Vacation next week in Jamaica!!!! Nude beaches?!?!



  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Oh another thing.....ask yourself why you are going to a clothing optional beach. Is it so you can be naked and feel the warm sun all over your body and enjoy swimming and feeling free....or is it to gawk at people around you? My guess is the first reason.....;)
  • m_shuman
    m_shuman Posts: 179
    We went to Negril for our honeymoon 11 years ago and I went topless and weighed like 100 LBS at the time. However, you will find that 99% that do go without clothes on the nude beaches should really being wearing them. We stayed at Sandals resort which is right next to Hedonism. We decided to venture onto their property for a peek. Well, all I can say is we got within 50 feet turned around and ran the other direction. We saw plenty of people with things sagging to their knees. Skin, fat, boobs, body was scary and will forever be etched in my mind. I wish you luck and alot better scenery than we had at the nude beach.

    See, that's what I love about our beach here. Many of the bodies are less than "desireable". It showed me that a body is just that....a body. We all have them. Nude beaches aren't there to sexualize things. Watching people who are overweight or just don't have "attractive" bodies run around so free and confident is awesome.

    My husband says Grand Lido on the clothing optional side is nice. Free atmosphere and not a lot of suffy honeymooners. (my husband's words from his experiences there!) lol

    A big majority of nude beach goers will many times be older. Young people don't always have the confidence/comfort in their own skin to run around naked.

    OP....have fun......I want a full report! :)

    I don't "sexualize" it. I just believe that some things should be covered up. I think the same thing when I see people wearing clothing that looks to tight, and nasty on them. The "have they looked in the mirror" thought goes through my head. I for one take pride in my body however I don't think it should be shown to the world because it is no where near perfect. If you have it flaunt it if you don't have it for pity's sake cover it up.

    ETA: I really don't want to see grandmas hoo ha and boobs and I have a grandma that would gladly show you hers. LOL!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    We went to Negril for our honeymoon 11 years ago and I went topless and weighed like 100 LBS at the time. However, you will find that 99% that do go without clothes on the nude beaches should really being wearing them. We stayed at Sandals resort which is right next to Hedonism. We decided to venture onto their property for a peek. Well, all I can say is we got within 50 feet turned around and ran the other direction. We saw plenty of people with things sagging to their knees. Skin, fat, boobs, body was scary and will forever be etched in my mind. I wish you luck and alot better scenery than we had at the nude beach.

    See, that's what I love about our beach here. Many of the bodies are less than "desireable". It showed me that a body is just that....a body. We all have them. Nude beaches aren't there to sexualize things. Watching people who are overweight or just don't have "attractive" bodies run around so free and confident is awesome.

    My husband says Grand Lido on the clothing optional side is nice. Free atmosphere and not a lot of suffy honeymooners. (my husband's words from his experiences there!) lol

    A big majority of nude beach goers will many times be older. Young people don't always have the confidence/comfort in their own skin to run around naked.

    OP....have fun......I want a full report! :)

    I don't "sexualize" it. I just believe that some things should be covered up. I think the same thing when I see people wearing clothing that looks to tight, and nasty on them. The "have they looked in the mirror" thought goes through my head. I for one take pride in my body however I don't think it should be shown to the world because it is no where near perfect. If you have it flaunt it if you don't have it for pity's sake cover it up.

    ETA: I really don't want to see grandmas hoo ha and boobs and I have a grandma that would gladly show you hers. LOL!

    So why did you go to "sneak a peek" at Hedonism? I for one don't go nude to flaunt myself. It just feels good. And no tan lines is a perk. FTR: I wasn't referring to you in any of my posts.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    "If you have it flaunt it if you don't have it for pity's sake cover it up."

    That mentalty makes me sick. Should certain people also cover their faces up because some other person may find them less than attractive? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  • m_shuman
    m_shuman Posts: 179
    We went to Negril for our honeymoon 11 years ago and I went topless and weighed like 100 LBS at the time. However, you will find that 99% that do go without clothes on the nude beaches should really being wearing them. We stayed at Sandals resort which is right next to Hedonism. We decided to venture onto their property for a peek. Well, all I can say is we got within 50 feet turned around and ran the other direction. We saw plenty of people with things sagging to their knees. Skin, fat, boobs, body was scary and will forever be etched in my mind. I wish you luck and alot better scenery than we had at the nude beach.

