What antidepressant doesn't make you gain weight ?



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Just to point out "insanity" Is NOT a medical diagnosis The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DMS does not classify "insanity" in medical terms....so all due respect get your information correct. Additionally you would be amazed at what people tell Doctors about "let's try this" ....
    I think you know good and well it was once used as a medical diagnosis. It is now a legal term. I didn't say she wouldn't walk in and say that to her doctor. I said it's not like he's going to give it to her just because someone on MFP suggested it. Read the posts correctly before you act all high and mighty.
    So the basic point is, talk to your health care provider about this question....not people who really don't know you or your body, in a forum.
    She was asking everyone what worked for them. She was just looking for opinions. Just like any advice asked and given here, whether it's about how many calories to eat, or what exercise plan to use. I see no problem in her asking the question, and I see no problem with people sharing their experiences with her. LIke I said, the biggest problem I saw here was people telling her to exercise and stop taking meds.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    two of my sisters went on paxil..they gained weight and went nuts when they tried to get off of it... i'd stay away from the pills if you can. But, I understand if you're in mental pain..how it does help. Just be careful. It is smart you are asking on here to get opinions.
  • erinskya
    Definitely Wellbutrin! It at least won't make you gain weight, and you may even lose some. :) I take it (but don't know if it sped up my weight loss or not).
  • seamonkey789
    my son's doctor says that abilify isn't supposed to make you eat more or gain weight but he is wrong.....i also know of a couple more from personal experience that don't help with not gaining weight. They are for mental health issues, paxil, geodon, and celexa.....I have been on all four of these over the past 2 years and have gained 100 pounds during that time....now i'm no longer taking them and am finally losing weight.

    Abilify and Geodon are antipsychotics, not antidepressants.

    To the OP, I have mental issues and the weight gain thing is going to be different for pretty much everyone because no one reacts the same to each med. Most of the meds that have a reputation for making people lose weight did not change my weight at all.

    I've been on seroquel, which is a huge weight gainer, for 2 years with no weight gain.

    If certain antidepressants make you agitated, have you been evaluated for bipolar? I cannot take anything in the SSRI family because it makes me a raging monster
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I was on Celexa for 1.5 years with no weight gain at all , lost a bit actually, however when I went off them Iin april of this year, I have gained 10 pounds unexplanably.....going for thyroid bloodwork, as I guess anti-depressants mess with yout thyroid, and now that i'm off them it could be out of whack? Unreal, I havent changed my diet or exercise in years and now gaining weight...its sooo frusterating and making me depressed again!!! go figure ...can't win...if it is my thyroid I hope there is meds for that to get it back ontrack *sigh*
  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    I didn't read all the answer to your question so if someone has covered what I'm about to say my apologies.

    I haven't taken an anti depressant for quite some time but last I knew most anti depressants have similar side effects. The catch is while you may experience side effect A. taking one you may experience side effect C. taking the next one and none at all on still a different one.

    My advice is to speak to your doctor and let them guide you in which one/s might be your best options. Be patient some people have more trouble finding the right anti depressant than others.
  • alliejoberry
    I've had success with Lexapro. My doctor has me get blood work done for a lipid profile test every 6 months to make sure it's not affecting my weight, and it hasn't so far after 7 years.

    It's different for each person, though, but that's my experience.
  • mingecrackers
    Fluoxetine (Prozac) made me lose weight, mirtazapine (Remeron) made me gain weight like crazy and sertraline (Zoloft) was weight neutral for me.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Just to point out "insanity" Is NOT a medical diagnosis The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders or DMS does not classify "insanity" in medical terms....so all due respect get your information correct. Additionally you would be amazed at what people tell Doctors about "let's try this" ....

    So the basic point is, talk to your health care provider about this question....not people who really don't know you or your body, in a forum.


    For goodness sake, stop asking random individuals about medication. Go see your doctor, if you NEED them, which it doesnt sound like you do, then they will be the best advice you can get.

