why oh why.



  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Why oh why do people have to be so dang sensitive all the time?

    BTW...sugar and carbs aren't evil.

    If you're terribly concerned about carbs...eat less. Gluten free is popular because people actually have serious physical issues with eating these things. The only issue with carbs is that some people have been convinced they are the devil.
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    Why are you being so aggressive? The only person who has been rude here is you...

  • healthymission92
    I think she came on here wanting to argue, no need to someone speak like that when she was answering your question. You can't ask a question and expect a specific answer.
    Oatmeal and shredded wheat don't have sugar.
    If there were a low carb cereal, it would not be cereal.

    Low carb usually comes with the intention that you will eat mainly fresh, unproccessed foods thats why there arn't many low carb bars other than companies simply trying to make money, hence the added crap ingreediants.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    also ive looked in all those shops listed and non of them have low carb cereals so thats rubbish, some people talk crap

    Wow, that was rude. I'm pretty sure she was trying to help you. I don't eat low carb, so I'm not an expert, but I imagine you will struggle to find low-carb cereals. Cereals are made from grains - that's what they are. They are naturally high in carbohydrate.
    Well I was only replying, to a underhanded comment imo.Dont speak to me in a off hand tone and i wont do it back

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    To summarise - you want a low carb cereal?

    Not gonna happen.

    Choose a better breakfast.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member


    Yeah yeah, Chow walkin'
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    The whole point of a cereal is carbs surely?
    It's made from a product that's pretty much purely carb.

    Shredded wheat seems to be the only cereal that's purely complex carbs; all others include some simple carbs (sugar).

    If you want a 'low carb' alternative, then yes look to some meat etc.

    I prefer the less sweat cereals, but as far as calories goes, there's not that massive a difference between Shredded Wheat and some of the 'less good' ones. It does make sense to have some simple carbs I guess to give you a bit of a 'kick', backed up with complex carbs for lasting energy.

    I don't seem to have a problem with any artificial sweeteners.
    I do with eating too many calories however, so in general; artificial sweeteners all the way for me given the choice!
    'Nature' has made many dangerous and deadly things while man has made many things much 'safer' than nature; not a good way to choose what to eat for me.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    You know what really grinds my gears...

    Scramble some eggs, throw a little flax seed on there and some walnuts and Bob's your auntie's live-in-lover!
  • torrmairi
    torrmairi Posts: 64 Member
    Do you like muesli? You could make your own with oats and fruit and simply omit the sugar. I also know that Alpen make a muesli with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, if you really must.

    Low-carb cereals simply don't exist, but you could choose lower-calorie, puffed cereals like Rice Krispies or puffed millet instead. Millet is fairly high in protein, and you can find it in health food shops (it's marketed as a gluten-free cereal).
    Choices like porridge or Weetabix will keep you going until lunchtime, so don't worry so much about carb count as the quality of the carbs.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    lol is this serious
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    Like (most) everything else, a little bit of the artificial sweetener is ok. But, please, please don't overdo it.

    I did Atkins a good while back, and did VERY well on it. I lost 80 lbs in about 4 months. I kept it off for approximately another 6 - 8 months. I felt better than I did before, but not great. My husband was having serious issues with the joints in his hands and hips. It turns out all the sugar alcohols and splenda we were using were giving him lupus like symptoms.

    I ran into some family issues/ old crap that resurfaced, and started eating again. The weight came back and FAST!! And more of it.

    When we stopped using the artificial stuff, all my husbands pain and symptoms cleared up.
    Now, I use sugar to sweeten things. I don't use it on much, but if I need to sweeten, I use sugar... count it and own it. It also makes me watch my portion control better on those treat items. (That being said, I do have a very rare diet Dr. Pepper.

    I am not quite down to the lowest I got while on Atkins, but I feel 10,000% better now than I did then. My stomach isn't ripped up all the time. I feel I have a much better handle on making better choices overall.
    Unless someone is VERY disciplined about adding the carbs back into their diet as Dr. Atkins originally wanted, then I don't recommend that plan.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    why oh why did I look at this...

