I have my strap on, do I need lube also



  • pxpwop
    pxpwop Posts: 704 Member
    Best Thread Ever!
  • LifeChangingExp
    :devil: Still not sure if I'm suppose to lube it ....ugh so much for help
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member

    Just wanted to offer a reason as to why this thread always gets locked:

    any post in the main forums can appear on a user's home page under "most recent topics", even if they don't visit the forums.
    So users at work who log in to blog food suddenly get the word "boobs" on their home screen, which is not really what we're looking for. Some employers will block sites that have this kind of content, leaving users unable to log food at work, etc. Our number one goal is to make sure our users can access the site from wherever they are. So feel free to move this topic into a group if you'd like, and just mark it mature.

    Thanks for understanding,
    MyFitnessPal Staff


    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:
    17. No Profane, Vulgar, or Sexually Explicit Language

    No explicit, sexual, insulting or vulgar content including expletives, or sexual innuendo, will be permitted. This includes the use of non-alphabetical characters to approximate expletives or other objectionable language. Publicly visible text on MyFitnessPal should be work-place friendly.

    We reserve the right to moderate a topic based on the intent of the sexual material it contains. Topics intended to titillate will be removed. Topics with medical or clinical themes related to sex or sexual health may be permitted, at our discretion.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:


    At our discretion, this locked thread may be deleted entirely in the near future.

    With respect,
    MyFitnessPal Forum Staff
This discussion has been closed.