HOW TO lose inches



  • Afterblue
    Afterblue Posts: 78 Member

    what is dry brushing?

    Here is an article that will help explain a lot better than I could. Basically, it involves using a brush with natural bristles and firmly brushing your dry skin before you take a bath. It exfoliates, but I believe it helps skin get more resilient as a result. I am not sure about the cellulite claims, but I don't have that issue yet because of rhino thick skin.

    I believe Teresa Tapp has her own patented way of doing it but I do not know much about that. AAbru might be able to explain more about it.

    I also consumed sufficient vitamin E and C for elasticity. I believe that helped me too.
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    Hey girlie ! the best answer I can offer is to work your TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS It's the muscle that wraps from the sides of our waist and on to our lower back ......look up exercises for that that muscle is like having your own little built in girdle once you tighten it!!! ...IT WILL HELP TAKE CARE OF THAT :) hope that helps

    ^ this will help tighten your core and support you back ...I was prescribed this in physical therapy for a weak core (probably as a result of childbirth) . There are several other exercises that tighten and support the core such as planks. You can YouTube core exercises. It may not actually take off inches of actual at but it will look and feel like it what's the difference. They have helped me tremendously . I wouldn't start too soon after birth tho you don't want to disrupt the healing process ...
  • angel101netta
    angel101netta Posts: 152 Member

    I love this channel on you tube my favorite are the Denise Austin workouts I also though eat most of the time clean. I still have a treat every now and then.
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    The only way to lose fat is to get a calorie deficit -- most effectively by reducing caloric intake. Those last few inches of fat will only reduce through a consistent deficit, and no exercise will "spot reduce" fat. In fact, given the amount of fat it's possible "spot reduction" will actually make an area look fatter. For example, doing ab crunches can make the muscles slightly larger in the abs, so if the fat isn't lost in the mid-section the mid-section will actually appear larger.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I find using a weighted hula hoop works for me..I do around 15 minutes each side. :smile:
  • Thanks for all the replies. I do eat clean, you can check my food diary. I do have a lower calorie intake mostly because I don't have time to eat alot during the day due to how much my daughter needs me. I had her 3 months ago, almost 3.5 months now. Is it too soon to start doing these exercises? She was a massive baby so she really messed up my abdomen. I took a few pics of my belly too if anyone cares to see them. But I don't want any rude replies.

    I was looking at starting the 30DS program, I was reading reviews lastnight and apparently it is good for losing inches so I'm going to try that. I know that you can't spot reduce I was just looking for a good way to tone up after having my c-section surgery.
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    Thanks for all the replies. I do eat clean, you can check my food diary. I do have a lower calorie intake mostly because I don't have time to eat alot during the day due to how much my daughter needs me. I had her 3 months ago, almost 3.5 months now. Is it too soon to start doing these exercises? She was a massive baby so she really messed up my abdomen. I took a few pics of my belly too if anyone cares to see them. But I don't want any rude replies.

    I was looking at starting the 30DS program, I was reading reviews lastnight and apparently it is good for losing inches so I'm going to try that. I know that you can't spot reduce I was just looking for a good way to tone up after having my c-section surgery.

    Is this your first ? I have had two kids who are now early teens. It takes some time for your body to bounce back post partum . Stretch marks eventually fade and diminish but usually never go away. C- section can extend this process and causes muscle damage that some times requires physical therapy . If you focus on strengthening the muscles in your mid section and tightening your core it will improve the appearance of your mid section regardless of fat loss . If your like me you may never have a washboard ab stomach due to tissue damage from being stretched so much looks like and resembles fat but really isn't it's loose skin and the only way to get rid of excess loose skin is surgery an option I am not willing to do ...8-10 weeks is usually the recommended time to start working out after a c-section and 6 weeks for vaginal but you should check with your doc if you are worried about complications related to your case.
  • Thanks for all the replies. I do eat clean, you can check my food diary. I do have a lower calorie intake mostly because I don't have time to eat alot during the day due to how much my daughter needs me. I had her 3 months ago, almost 3.5 months now. Is it too soon to start doing these exercises? She was a massive baby so she really messed up my abdomen. I took a few pics of my belly too if anyone cares to see them. But I don't want any rude replies.

    I was looking at starting the 30DS program, I was reading reviews lastnight and apparently it is good for losing inches so I'm going to try that. I know that you can't spot reduce I was just looking for a good way to tone up after having my c-section surgery.

    Is this your first ? I have had two kids who are now early teens. It takes some time for your body to bounce back post partum . Stretch marks eventually fade and diminish but usually never go away. C- section can extend this process and causes muscle damage that some times requires physical therapy . If you focus on strengthening the muscles in your mid section and tightening your core it will improve the appearance of your mid section regardless of fat loss . If your like me you may never have a washboard ab stomach due to tissue damage from being stretched so much looks like and resembles fat but really isn't it's loose skin and the only way to get rid of excess loose skin is surgery an option I am not willing to do ...8-10 weeks is usually the recommended time to start working out after a c-section and 6 weeks for vaginal but you should check with your doc if you are worried about complications related to your case.

    my first AND last child, yes lol I dont care about the stretch marks to be honest. I see them as beauty marks and a constant reminder of my beautiful baby girl :) I don't want washboard abs just a little tighter tummy really. I have a bit of what they call the mommy pooch/excess skin like you mentioned and I think it is due to the c-section. Its not big by any means. I'm 5ft4 and I weigh 144.4 lbs. So I guess I just need/want to tighten up. I can definitely see the loose skin youre referring to and I have cleared with my doc for regular exercising and she gave me the go ahead at 7 weeks postpartum - I'm 14 weeks postpartum as of tomorrow so I think its been long enough to give it a go.

    Thanks for your post!