

  • JamieAbnowski
    JamieAbnowski Posts: 18 Member
    Smoking is not a habit. It is a physical and social addiction. To anyone that has quit or is considering quitting I recommend Alan Carr's book- EasyWay to Quit Smoking. I am the happiest ex-smoker you will ever meet now that I have been freed from nicotine and I KNOW that I will never smoke again. It breaks your psychological addiction/fear of quitting smoking and you will realize that you never really needed a cigarette all along. So even if you have already quit, I still recommend reading it, to reaffirm your decision to stop smoking. I bought the book on Amazon and it was the best $10 I have ever spent. I also bought it for my in-laws. My mother-in-law who has been a pack+ smoker a day for the past 40 years up and quit cold turkey and has never been happier. I cannot say enough as to how this has changed my life. Now I truly look forward to exercise and every day that goes by my lungs are getting better. Plus- fruits and vegetables whose flavor had been muted from smoking all of a sudden have a mind blowing flavor intensity that I was missing all along!!! Never doubt your decision to stop smoking!!!! It was the best decision you have ever made!
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    :tongue: Yay all the quitters ! lol, seems funny to say, but seriously this is a huge thing to do and so congratulations to all of you that quit smoking.

    My parents both smoked while I was a kid. My dad quit when I was about 9 or 10, mainly due to his asthma. My mom didn't quit until I was 15 and was a very heavy smoker. She had gotten walking pneumonia on our vacation and had a bad nightmare the first night about her dad leading her out a door saying "you waited to long, its too late". My grandpa had been gone for about 8 years at that point and he was also a heavy smoker. She got up the next morning and handed my dad her cigarettes and lighter and was done.

    As a kid, I was very proud of them for quitting and am still quite happy that they have been smoke free for over 22 years now. I honestly don't know if they would still be around today, if they hadn't quit. Your children will be just as proud for seeing their mom and dad happy and healthy!
  • Fitty_Cent
    Fitty_Cent Posts: 41 Member
    Good job so far!

    I quit just over a year ago. I found that the Livestrong app was a really helpful motivator.
  • AZDee
    AZDee Posts: 129 Member
    Great News....it may be hard for awhile, but there will be a day that you forget you even smoked before....just stay faithful, that day will happen.....
  • vidchick73
    vidchick73 Posts: 27 Member
    Congratulations! I am so happy for you. It's amazing how sensitive you will become to smoke now. Keep up the good work, keep making those great choices for your health and for everyone around you.
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    From someone who's been there... Great job! But you're not out of the woods yet. I quit by taking it in 10 day increments at first. I knew if I made it the first 10 days, it would start to get easier, but there would still be plenty of strong cravings. So then take it another 10 days, and know it will get easier still. But even then, you'll still have the occasional "need". So go for a third set of 10 days, and you'll be home free! You will still have an occasional craving after that, but the intensity isn't so bad that it only takes a fraction of the willpower to not smoke.

    One thing to remember... NEVER let yourself have even 1. People make the mistake of telling themselves "I quit already, so what could 1 hurt?" Trust me, just 1 could be enough to start you down the path of starting again. you have to make it a goal to never have another cigarette, ever, period.

    I'm now on about 9 years quit (can't even remember any more), and I've never had even one since I made that best decision of my life.
  • hmarch77
    hmarch77 Posts: 26 Member
    Congrats on this HUGE achievement!!!! I too started smoking around 14 or 15. This October will be 2 years since I quit cold turkey. I smoked a pack a day. After I quit, I would chew lots of gum and on straws. It seemed to help.
    I will tell you it will get easier as time goes by.
    You will notice your taste and smell senses will change (for the better).
    Another great benefit will be how much money you and your boyfriend will be saving!!:)

    Keep it up!!!
  • cmorris0283
    cmorris0283 Posts: 17 Member
    AMAZING accomplishment! Keep it up!
  • sukey07
    sukey07 Posts: 6
    I too used Allen Carr's book and its been nearly 10 years now. I would recommend this book to anyone struggling to give up, and I would like to add my congratulations to all you "quitters" out there.

    Sue x :wink:
  • watercolormama
    watercolormama Posts: 131 Member
    Huge accomplishment! Take one day at a time.....you're doing great!
  • Holliday2
    Good for you. That is a big success. Its been 10 years for me and 3 for my daughter. She is a little older than you and started smoking when she was 15. Smoking is a bad habit and I feel one of the hardest ones to break. So give yourself a pat on the back. One day at a time and you will succeed.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    Congrats on quitting!! And to everyone else that has quit as well! Today it has been 1 month since i quit smoking and i am so happy that i made it! I feel so much better physically and emotionally! Although i will say the first 2 wks for me were terrible! You have your strong and weak moments but if you want it bad enough you will make it through! I wrote a top 5 list of reasons i wanted to quit and everytime i got a craving i would remind myself of those 5 reasons!! Also mints helped! lol.. Good luck on your journey and stay strong!!
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS! I know it must be hard... My husband quit after 20 years too, and he has been a non-smoker for almost 13 years now! It truly is one of the BEST things that you have done not only for yourself, but for your family as well! So Proud Of YOU!:flowerforyou:
  • wrensong27
    wrensong27 Posts: 33 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!! Quitting smoking is a gift you give to your whole family. I wish my parents would have quit. They both passe away from lung cancer :(
  • dragonc321
    Congrats! Me too :) I quit a month ago and had been good for 3 months but then fell back into the same habit. I was a 4pack/week smoker for 10 years. I am now 48 hours into being smoke-free again. Keep up the good work. It is tough but your body and family will thank you for it!
  • missmgray
    missmgray Posts: 152 Member
    @ Dragon - Congratulations for finding the strength to quit again!! You can do it too girl!!

    I had read Alan Carr's book a couple of years ago. I quit for three weeks that time. I do think of the book's logic often.

    I really think having my hubby and bestie quitting with me has been the key so far. I am pretty competitive and do NOT want to be the one to buckle. :wink:

    I am really appreciative of the support and encouragement I have received here. Thanks everyone!!
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    @ Dragon - Congratulations for finding the strength to quit again!! You can do it too girl!!

    I had read Alan Carr's book a couple of years ago. I quit for three weeks that time. I do think of the book's logic often.

    I really think having my hubby and bestie quitting with me has been the key so far. I am pretty competitive and do NOT want to be the one to buckle. :wink:

    I am really appreciative of the support and encouragement I have received here. Thanks everyone!!

    Its so much better when you have someone quit with you! My boyfriend and i quit together which was great (except for the moodiness the 1st few days. lol) but it made it so much better because when i was having a hard time i knew he understood how i felt and what i was going through so we stayed strong together! It gets frustrating when you talk to some people that never smoked or still smoke because they make it seem like its so easy and to just do it when to me it was one of the hardest things ive ever done! So there definately is stength in numbers!
  • jenwalton
    jenwalton Posts: 87 Member
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Congratulations! I quit last October and it was the best thing I could have done! I did gain 10lbs. but that is long gone since joining MFP! Since you are already on here you will probably not have that problem. =)
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Congratulations! It's a big step to even make the decision and definitely easier if you have a supportive family! I quit cold turkey about 4 years ago after having smoked 22 years. I can honestly say it has been one of the best decisions of my life. I am so much happier now not to have to worry about when I can go have my smoke, if i can smoke when I go out, if i can make it through a show, movie, flight.. smoking is stressful on top of being expensive!

    Hang in there, it DOES eventually get easier!
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