    See, that's what I love about our beach here. Many of the bodies are less than "desireable". It showed me that a body is just that....a body. We all have them. Nude beaches aren't there to sexualize things. Watching people who are overweight or just don't have "attractive" bodies run around so free and confident is awesome.

    My husband says Grand Lido on the clothing optional side is nice. Free atmosphere and not a lot of suffy honeymooners. (my husband's words from his experiences there!) lol

    A big majority of nude beach goers will many times be older. Young people don't always have the confidence/comfort in their own skin to run around naked.

    OP....have fun......I want a full report! :)

    I don't "sexualize" it. I just believe that some things should be covered up. I think the same thing when I see people wearing clothing that looks to tight, and nasty on them. The "have they looked in the mirror" thought goes through my head. I for one take pride in my body however I don't think it should be shown to the world because it is no where near perfect. If you have it flaunt it if you don't have it for pity's sake cover it up.

    ETA: I really don't want to see grandmas hoo ha and boobs and I have a grandma that would gladly show you hers. LOL!

    So why did you go to "sneak a peek" at Hedonism? I for one don't go nude to flaunt myself. It just feels good. And no tan lines is a perk. FTR: I wasn't referring to you in any of my posts.

    If you weren't refering to me why did you quote my post?? We went to hedonisim to look because we were curious and drunk. LOL!! As for my comment about flaunting it I believe in modesty. Unless your body is rock hard or supermodel perfect nobody who is not your spouse wants to see you naked. I weigh 124 and I am 5' 4" and I work out 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I would not be caught dead on a beach without my swimsuit on because I have strech marks and lose skin. It discusts me to look at it on my own body and I have no desire to see it on anyone elses body. I also believe in plastic surgery to fix problems with the body. If this makes me shallow so be it. I appologize if my point of view makes you sick. I also admire that you have the self confidence to walk around naked in front of people you don't know, knowing your body is not perfect.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    We went to Negril for our honeymoon 11 years ago and I went topless and weighed like 100 LBS at the time. However, you will find that 99% that do go without clothes on the nude beaches should really being wearing them.

    So true.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    So the boyfriend and I are leaving for Jamaica next Saturday! We will be visiting negril which is on 7 mile beach. From what we've read quite a bit of this beach is nude beach. I'm kinda nervous about it but the adventurer in me can't wait to indulge and just go with the flow. I've lost 10 lbs (back in yhr healthy weight range for my height) got a while to get to my goal but I'm feeling confident and I bought a super cute bikini that makes the girls look awesome.

    1. Have you been to a nude beach? What's your experience like?
    2. Any hot spots we should hit in Negril?

    i don't know if that bikini is going to do you any good on the nude beach.

    i'm not sure I could do a nude beach, personally. i don't have that confidence.

    that's exactly what i was thinking lol
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Is there any type of nude beach Etiquette we should know about?

    Don't point
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    Is there any type of nude beach Etiquette we should know about?

    Staring, pointing and laughing is considered rude :)

    Seriously though... A nude beach is like any other beach... Only nude. There's old people, young people, fat people, thin people, all sorts of people. If you have hang ups about the human body - your own or other people's - don't go. If you are free of the nude = rude mindset you will probably love it.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    We went to Negril for our honeymoon 11 years ago and I went topless and weighed like 100 LBS at the time. However, you will find that 99% that do go without clothes on the nude beaches should really being wearing them. We stayed at Sandals resort which is right next to Hedonism. We decided to venture onto their property for a peek. Well, all I can say is we got within 50 feet turned around and ran the other direction. We saw plenty of people with things sagging to their knees. Skin, fat, boobs, body was scary and will forever be etched in my mind. I wish you luck and alot better scenery than we had at the nude beach.

    If you went to Hedonism you basically went to a swingers resort - because that's what it is - its not your garden variety nudist beach.

    That's not to say there aren't old people at nude beaches. There are. But a swingers resort and a nude beach are two different things.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I've been to a nude beach; I'm relatively fit now and was actually fit at that time, and didn't feel self-conscious about it. It was kinda nice, but I like regular beaches more, probably.

    There are a lot of people you don't want to see naked on a nude beach, always. And massive bushes, but not of the foliage varietal.

