


  • danilynn2
    danilynn2 Posts: 47 Member
    I get up at 5:15 and workout with 30 Day Shred before I work 7:30-4. Then after the kiddos are in bed, I catch a workout on the elliptical!
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I work full time.. leave at 6:45 and get home at 5 and have a 6 year old and 18 month old. I try for 4-5 days a week. 2 Days during the week I go to the gym after putting them to bed. One day I work out at home with a video. On the weekends, I try to go for a run during the youngest's nap.
  • lilkat_0087
    lilkat_0087 Posts: 55 Member
    I have 4 yr old twins and work full time. I work out after they go to bed during the week. On weekends we do something active or they try to join in on a video. It's something that I need to find time to do for my own mental health.
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