Do you like or dislike wolf whistles?



  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    It's never bothered me. I'm just as likely to drool over a hot guy and I'm sure he doesn't feel "objectified" by my drooling. I'm comfortable enough in my own skin that I can ignore it on the days when it should bother me and enjoy it on the days where a pick-me-up is in order.

    I find it a lot more easy to deal with than friends actually paying me a compliment to my face. That just embarrasses the cr@p outta me :)
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    It doesn't happen to me anymore, but when it used to happen I didn't like it - because I felt shy and embarrassed.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Really dislike it. But its less common now in the Uk than it used to be
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Dislike... and I dislike it when guys (or girls!) go 'well you -insert something about looks or clothing here-, you're asking for it'. Like I should have to wear or look a certain way if I don't want to attract attention. Mostly it's just chavs though shouting things like 'you're well fit', ugh, I just ignore it.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    The guy could be the handsomest man on the planet and I would still think it's creepy. Even now, still way overweight, I feel comfortable enough in my own skin to not need that kind of garbage attention. In my book, its not a compliment if they have to whistle or yell out of their car as they zip by. It's rude and I truly believe I deserve better, like someone meeting me face to face and telling me their name before they go whistling or shouting vulgar things about my body.
  • smilesalot1969
    It depends.
    If it's just a wolf whistle, it's fine, it's sort of flattering.
    However, if it's a wolf whistle followed by degrading comments and or gestures, I get kind of scared and tend to pick up the pace a bit.

  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    It used to happen all the time when I was younger. Then it stopped happening as I got older. Now that I've gotten into better shape, sometimes it will happen. At my age, I quite like it. :laugh:
  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    I don't like getting them, but I like giving them. Mine are not very predatory, though, since I can't whistle.
    i end up yelling: WOOT WOO!
    :laugh: :noway: :embarassed:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It makes me laugh. It's just such a ridiculous way of getting attention.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It depends. There is a huge, huge difference between a casual pass (which I don't mind) and just being disgusting. I don't mind a 'hey' or a whistle. Thank you, but no thank you, if you know what I mean.

    I cannot stand that crap if I'm with my kids though... that is not even remotely appropriate and takes a special breed of skeevy man.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I don't mind it I don't think. Wouldn't take it too seriously. I wouldn't like to be hollered at though, and following someone down the street is just stalking, so probably not.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Heck yes! I like them.
  • bubmaster
    don't remember what they sound been many years
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I don't mind it. I dislike creepy comments or horn honking if anything.

    Actually the only thing I really do like is a long and quiet stare when you walk by. It's almost like you made them speechless :laugh:
  • GaidenJade
    GaidenJade Posts: 171
    I think for the most part, when this happens to me (rarely), I feel mostly as though they are trying to #1 try to get me pissed #2 make fun of me.

    Obviously I have lower self esteem, I am just starting off here and am just starting to get comfortable in my own skin. However, I do get many compliments to my face, as I am a cashier and see hundreds of men a day. I even get complimented by women! Abd for the most part I just thank them and brush it off now.

    Not bragging, but I'm saying that if I got howled at often enough, I would probably just ignore it. The only way I would respond is if it was followed by disgusting comments. Then they would get the bird and probably a few choice words of my own.

    It's one thing to voice your approval of someone you see, and quite another to be lewd about it.

    So to answer your question. It depends on the context.
  • stockholmhasago
    I hate it. It makes me feel awkward, so then I laugh awkwardly, and then it gets taken as a go ahead to talk to me, and then I can't say no because I'm awkward, and he somehow ends up with my phone number (because I'm awkward and can't find a polite way to say "please, you're horribly scary, go away") and then calls me at three in the morning ._.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    i think i'd rather a wolf whistle than being called a fat *kitten*.

    i don't get wolf whistles though, mostly only guys seem to be able to do that one.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I hate it. It makes me feel awkward, so then I laugh awkwardly, and then it gets taken as a go ahead to talk to me, and then I can't say no because I'm awkward, and he somehow ends up with my phone number (because I'm awkward and can't find a polite way to say "please, you're horribly scary, go away") and then calls me at three in the morning ._.

    ...yeah you have issues with that one. Who just gives their number to every creep :ohwell:

    i think i'd rather a wolf whistle than being called a fat *kitten*.

    i don't get wolf whistles though, mostly only guys seem to be able to do that one.

    I'll do it to guys with no shirt on if I'm with friends :bigsmile: Its only creepy if you do it alone, if you're a man doing it, or the person is just creepy looking all together.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,579 Member
    I like the whistles. I don't like the degrading comments.
    I feel like a whistle is an appreciation. A degrading comment is something else altogether. But that's just me.
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    Where I come from. it's more of a "Ay ma, let me holla at ya for minute."

    ...... Yeeeaaah. I've grown up in really ghetto neighborhoods and have always been very curvy from a young age. Nothing creepier than being followed at 11 y/o by a grown man trying to get my number. My house number. ><

    So I tend not to reply when I'm walking anywhere. If I'm dressed up (like at a club) and you approach me and tell I look nice, that's ok. Actual compliments are way nicer than some guy yelling at me from across the street or his car.