What antidepressant doesn't make you gain weight ?



  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    Here's the thing, Wellbutrin doesn't make you lose weight. What it did for me is help to quiet the part of me that was thinking about food all the time. As soon as that part of me stopped obsessing about food and eating, I was able to take control. I count my calories, I avoid too much processed food, I am moving more because I feel better and have more energy. Those are things I HAVE TO DO MYSELF. but the Wellbutrin absolutely helped me to change the way I was thinking, the way I was looking at food and exercise, and even though I still have over 100 pounds to lose, I can see my potential for the first time in many years.

    I went from feeling like I had no control, to making good choices and logging everything I eat almost immediately. I am not one to promote a magic pill, there are no magic pills, I still have to make good decisions, but it makes it a lot easier.

    Wellbutrin did the same thing for me. I have PTSD, with anxiety disorder and depression. Exercise is great, sure, but there are some situations where exercise alone is just not enough. You would not eat junk and binge all day, then exercise expecting to lose wight. I NEED my medications. If I did not take them, my OCD would kick in and I would once again become obsessed with over exercising and not eating enough. I would maybe get a second opinion. It is your mind and body, only you are going to know what makes you feel better, mentally, emotionally and physically. Good luck!!
  • rebeccalray5
    I have an anxiety disorder from PTSD and slightly OCD ( I can't remember the medical term but it's not full blown but it sometimes stops me from leaving the house when I don't take my meds). Anyway, in my case, I had a psych evaluation done separately from my regular MD. I take hydroxy-zine pam and it dulls the anxiety. In order to not have my meds upped, I exercise daily. I also can't have a lot of caffeine or I'll hide in my room forever. Weekly counseling too. I hope to not have this forever. This med is only for anxiety and it hasn't affected my weight.

    In my case, I talked straight out with my DR after it got too bad to leave my house. They'll listen and make the right call for you as long as your honest with them and yourself what you want to accomplish with their help.
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    I take anxiety meds, and Zoloft works great for me. Escitalopram was non-weight gaining as well, but it wigged out my family because I emotionally flatlined and was apparently unnerving to be around. Tally ho!

    But yeah, if you've garnered ANYTHING from this thread, it's that different things work for different people blah blah blah talk to your doctor.
  • adbsunny227
    It really depends on the person. Period. I can't take Wellbutrin ... it makes me sick and full of headaches and extremely tired. Lexapro and Paxil feel very activating for many, but might not help enough with anxiety. I have the weight gain issue as well.
    I am going to suggest Cymbalta with my doctor. I have tried Ativan, a benzo, for stress/anxiety and it helped a lot, I lost weight, but made me mildly depressed. It may take some time, but there are quite a few, so please perservere.
  • adbsunny227
    I agree noone can give her a medical diagnosis, but hearing how some meds helped, may help her to make a better decision on what to try with her doctor. Every doctor I've had has told me point-blank that it "is" a guessing game/trial and error.
    Sometimes these links can help see insight into another alternative.
    And besides, drugs are peddled by big Pharma ... they aren't a miracle or helpful for some.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I really need to be on one, as I have a very stressful life, chronic neck pain and worry about EverythinG !
    Here's your problem. You should never need a pill to help you handle the stress of life. You don't NEED to be on one!