    Word up.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    If you want to do low carb, then you will have to accept a lifestyle that includes little or no cereal, bread, rice, potato and the like.
    However, if you want to do a balanced diet containing healthy carbs, then you can have oatmeal and add fruits and stevia, or you can make an oatmeal substitute using quinoa, or get your own muesli ingredients from somewhere like holland and barrett, and make your own sugar free cereal. Rice is not that high in calories, about 160 for a 50g dry serving which imo is a lot of rice and can make a meal, even a high protein one, more filling and satisfying.
  • Crissthetealcat
    Crissthetealcat Posts: 21 Member
    not sure how you would make your own rice cereal though lol

    Grind brown rice in a blender or food processer until it is a fine powder. Cook in the rice cooker or steamer with twice as much water as you would for rice *or* cook on stove top as you would usual rice but with twice as much water as the recipe calls for.

    I also, have given up most rice due to carb/calorie counts, but I allow myself carb days and this would be a great one if you were craving an old fashioned hot cereal on a carb day. It's also perfect if you have any tummy bug.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My thoughts would be that sweeteners are chemical products that are horrible for the body

    Actually that's not true. Learned that in my upper div food science class where we studied the chemical structures of artificial sweeteners and how the body digests them.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Im just thinking about this alot, but why dont manufacturers take out the sugar from cereals, why not just add sweetners instead , tastes fine to me and why can we not buy low carb in the uk, this is mega annoying, You can get free from, oh yes free from wheat and gluten but not from sugar or carbs.

    You can buy low carb in the UK.

  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    My thoughts would be that sweeteners are chemical products that are horrible for the body

    Actually that's not true. Learned that in my upper div food science class where we studied the chemical structures of artificial sweeteners and how the body digests them.
    Eh ... that's still pretty iffy, to me.

    I'm more along the lines of "chemicals are bad, mmkay?"

    They say in the low doses that people consume them they'll not have a profound effect, but I'm going to just stick to the natural things. To each their own.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My thoughts would be that sweeteners are chemical products that are horrible for the body

    Actually that's not true. Learned that in my upper div food science class where we studied the chemical structures of artificial sweeteners and how the body digests them.
    Eh ... that's still pretty iffy, to me.

    I'm more along the lines of "chemicals are bad, mmkay?"

    They say in the low doses that people consume them they'll not have a profound effect, but I'm going to just stick to the natural things. To each their own.

    I suppose its all my ochem and biochem classes that's made me really comfortable with them and how the body uses them. Everything essentially breaks down to molecules, whether its artificial or not, and when you understand how different molecules interact, it doesn't seem too scary.

    But hey, as you said, to each his own. If you can moderate your sugar intake without the fake stuff, more power to you! I just don't like seeing this kind of misinformation spread because I've seen people choose a regular Coke over a diet one simply because they thought the artificial sweetener was dangerous.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm wondering what cereal makers would make cereal out of to make a no-carb variety. cereals are made from grains. grains are carbs. another word for grains" cereals.

    What about cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, or some eggs? Oatmeal, although a grain and therefore a carb, is a whole grain, which means you are getting fibre and some protein and other good things. It isn't sweetened unless you buy the little packets (way too sweet!), so you could add stevia or honey or brown sugar or fruit preserves or whatever you like.:flowerforyou:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I've seen people choose a regular Coke over a diet one simply because they thought the artificial sweetener was dangerous.
    I would totally be this person. But honestly, even if I wasn't perturbed by the idea of using artificial sweeteners I really hate the flavor of them. It tastes like plastic to me, practically, haha.

    With regard to the molecules I personally find it unlikely that when it breaks down there aren't some chemicals in there which are potentially malignant, but, even so it's one's choice as to what they put into their body. And either way, I've read articles where a doctor or nutritionist or something says that while there are chemicals which have the potential to cause harm they're in such small doses that those ill effects won't come to fruition.