Give me reasons why I shouldn't binge?

Trying to go binge-free for 21 days (it takes 21 days to develop or break a habit, soo..)
But I feel a huge binge coming on, and today is only the 4th day (Yes, I eat enough, no preaching needed.)
With that said, could you guys give me reasons why I shouldn't/don't want to binge?
I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.


  • dotmango
    dotmango Posts: 33 Member
    ugggh, think about that gross overly full yucky feeling you get afterwards.
    ITS_MY_CHOICE Posts: 62 Member
    What do you consider a binge?

    "binge" is different things to different people. Some people consider binge eating to eat whatever food they can find and sometimes even drink sauces straight from the bottle and don't stop until they vomit (think emptying out the pantry and freezer in a single session).

    Other people consider it a binge to eat 3 pieces of chocolate cake when they only wanted to have 1.

    I would say you "feel" a huge binge coming on because its emotion linked. To stop your "habit" ( I personally don't think binge eating is a habit) you have to delve into your emotions.

    ***Ive just looked at your food diary... you need more protein and carbs. You eat heaps of tomatoes, you must love em!
  • wendye1960
    wendye1960 Posts: 60 Member
    Aside from the obvious effects it has on your health and spoiling any progress you will have made so far towards losing weight it will also take you back to day 1 on breaking the habit again. You can do it, try distracting yourself with something - go and exercise or drink a glass of water
  • Lizmcg83
    Lizmcg83 Posts: 31 Member
    I did a 21 day no junk food challenge recently and failed with two days to go! I caved into my cheeseburger craving! Stick with it though coz it's not going to do any harm cutting out the crap! I'm doing it again for 21 days and this time I will make it to the end!
  • I've done it plenty of times and regretted it right after! 1 because of the gross feeling you get afterwards!! Stick in there, you can do it!
  • BethGaw
    BethGaw Posts: 54 Member
    I can only offer one reason. That terrible feeling just afterwards when you feel you've let yourself down.
  • gendril
    gendril Posts: 12
    Ohh its so hard to quit the binges for me its even harder that when i stopped smoking.

    Anyway i find that i cant completely remove unhealthy food so i just try to limit them to a bare mimimum. Like one bite if I cant help it. If I feel the need to eat a lot I eat a lot of low cal fruits or vegetables like carrots to get the need to eat out of my system.

    As suggested before distraction is also a good alternative, want to binge MOVE AWAY FROM THE FRIDGE and just keep going :D

    Also after each time you binge you fall back into your old habits that I guess is the reason why you need to loose weight. So just don't do it!
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    we shouldnt have to give u excuses as to why u shouldnt binge. u obviously know that u shouldnt or u wouldnt be saying anything in the first place. sorry but its the truth! u will feel like crap afterward.... does that make it better???
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Here are reasons I can't binge; I have some major weightloss goals that must be kept. tired of looking at the scale or my self and seeing a chubby person looking back. Its nice to finally walk up the stairs in the house and not be out of breath. if I binge then I won't stop, and will have to start all over again.
    I guess the best reason I can provide is that if you bing suffer the consequences.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    we shouldnt have to give u excuses as to why u shouldnt binge. u obviously know that u shouldnt or u wouldnt be saying anything in the first place. sorry but its the truth! u will feel like crap afterward.... does that make it better???

    This - binging is a secretive thing. You either want to eat healthy and lose weight or you don't. I'm sorry but nothing WE say on here will give you the motivation you need. It must come from within YOU. Best of luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    I'm personally having trouble with this myself, and for some of us it simply isn't quite so simple. I do believe it's more emotional and mentality based. I don't think it would be a bad idea to find someone to talk to about it, like a counselor or therapist. There are also some good books that may help. I just developed this since I went into a hardcore diet, I lost 32 pounds in 7 weeks and now I fight binge eating on a weekly basis. I know it's all in my head, it disgusts me, I hate the way I feel about it, but I can't stop. So to those of you maybe not being so sensitive to her, please try to be open minded and think outside the box. Negativity has no positive outcomes.
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    Whenever I want to binge, I put all the food i want to eat into my diary and press "complete daily entry" and see what would happen. It's usually quite the wakeup call!
  • The main reason why you shouldn't binge is bc your worth it! I can completly understand where your coming from I have binge eaten since I can remember, you have to get to that point in your life where you tell your body your in control and not the food or it's cravings. I can understand everyone saying the yucky feeling afterwards of being full but it's not that. Deep down it's an emotional battle and you have to be honest with yourself seek motivational people who will check on you. Remember why you started this journey to lose weight and how much your body and your future will thank you for not falling into the temptation of the binge. I know it's a mental thing and everyone's saying you can't do it unless you want to, but you also can't do it unless you have support. If you need a friend to help you out in that area feel free to add me. Wish you the best and coquer your fear.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    You will have wasted three days of great effort not binging.
    You will feel rubbish afterwards
    There are better choices to be made.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Yes, I eat enough, no preaching needed.

    ummm, you eat at or slightly under 1200 a day, unless you are very overweight and aiming to lose 2lbs a week (which is only reasonable for the very overweight) that is not "enough"

  • This - binging is a secretive thing. You either want to eat healthy and lose weight or you don't. I'm sorry but nothing WE say on here will give you the motivation you need. It must come from within YOU. Best of luck!!:flowerforyou:

    Quoted for TRUTH
  • ChangeYourPace
    ChangeYourPace Posts: 127 Member
    Whenever I want to binge, I put all the food i want to eat into my diary and press "complete daily entry" and see what would happen. It's usually quite the wakeup call!

    Agreed. It's much easier to stay on track when you know the numeric consequences ahead of time. Maybe a small ice cream instead of a triple cone. :smile:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Cuz you ARE NOT STOOPID????
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    I can't say that you shouldn't - because it's totally your choice on how you treat yourself. However - binging (to me) exhibits a lack of self control. Something to consider - are you in control, or are you letting food (and/or feelings) control you? I would go further to say (my opinion) that binging (and/or other forms of self-abuse) has to do with unresolved pain in one's life. Many of us humans respond to pain by treating ourselves poorly. I'm not a binger, but have definitely abused my body along the way. I remind myself always - what is being mean to me accomplishing? Not a thing. Do you want to be healthy and feel good? Only you have the power to make it so! Take control...if you care at all about You! :flowerforyou:
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    You either want to be healthy or you don't.
    Nuff said