    I'm not ecstatic about seeing people who I find physically unattractive confident enough to flaunt it, but whatever, who cares. It's still not appealing, though, whether it's sexual or not; just because it's not sexual doesn't mean you want to see it, or have to celebrate that person or something. Still unappealing.
  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    I burn very badly in the slightest amount of sunlight, wouldn't go on a nude beach as by the time I got everything covered in sun block the sun would have set. And it is rude to point!!!!!!
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    We went to Negril for our honeymoon 11 years ago and I went topless and weighed like 100 LBS at the time. However, you will find that 99% that do go without clothes on the nude beaches should really being wearing them. We stayed at Sandals resort which is right next to Hedonism. We decided to venture onto their property for a peek. Well, all I can say is we got within 50 feet turned around and ran the other direction. We saw plenty of people with things sagging to their knees. Skin, fat, boobs, body was scary and will forever be etched in my mind. I wish you luck and alot better scenery than we had at the nude beach.

    See, that's what I love about our beach here. Many of the bodies are less than "desireable". It showed me that a body is just that....a body. We all have them. Nude beaches aren't there to sexualize things. Watching people who are overweight or just don't have "attractive" bodies run around so free and confident is awesome.

    My husband says Grand Lido on the clothing optional side is nice. Free atmosphere and not a lot of suffy honeymooners. (my husband's words from his experiences there!) lol

    A big majority of nude beach goers will many times be older. Young people don't always have the confidence/comfort in their own skin to run around naked.

    OP....have fun......I want a full report! :)

    I don't "sexualize" it. I just believe that some things should be covered up. I think the same thing when I see people wearing clothing that looks to tight, and nasty on them. The "have they looked in the mirror" thought goes through my head. I for one take pride in my body however I don't think it should be shown to the world because it is no where near perfect. If you have it flaunt it if you don't have it for pity's sake cover it up.

    ETA: I really don't want to see grandmas hoo ha and boobs and I have a grandma that would gladly show you hers. LOL!

    So why did you go to "sneak a peek" at Hedonism? I for one don't go nude to flaunt myself. It just feels good. And no tan lines is a perk. FTR: I wasn't referring to you in any of my posts.

    If you weren't refering to me why did you quote my post?? We went to hedonisim to look because we were curious and drunk. LOL!! As for my comment about flaunting it I believe in modesty. Unless your body is rock hard or supermodel perfect nobody who is not your spouse wants to see you naked. I weigh 124 and I am 5' 4" and I work out 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I would not be caught dead on a beach without my swimsuit on because I have strech marks and lose skin. It discusts me to look at it on my own body and I have no desire to see it on anyone elses body. I also believe in plastic surgery to fix problems with the body. If this makes me shallow so be it. I appologize if my point of view makes you sick. I also admire that you have the self confidence to walk around naked in front of people you don't know, knowing your body is not perfect.

    I quoted you because you said certain things should be left private yet you went to gawk at naked people. :/ Then "ran away"?

    Beauty is simply in the eye of the beholder. I work VERY hard for what I have.....and I am very comfortable in my own skin.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I weigh 124 and I am 5' 4" and I work out 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I would not be caught dead on a beach without my swimsuit on because I have strech marks and lose skin...............

    That's too bad. I am 5'3" 130-135 on any given day, no stretch marks and no loose skin. I wear a size 4. And I assure you, there are many more men than my husband who want to see my body. And I am glad to show it to them. To each their own? Um ya. ;)
  • Brooke_26
    Brooke_26 Posts: 204
    Love will have a great time!!! Enjoy :-)
  • almart007
    almart007 Posts: 71 Member
    I went and look How burned i got. !!!!!
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    I will end the thread right now.

    Go to HEDONISM.
  • LuckyAng
    LuckyAng Posts: 1,173 Member
    No, but I went to a nude spa! I was terrified at first, but it became very freeing. Once I finally relaxed (with a little 'spiritual' help), I could see how amazing everyone was for being so comfortable in their own skin. Just beautiful, I'd do it again in a second.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    No, but I went to a nude spa! I was terrified at first, but it became very freeing. Once I finally relaxed (with a little 'spiritual' help), I could see how amazing everyone was for being so comfortable in their own skin. Just beautiful, I'd do it again in a second.

  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Wow... Have a gooood time... Don't get cold. I haven't been to a nude beach... But onetime I saw a naked man on Stinson Beach by San Francisco... I was like... What thaaaaaa.. A naked man... I got all embarrassed. I don't know how you can keep a straight face in a place like that. Will you pleeease tell us how this goes. :smile: