Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness



  • caribear1984
    caribear1984 Posts: 203
    Another vote for epsom salts, extra protein, and ibuprofen if necessary. Plus, make sure you're drinking lots of water. And just remember, the DOMS means you're on your way to awesome legs (or whatever parts are sore)! Lol
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    D.O.M.S is just your muscles hugging you for taking care of them.:wink:

    Awww! That's cute! ????
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Ha, I just realized that this is from August of last year. LOL. Zombie thread.

    10 months of DOMS from one workout? DAYUM!
  • JRSchumaker
    JRSchumaker Posts: 93 Member

    Also, my legs hurt WORSE now than they did yesterday. I went swimming yesterday and stretched like every couple hours. MAN, I hurt myself. Should I wait until the pain subsides to more of a lingering-type pain before I try squats and lunges again? Right now it KILLS to sit down and stand up again (i.e., like when I'm going to the bathroom! haha).

    When you've really overdone it, the second day is usually worse.

    The best thing I started doing to help with muscle recovery is drinking a cup of skim chocolate milk after I work out. There's some research that seems to show that it really is great for this, but of course YMMV. I second the vote for a banana. Staying hydrated is also super important. I also learned that sucking it up and moving around, at least a little, helps enough that day three is not as awful as day two.

    Enjoy your next workout :)
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Um, thanks for the help everyone... this is 11 months old though. How on earth did it resurface?!?

    ETA: fortunately I don't still have the DOMS since I asked the question :tongue:

    It was meeeeee. :blushing: Sorry!!! lol.

    Also, my legs hurt WORSE now than they did yesterday. I went swimming yesterday and stretched like every couple hours. MAN, I hurt myself. Should I wait until the pain subsides to more of a lingering-type pain before I try squats and lunges again? Right now it KILLS to sit down and stand up again (i.e., like when I'm going to the bathroom! haha).

    Haha! You used the search feature, which makes you awesome!!
    Stretch, eat protein, and take a hot bath. The less you use them the stiffer they'll get. Don't go throwing on the big girl plates but keep your next scheduled Leg Day even if you're still sore. Just take it easy. Do body weight squats if needed. Just ease into it!
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    If you are still really sore, I would recommend keeping your workouts relatively light until your muscles have time to heal. Everyone's muscles heal at different speeds, so if you need more time than some others might, take it! It's better to be on the safe side than risk injury by over doing it.
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    Murdered my legs two days ago. Going to buy bananas and Epsom salts right now. Hopefully it's not too late!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I've wondered if taking ibuprophen would be a bad idea since it reduces inflammation. Isn't it inflammation that we need for muscle to grow? I thought maybe it would sort of decrease the effectiveness of the workout.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Start taking creatine it will help with that, but also don't be afraid to go back into your workouts. Just make sure you do a nice warmup walk before any running so you don't tear anything.
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    I've been swearing up & down for years that drinking a protein shake right before going to bed at night helped reduce & at times eliminate muscle soreness after waking up the next morning.
    TRY IT!!!

    as far as taking ibuprofen to reduce inflammation after a workout, sure you can do that however there are natural alternatives such as teas, peppermint tea has great anti inflammatory properties, grapes, especially the grape seeds, (they are edible people, resveratrol ? remember?)
    Inflammation being needed for muscle growth is a myth, if your inflamed from a jog for example, take it easy next time.