What is annoying you today?



  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    1) Being broke.
    2) SO having a really difficult time finding a job.
    3) Too much work to do.
    4) 99 degree weather and no A/C in house
    5) The goddang spider that bit me in the middle of the night

    But hey there are a lot of things to not be annoyed about!! :smile:
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    Had a great morning! I took a 1/2 day off work so I could register my middle schooler (I am still getting used to saying that!) for school, hubby made me breakfast, and I picked up lunch and got to eat with my family.....

    Now I have been at work for a 1/2 hour and have already gotten a phone call from a disgruntled employee. Usually doesn't bother me, but when it's an employee that NEVER SHOWS UP FOR WORK it irritates the crap out of me.

    Well, at least I only have to deal with it for 1/2 the day. :noway:
  • My boss. She is a pretend dieter. She is all like "Oh this is so low fat" and "this snack has such few calories" but she comes back from lunch everyday with a chic-fil-a or taco bell or sonic cup, but she sure doesn't want to talk about how low calorie it is then. Also, every morning she is bringing another baked good to work and talks about how she used fat free icing and crap. And after all this she wants to whine about how tired she is all the time and how her back is going out. I tried to tell her that getting in shape and eating healthier will effect how tired she is and being in better shape will help her back have less strain and also make the muscles stronger. No comment from her.

    ANDDD what makes me SOOO mad is that she is always like "I just can't keep the weight off because my thyroid is slow" and I never cease to tell her that I DONT EVEN HAVE A THYROID ANYMORE and somehow counting calories and working out has really helped me lose weight. I support people who are actively trying to change their lives, but not those who want the credit without doing the work.

    She is a pretend dieter with a fake excuse and wont get off her lazy butt to do anything. ARGH

    My rant for the day.... I feel much better.

    (ps - it is 10:30 and she told me she is already starving and will go have a snack, but only pretzels because they are low fat, but she is eating 3 bags!!!!)

    That would drive me crazy if I had a boss like that!
  • How theraputic..here goes...

    Mates who think money shoots out my butt!

    China winning far too many medals ..why are they so darn good ..such perfect bundles of awesomeness grr

    Shaun T kicking my *kitten* in insanity yet again and i swear if i hear him say Y'all again (looks likely as i do it a lot) i am going to jump in the screen and beat his hot toned body to bits ..might cop a feel first but trust me i will be angry whilst doing it !!

    Oh and it's school holidays and i need prozac !!
  • ColletteNicole
    ColletteNicole Posts: 145 Member
    1.) spending the AM dealing with health insurance claims and Dr's offices. conflicting info. "In-network" drama. pre-existing conditions. Health Insurance is such BS.

    2.) my sinuses, can't breathe! UGHH

    3.) aaaand I'm having a "fat day". since I started actually losing weight it's like I'm hyper-aware of every jiggle now and I can't stand being in my own body. ready to go back to bed :(
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    1. All this talk about Chick-Fil-A makes me want a #2, no cheese, with a sweet tea BAD and the closest one is an hour away.

    2. My husband is working nights and I work days which means I have to stay up late to see him which makes me very late for work.

    3. Tourists who won't get the hell out of the way. I understand this is a resort area but not everyone is on vacation.

    4. Speaking of vacation, we're missing out on a mini vacay because of my husband's work and my work. We'd be there today through Sunday if we had been able to go.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I want candy and I don't have any
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    i am a semi-avid contributer on Yahoo Answers and i am seriously sick of all the people that are like, "I'm 5 foot 4 and i weigh 130 how do i lose weight fast" and "i'm 13 and weight 100, am i fat?"
    seriously. go look at someone who seriously needs to lose and shut your mouth.
  • FoxxC
    FoxxC Posts: 54 Member
  • Only one thing has annoyed me so far today. It was a coworker who came up behind me, hovering and looking at my monitor (it was work stuff at that time) and talking nonstop. What was disgusting was that I had my yogurt and granola container opened, on my desk. I had to grab a sheet of paper from my printer and use it to cover my container. Not only does this woman let out long, heavy breaths, but she also spits when she talks. One time when she was talking to me, a gob of spit landed on my arm. Another time, spit splatted on my eyelid. Anyway, that's all I am annoyed about today. Looking forward to going shopping after work for some new running clothes!!!

