Is Everyone Here On One Type of Diet or Another?



  • evanesco
    evanesco Posts: 52
    I'm eating my recommended calories. The only thing I don't count are alcohol, but I hardly drink anyway so it doesn't impact. I'm intending to throw in an exercise regime soon, not yet, but soon.
  • Squeeks70
    Squeeks70 Posts: 157 Member
    Not following any diet plan. Just eating less, eating healthier and doing exercise.

    Exactly what I am doing....its working!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I eat whatever i want, as long as it's within my calorie range. sometimes I have to make other choices instead of eating EXACTLY what I want. :smile:
  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    I'm not dieting, I'm healthy eating. I want something that I can maintain for life to keep me happy and healthy. I couldn't imagine living the rest of my years on a diet.

    Exercise wise, I aim for something 60 minutes 4 times a week, then 30-45 for the other 3 days (one day will include just a walk though) I do follow some kind of exercise plans though, since I want to experiment on what's fun and how my body can adapt (Im starting a stretching programme to do the splits in 6 weeks)
  • mmychal
    mmychal Posts: 69
    Diet is a four letter word. I prefer to eat healthy and exercise. Dieting is what actors do between movies.
  • Kipperdog123
    Atkins diet. It works.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I just eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my calorie and macro goals.

    This - although I'm not overly strict on macros... I figure that I should be able to eat whatever I want so I just try and make sure I have he als for it or only have a small portion. On a day that I'm really active (I wear a Fitbit 24/7 or use a HRM to get accurate readings if I'm working out) then I allow myself to eat those extra calories so I can relax the restrictions a bit.

    Following this, I've lost 13kg over the last 12mths (I've recently reset my 'kg lost' counter for maintenance).
  • pmcco
    pmcco Posts: 56 Member
    I am not on a diet either but try to stick with mostly whole foods.... leaving things in a box in a box.... so vegetables, fruit, lean proteins. I have started eating boca meatless burgers and chicken sometimes and really like it. I just eat better wholesome foods and move more. Tracking just makes me make better choices... I really think about what goes into my face now.
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    Here's what I do. It's simple. I visually divide my plate or meal in half. One half I fill with fruits and veggies, The other half I divide into two quarters. One quarter for my starch which I try to make a whole grain and the other quarter for my protein. I try to eat 5 times a day...because I'm a snacker. Other than that ...I try to make sure I get a lot of calcium, at least a 100grams of protein, and plenty of fiber. I don't worry so much about fat and carbs. The carbs I get are primarily whole grains and produce and the fat I get is from lean mean, my diary, and healthy fats like nuts and olive oil.

    This is how I'm going to eat forever. I feel great.
  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    In my past experiences with weight loss, I've tried following "diets" that ultimately didn't work and left me even more overweight and then obese than when I started the diets....I have a large weight loss goal but I want the losses to be permanent this time, even if it takes longer to get the results I want than a "diet" would. I try to stay within the calorie goal that MFP gives me, and if I think I'm going to eat something that might make me go over my goal, I get exercise so I can still eat what I want and have a net calorie intake that's lower than my goal. I'm not depriving myself of "treats," but tracking calories through MFP really makes me stop and think, "Am I SURE that I want that? Could I eat this instead and still be satisfied?" Good luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    i just try and avoid processed foods and stick to my calorie goals
    at the moment i am trying to cut out all processed sugar ( day 4 and ama having cravings despite the fact i didn't eat much before whihc is scary)
    which means no chocolate, no iceceram (sobs) and no sweets ( whihc is pretty much the only [only! :embarassed: ] processed food i eat anyway). i am still eating fruit sweet vegetables and milk etc though

    i am doing this for 2 weeks mostly to see what happens and if i can
    but also becuase my sweet tooth is out of control and i am regularily eating 100's of cal binges on sweet stuff so i need to re educate my tastebuds to less sweet stuff. (hopefully)
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    . But I'll know that this piece of cake is the piece that'll not make me lose weight today, or worse, this is the piece that'll make me fatter. I really need to want to eat something to become fatter by it.

    i like this thought I am going to add it to my desk diary so i can try to think of it when i am about to blow it all!
  • lmmac_99
    I am also not on a diet, I found that if I was on a diet I craved the things I was not supposed to have. I now follow the recommendations of MFP, and moderate my serving size. I also found that after tracking my food for the past year I have made better food choices just because I know the calories differences between say regular soda vs. diet soda. I have made small changes in my eating habits, and have been able to take off 23 lbs, and keep it off.
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    This is day 6 for me on the Paleo plan. So far, I have lost 5 pounds and Im not ever really hungry. If I am hungry, I eat. I have made things like deviled eggs, and cut up veggies to just grab from the fridge.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm on a low CRAP diet. Very little processed flour, minimal amounts of higher saturated fat food, etc.

    I'm eating 3 snacks and 3 meals most days. As a result I'm never hungry, especially if I'm drinking enough water as my "hunger" is often actually thirst.

    I'm also getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

    Seriously though, if I'm on any kind of diet I'm probably about 80% on SouthBeach and that's just sensible eating.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm not on a diet, I'm living a lifestyle. My lifestyle includes working out, trying to avoid the foods I'm allergic to, and attempting to maintain control over my chocolate consumption.
  • lniber22
    lniber22 Posts: 29 Member
    Diets are stupid and you will fail in trying to follow them. Change your LIFESTYLE! Learn how to eat smart and healthy, be honest with yourself about how many "cheats" you are taking in. Swap healthier options into your cooking every time you cook! Watch your portions and be honest with yourself about what you are eating. And finally, get out and move! :happy:
  • Kalola11
    Kalola11 Posts: 25 Member
    I wasn't originally. Just tracking and trying to stay with the guidelines. But weight loss was SLOWWWWW or non-existent. Recently started a (probably unsustainable) very low calorie diet. I like seeing these different options and suggestions from other users. Good thread.
  • MissShancey
    Im on this new diet.. its kind of a fad but it think it might catch on ... its the Malcasbafa diet .. i have been doing it for a few months now and i have lost 50 pounds .. its working for me i think ill stick to it!

    (malcasbafa = make a lifestyle change and stop being a fat *kitten*)
    DIets dont work!!! focus on living a healthy life not starving your self or living off cabbage for a month to drop some weight
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    no special diets here. i've tried them all and they don't work for me. i'm closer to my goal than i've ever been in my life, just by controlling portion sizes, tracking calories, and trying to exercise a bit more.

    MFP has become a lifestyle for me - i can totally see myself tracking calories forever, and while it seemed like a bummer at first, i've gotten used to it. this is just what i need to do so i eat for my health rather than my emotions.