Does clean eating really make a difference for you?



  • britneyy32
    britneyy32 Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone. They have really inspired me to eat clean now. I try to eat clean, but I always want junk food so badly! And I feel miserable depriving myself of it. So I think, well if I keep it within my calorie limit it will be okay, so then I end up eating junk food. :/ But then I feel like it's getting in the way of my weight loss. So I'm going to stick to eating completely clean and see if it makes a difference for me.
  • xoyasminxo
    xoyasminxo Posts: 132
    wow. living proof! You look great!
  • ZoeyRobinson
    For 4 years I was gluten free vegan that ate only whole foods and nothing processed. My sense of smell was that of a super heroes. And it wasn't a good thing. I could smell someone from aisles away at the grocery store. Whenever I cooked with any kind of oil even 1/2 a teaspoon I would get sick. Too much salt, too much fruit..i'd get sick. My body was too clean. Now I have added some junk into my system and do feel a lot better. I had to find a happy medium. When I was a teenager living off fast food I never really could taste my food. Bow my sense of smell is better and I feel so much healthier.
  • hazelcicero
    Absolutely! I lost 4 pounds of FAT in a week from eating clean.
    While calorie intake does have a part of weight loss, what those calories are made of is just as big a part. It's all about the sugar and fat levels in the food. If your daily calorie limit is 1,400, and you eat 1,400 calories in fruit, great! But, if you eat 1,400 calories in oreos, while that may be the same amount of calories, the sugars and fat in those calories will not be put to good, natural use (or at least the same good, natural use as fruits and veggies).
    Long story short, eating clean is great for you and your body.
  • dazzer1975
    dazzer1975 Posts: 104 Member
    Clean eating makes you feel more vibrant, energetic, happier and alive than any other diet, ime.

    To me, I don't understand wanting to lose weight, but still throwing junk inside your system so your insides are rotting away from all the excess salts, sugars and sat fats etc etc It makes no sense.

    Calorie deficit per se, is not where it's at.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    If your only goal is weight loss, I don't think it matters at all what you eat, only the calories matter.

    I feel a lot better when I avoid processed foods. More energy, less hungry. That helps me exercise more intensely than I would otherwise, so it might help weight loss from that angle.
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    Yes, I like the way my skin looks at 50! Also diets that remove large food groups such as refined grains and sugars, and or dairy and meats, make easy it easy to be in deficit!
    Has exercise helped me? Yes I've exercised all my life fat or thin!
    Do I eat anything I want say socially? Yes I eat what's on offer!

    Friends request sent!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Yes it does, I find my workouts harder if I've been eating crappy food, even if it is within my calorie allowance.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    In terms of weightloss, no it doesn't make a difference. Calories in vs. Calories out.

    But if you want to feel the best you've ever felt then YES, huge difference!

    I think it changes body composition but not always weight. My figure is tighter, my skin more hydrated, my hair and nails are stronger, I never get bloated, you sleep better and are more alert, my body is less tired and more responsive!

    I had a bad week last week and all I craved was a gorgeous fresh salad with chicken breast! Never crave bad food anymore!
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Way to bump a year old thread with a topic discussed in millions of other newer threads
  • LJSmith1989
    Do you guys really see a difference when you eat clean vs. not eating clean (but still sticking to your daily calorie restriction)? I hear a lot of people say that they can eat unhealthy and lose weight as long as they have a calorie deficit, and eating clean doesn't make a difference. Does it make a difference for you? Do you lose significantly more weight while eating clean?


    If you were to hold cals and macros constant but one diet contained whatever it is you call unclean foods and another diet only contained "clean" foods, weight loss will be the same or not significantly different

    I don't think that would be true. I think the opposite would be true.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Most of the time I eat pretty clean but I'd been having a plateau for a while. Yesterday I had 2 slices of pizza along with some of my usual foods. This morning I was down 2.4 pounds. I didn't feel as good yesterday but I'm very carb sensitive. I felt tired all day. It's all relative. Eat what makes you feel best and helps you lose the weight.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    for me personally it has made all the difference, not only in weight loss but my over all health. Sure I could eat processed food and be under my calorie goal but at what cost to my body? I eat little out of a bottle or box, rice crackers are about it from a box, and from a bottle is my oils I use to make sauces, and my beloved mustard - love mustard! Oh and PB that is my one daily indulgence.
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    Clean eating makes you feel more vibrant, energetic, happier and alive than any other diet, ime.

    To me, I don't understand wanting to lose weight, but still throwing junk inside your system so your insides are rotting away from all the excess salts, sugars and sat fats etc etc It makes no sense.

    Calorie deficit per se, is not where it's at.

  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm not a happy camper unless I get a varied diet of fresh and tasty foods.
  • Penfoldsplace
    Personally I have not noticed a difference. I don't really like the term "clean" but when I cut out completely foods I really loved I just thought about them the whole time! I think it's great if you enjoy a "clean" diet and it makes you feel good but it wasn't for me. I enjoy my food and make sure I eat a variety of fruit, veggies, grains but I also regularly eat chocolate and pizzas. I just make better choices these days. So instead of a huge takeaway pizza I tend to buy my own that has less cheese and more veggies. It comes out at 430 calories for the whole pizza. I feel totally satisfied and don't feel like I am on a diet, it's just a lifestyle change.
  • hschlosser
    10 days ago I started eating clean with the goal of losing about 2 pounds a week, I need to lose 18 more pounds to be at my ideal weight, but when I first started several years ago I was my heaviest at 225. I recently had shoulder surgery and haven't been able to work out, so I decided to really focus on diet while I am wounded. I CAN'T believe the difference it has made. I have already lost 8 pounds, 1 inch of my waist and stomach, and two inches off my hips. I am shocked! I know they say that you don't want to lose it too fast, but I am not hungry during the day. I eat plenty of food, just whole, nutritious food. Lots of fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, and water, lots of water! Not only have I dropped weight, I feel GREAT! I have been in a fantastic mood, my skin is clear and glowing, and I am sleeping. I feel like I can carry this eating pattern throughout the rest of my life. I haven't had any processed sugar, fast food, or alcohol. But I know if I want to have a couple glasses of wine over dinner some night, I can. I just wanted to post, in hopes that maybe I could inspire someone out there looking for hope that they too can lose weight, feel good, and be healthy. Self discipline isn't always easy, but it holds a great reward of self respect and accomplishment. Keep your goals in front of you and pursue them with confidence…you will be successful. Also, a big thing for me is working on the thoughts in my head…staying positive and learning to love myself just as I am. I think if you are healthy in your mind..your body will follow.
  • Clare_L_Black
    Clare_L_Black Posts: 13 Member
    After stuffing myself full of carbs last year to run my first marathon this year I have started clean eating, I have given up bread, white pasta, white rice & potatoes amoungst other things swapping them for rye bread, brown rice, sweet potato and more protein. Although I must admit I do have a relapse now and again with the ocaissional chocolate treat overall I have never felt healthier, I am less tired, sleep better, better digestion and I even run faster than I ever have before. Clean eating is good for you all round and it isnt going to kill you if you still have a naughty treat now and again. the thing I like about clean eating is you can consume much more without reaching your daily calorie allowance.