    OMG this litterally made me laugh out loud!! Sooo funny imagining that.

    Anyways, I don't think anything has annoyed me today. But YESTERDAY I was so friggin' annoyed with the piss-poor performance of my coed-indoor soccer team's performance. And it was a playoff game for friggin' sake!

    Other than that, I am feelin' greeeeeeat! So funny to read what annoys other people.
  • nap7fd
    nap7fd Posts: 16 Member
    lactose intolerance :(
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    my 10 week old german shepherd puppy and my 10 month old baby both are being naughty today!!
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm annoyed that it's beautiful outside, the gym is calling me and I'm stuck at work with literally NOTHING to do.

    I'm annoyed that I don't have ANY time with my husband because of his stupid recruiting job.

    I'm annoyed that even tho I may not be hungry, I always want to eat, especially when I'm bored.

    I'm annoyed that I'm still sore from Monday's workout.

    I'm annoyed that I can never seem to get on top of thing around my house, it's always so messy and I hate it!

    And finally, I'm annoyed that I have nothing planned from my birthday which is only 2 weeks away :(
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I got nothing to complain about. I woke up angry, tired, sore. I'm 70 lbs overweight. But...I woke up this morning. My children
    are healthy and happy. Can't complain about my bumpy marriage, because I'm still married, and now we actually put effort into it.

    God blessed me with a boy and two girls, so close in age they are best friends. I homeschool, so I get to hear them laugh all day. Cant complain when they are loud and irritating - because one didnt speak for years - so everytime I tell him to be quiet, I'm kinda happy even though I'm irritated. I have food to eat, a nice roof over my head. My life is not perfect but I am blessed. I was feeling sad about my weight the other day and posted in the motivation thread. Two had rude remarks - I come here because I don't have positive, motivational types around me. So, when I get hated on when already feeling low about myself, I have to be thankful that I don't have that negative mean attitude. See? Can't even complain about getting hated on. Ain't that a trip?

    Thank You! If the world had more people in it that looked for the positive in things instead of dwelling on the negative we'd all be better off!

    Thanks, I appreciate that. I wrote a "didn't ask for negative comments" post, but was so pumped by their rudeness, I didn't feel sad anymore, which was the point of my posting in the first place, so I never posted my response to them. Some folks drink hateraide every morning for breakfast. I'll have eggs and toast, thank you.
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    The only thing that annoys me today is myself (as usual). I had a wonderful day of shopping, I bought new shoes (cliché! haha) and had some amazingly yummy ice cream. But I forgot to inject any insulin so now my blood sugar is so high that it cannot even be displayed and I'm sitting here checking every hour to see if it goes down. Ugh, I'm an idiot!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    I wasn't annoyed...until I read OP. Now I'm annoyed.

    Does that count?

    Was this ^^^supposed to be a jab at me?!
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    2. I don't get paid until Tuesday.
    3. Something has been in both of my eyes on and off like 4 times today
    4. It's way too cold in this office
    5. I had cookies and ice cream and I'm havig a love-hate relationship with my decision. But I'll work it off.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    Hmmm, what is annoying me today....

    1. Sales reps who tell you to make copies or phone calls on their behalf (GOD, I hope I wasn't this lazy when I was in sales!!)

    2. Telemarketers who call my office EVERY DAY.

    3. The SAME friggin commercial keeps coming on about Doug with Mesotheleoma...sigh....

    4. People who park in MY space when their office is ACROSS THE STREET!! WTH???

    ahhhh...now i feel better!!
  • Whats annoying me today?

    - I can't decide what I want on my grocery list...and I have to go get groceries like...now.

    - I need to do laundry..that's always annoying.

    -and I just ran out of tea..(i guess add that to my list)

    Other than that. I am happy I had a day off from work, I'm alive, I'm getting healthier, and I ran an entire lap today!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    G'd Morning Annoids... :drinker: And long may this thread live! :drinker:

    Annoyed at my co-worker who shirks off for hours at a time pretending to be at meetings I know she's not at, while I take her phone calls. Not much longer... :angry:

    Annoyed at the chav neighbours across the road who can't wrap their heads around when it's a recycling week and when it's a black bin week. I am sick of your rubbish everywhere, including sh!tty nappies on the drive! FFS pick it up! :grumble:

    ps on more positive news... It's Friiidayyy!! :bigsmile: