Your best physical change whilst losing weight? :)

For example, the best part for me is that I'm beginning to have a smaller mid section, and my legs don't look as chunky.

It makes me happy. :)

Just wondering, since you've started to lose weight, where've you been losing it the most?

(Ooops, wrong category btw, lol. :O )


  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    There's still some fat down there, but my upper legs look much better since I started doing heavy squats and deadlifts (though most people don't get to see that). My face / neck lost a lot of chub as well.
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    Same here about my face and neck. :) Keep up the good work!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Right now my face. I no longer look like a chipmunk. I'm hoping that changes soon though.
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    LOL :) It will eventually! :) Keep on keeping on!!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I've lost 16 inches in my waist while only losing 5 inches from my chest and less than 1.5 inches from my arms.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Lost the most weight so far in my back and sides.

    The part I am most excited about was a fatty patch on my chest that has been with me for years and was said, by a doctor, to be there forever. And it's GONE. It's such a beautiful feeling.
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    Sweet!! I've lost about half an inch. :c lol. Progress though. :D
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    Wow! That's great! :) Back and sides are the best. :)
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    AlotOfSweatAndPain Posts: 234 Member
    I smile more
  • tibeck01
    tibeck01 Posts: 31 Member
    Since I started running, my calves are muscular and I have started showing them off...have gotten compliments on my legs and it feels great. Also lost the muffin tops puffing out over my waist band. Still trying to lose the belly...But not stopping until I do!!!
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    You definitely deserve to!
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    LOL tell me about it, the belly is the worst!!! I'm probably going to have to start doing some crunches, lol. But yes, personally, belly fat is the hardest to lose.

    ..well that, and the upper body area(s).
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I love my abs! It was the last/hardest place to lose.. so once I achieved that, I could focus on other parts much easier! :happy:

    "Lift Heavy! Run Hard!" =D
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    @JenaeSmith, wow!! Yeah that's probably what I should do lol, I'd have a lot more progress! I'm proud of you!! :)

    Your abs look great!!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    Buttocks and belly. I'm friends with my old jeans again. :)
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    Ohhh yes, old jeans. :) That's wonderful!! :)

    Can't wait till the day my old jeans & I reunite lol.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I look taller!

    Seriously. Extra chub on a shorty like me, made me look even shorter.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    My arms, ack, and shoulders are my best features now. I also like my butt a lot. No cellulite!
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    @Giggitygoo, That's good for you, :) Really. :)

    I'm 5'4 and chunky as progresso, good job!: )
  • JessMySize
    JessMySize Posts: 130
    @Katie3784, I bet It's good not having to use your 'eyes' as your best feature now, isn't it? :)