    Now, just because you're working doesnt mean you wont have time to fit in 30 mins of exercise a day. 30 mins, you could do it while your dinner cooks. You honestly sound more like you need to see a counsellor and deal with some of your anxiety instead. Depression isnt ALWAYS just a chemical problem, sometimes it can be solved with counselling, CBT etc. Its not like a viatmin pill 'oh I wont be able to eat much nutritious food whilst away so I'll just take a vitamin instead'. Deal with the cause, not just the symptom.
  • maryashley4
    maryashley4 Posts: 2 Member
    celexa or welbutrin. good luck.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Ignore any advice here telling you whether or not you need antidepressants (whether it be for depression, anxiety, etc) because none of us have any way of knowing that from your posts here.
  • ksamml
    ksamml Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone responds differently, it's a bit of trial and error; for myself, like a lot of others have said, Bupropion/ Wellbutrin/Zyban has been amazing. I lost 67lbs in a year and my mood improved significantly.

    I had been on so many anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, and anti-anxiolytics. I'm really glad I finally found the right one for me, and I'll say again, the right one for ME. Good luck in your journey finding the right one for you.
  • glitt3rgurl
    I gained on everything except Wellbutrin XL...its wonderful and i lost about 30lbs..:flowerforyou: :smile:
  • mrsains
    mrsains Posts: 104 Member
    Okay, for all the people saying "exercise" - you're not doing anyone any favors. Yes, exercise is great for your mood. But when you are depressed to the point where you can barely get out of bed every day, someone telling you to exercise is unhelpful at best and exacerbating at worst - one more thing to feel guilty about because you don't have the energy/motivation to do it. Taking an antidepressant can help someone to improve to the point where they can take care of themselves in other ways.
    Amen. Some people are lacking serotonin. The "drug" (as some of you say) merely helps to replace that. Would you recommend that a diabetic person "exercise" to feel better? NO, that person needs insulin, just as some need serotonin. I'm glad exercise works for some of you; however, it might not be enough for someone else.

    ^^This^^ Exercise can certainly help in your treatment of depression and/or anxiety, but it is just one piece of the puzzle... medication might be right for some, while therapy is great for many.

    OP, best to talk to your doctor about your concerns. As others have said, you may have to try out a few different medications before you find the right one for you. Best of luck!
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    What antidepressant doesn't make you gain weight ?

    Fish oil and exercise.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    i take celexa and am losing weight
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member

    Agreed - and no sexual side effects for most people :bigsmile:

    *Edited to say:

    She was asking everyone what worked for them. She was just looking for opinions. Just like any advice asked and given here, whether it's about how many calories to eat, or what exercise plan to use. I see no problem in her asking the question, and I see no problem with people sharing their experiences with her. LIke I said, the biggest problem I saw here was people telling her to exercise and stop taking meds.

    ^^^^This too!!!!!
  • amandamaedchen
    I take Cymbalta, and it has been weight-neutral for me (my doctor prescribed it for that reason!)

    My husband lost 20 lbs after starting cymbalta. Part of it also has to do with it taking away his pain, so he could actually move and do things again. He has seen great results with it.

    I gained 20lbs with Cymbalta so my doctor is switching me to Zoloft.
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    Okay, for all the people saying "exercise" - you're not doing anyone any favors. Yes, exercise is great for your mood. But when you are depressed to the point where you can barely get out of bed every day, someone telling you to exercise is unhelpful at best and exacerbating at worst - one more thing to feel guilty about because you don't have the energy/motivation to do it. Taking an antidepressant can help someone to improve to the point where they can take care of themselves in other ways.
    This!!!!!! I tried to go off my meds for a while (baaaad choice) and I couldn't do anything. Couldn't even summon the energy to get up off the couch and do dishes. If it's truly a chemical issue-and not just the blues-I really don't think that exercise is the be all end all answer. I've tried it multiple times.

    I take prozac. It seems pretty weight neutral for me--still trying to lose the weight from being on Zoloft for 1 1/2 years +. :/ That stuff is horrible. And the withdrawals (for me) are awful. I "joked" that I was going to need a methadone clinic to get off of it.
    Best wishes on finding the med that's right for you if you really need one. My dr explained to me that if it wasn't necessary it woudln't help the symptoms. (to get me to try it b/c in my depressed state I was angry and thought my family was crazy thinking I needed it. Oy vey.)
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I am not a doctor obviously and I would say certainly discuss this with your doctor. Tell him/her about your weight gain concerns and perhaps they can prescribe one that will help but not add weight. Good luck! :flowerforyou: