I probably drink beer at least once a week (especially during football season) and wine (at least a glass or two) on my days off (and I'm off 4 days because I'm a nurse). It's probably the reason why my stomach isn't as toned as I would like it to be though lol
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Why do you think you see a lot of young, healthy, slender people have a beer gut? It is because of the calories in the beer/wine/whiskey go straight to your gut. Each beer can run you about 150-200 calories. I say, have in moderation, but work out the midsection to offset it. I see a lot of hot chicks that could be hotter without that pouch there.

    Yeah..... no.

    I had a pouch even as a kid. Wasn't from drinking.

    Now I drink wine. I'm losing said pouch.

    It's about body fat percentage, not alcohol - slender doesn't equal fit, and even when I was 16 and 98 pounds at 5'4'' I had a pouch.

    Never said it was about the alcohol. And I am talkin about college kids that party every 3 days. My dad was like that, and he was athletic in high school. He joined the military and continued drinking heavily at parties and stuff, or on leave when in Panama (he only drinks to get drunk). Now, at 50, he has a beer belly that you can serve up for Thanksgiving dinner. And they dont call it a "beer belly" for nothing. If you drink to get drunk and can hold your liquor, you are set on a course of about 3000 calories or more. The body does not know what to do with those calories from the hops in the beer because it is too busy trying to get rid of the alcohol. In men, the extra calorie garage is in the gut. For women, it goes around the hips, but according to WebMD, smokers can store extra calories in the gut. now that a lot more women smoke, these women start storing extra weight in the gut, and thus creating beer bellies. It is not the alcohol at all. It is the calorie content, and COMPLETELY overdrinking.

    And to confirm.....I have always seen him with the belly. I was born when he was 25.

    Yeah, that's understandable. I think OP was just looking for a glass or two, though.

    I prefer to make it REALLY worth it - go for a 35 mile bike ride, and then you get wasted off one glass of 110 calorie moscato. :tongue:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Why do you think you see a lot of young, healthy, slender people have a beer gut? It is because of the calories in the beer/wine/whiskey go straight to your gut. Each beer can run you about 150-200 calories. I say, have in moderation, but work out the midsection to offset it. I see a lot of hot chicks that could be hotter without that pouch there.

    Yeah..... no.

    I had a pouch even as a kid. Wasn't from drinking.

    Now I drink wine. I'm losing said pouch.

    It's about body fat percentage, not alcohol - slender doesn't equal fit, and even when I was 16 and 98 pounds at 5'4'' I had a pouch.

    Never said it was about the alcohol. And I am talkin about college kids that party every 3 days. My dad was like that, and he was athletic in high school. He joined the military and continued drinking heavily at parties and stuff, or on leave when in Panama (he only drinks to get drunk). Now, at 50, he has a beer belly that you can serve up for Thanksgiving dinner. And they dont call it a "beer belly" for nothing. If you drink to get drunk and can hold your liquor, you are set on a course of about 3000 calories or more. The body does not know what to do with those calories from the hops in the beer because it is too busy trying to get rid of the alcohol. In men, the extra calorie garage is in the gut. For women, it goes around the hips, but according to WebMD, smokers can store extra calories in the gut. now that a lot more women smoke, these women start storing extra weight in the gut, and thus creating beer bellies. It is not the alcohol at all. It is the calorie content, and COMPLETELY overdrinking.

    And to confirm.....I have always seen him with the belly. I was born when he was 25.

    I've never smoked and have never been a big drinker (now I don't drink at all). My body type tends to hold onto fat in my hip/belly area. Just because someone is heavy in those areas doesn't necessarily mean it came from drinking alcohol. "Beer belly" is simply a term. I know a lot of people who don't drink, but hold their weight there. Keep in mind - genetics plays a HUGE role in where your body holds onto fat.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    The alcohol dehydrates you. I definitely see/feel the extra water weight, but it goes away after a few days on its own. That said, the real problem with alcohol for me is how I have one, then I'm feeling relaxed and carefree, so I have another... then an order of mozzarella fries XD

    Really, it's not bad for you, but it might create the illusion of slowed down weight loss. Just keep it to a drink (or two, if you're not ridiculous short like me).

    Drinking enough to get drunk will sabotage your diet, because not only do you underestimate and lose track of alcohol calories fast while drunk (did I have 4 drinks.... or 7???), you're more likely to stick a snack or five in there, too. You'll justify it with drunk logic. I just need to sop up all that alcohol so I can sober up. Yeah. That's why I need nachos...
  • Anyone else feel like fitting any of these drinks effects weight/loss gain even if it is within your calorie allowance? Basically seeing if it inhibits weight loss for anyone who has alcohol everyday?

    Drinking a glass of red wine as I post this.....:happy:

    Yes you can count them as calories.

    But calories, empty or otherwise are not the full story with alcohol consumption and nutrition in the body.

    search effect alcohol digestion - effect alcohol nutrition - effect alcohol poison liver

    So, I do enjoy a drink and when I drink I drink loads and do not eat during or immediately after drinking. I eat, exercise, eat, wait, wait, DRINK DRINK DRINK - as Father Jack would say.

    Of course most chronic alcoholics are thin, I mean who has time for food when there is drinkiing to be done. I was a well paid functioning alcoholic able to eat as much as I wanted and that was my downfall for weight gain.

    If people want to drink, they drink. There are a million reasons to drink and a million reasons not to drink.

    Love the emotive language displayed here, "Not having a drink would not make me feel normal." Normal, that's the word now for ingesting mind altering, mood altering, physiology changing poisons - NORMAL
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    When I was drinking, I would make sure that it would fit into my plan. If I wanted a beer, I would have one. If I wanted a margarita, I would have one. I don't believe in depriving myself. I believe in making things fit even if I have to work harder for it.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    I have lost 44 lbs and I usually drink a 6 pack of Bud Light Lime on Saturday nights. I eat well during the week and splurge on saturday night! And that is if I am home by myself. If I am going out, I dont count drinks or calories. I rehydrate on Sunday and kill it the rest of the week. Works just fine for me.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 402 Member
    I have changed what I drink. I have never been a big drinker but used to drink hard cider or wine coolers. Now I drink diet sprite with either orange or mango vodka. 70 calories vs 200 hmmmm and a lot less carbs!
  • mkenz1
    mkenz1 Posts: 20
    Found this site I hope it will help you as much as me! cheers! :drinker:
    Drunk=good, fat=bad
  • Oh that old chestnut.

    Maybe you should see the stats on alcohol versus obesity. Better fat, and facts are facts.

    When was the last time a loved one died of being overweight versus dying of choking on their vomit. And the list is endless.