I don't like veggies so how do I eat healthy?



  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    low calorie meats...50 calories per 2 oz of meat is the gold standard...i make sandwiches with 35 calorie a slice bread...bumblebee tuna is good, swanson chicken in a can, chicken breast are pretty good, hillshire farm makes pretty low calorie lunch meats in turkey and chicken, oscar meyer has ham lunch meats that are like 13 calories per square slice, the size of a peice of bread and 50 cals per 2 oz....learn to love coffee and diet sodas...3 ways i know for sure to add flavor with out adding calories is SOUR, SALTY and SPICY not all at the same time either

    I've lost 43 lbs in 48 days using these types of foods and exercising when ever possible...
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Just ****ing eat them. Seriously. Learn to choke them down. They are good for you. Not everything you stick in your mouth has to be rewarding and delicious.

    Can't stand ****ing cucumbers or carrots... gotta eat them though.

    i agree
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Just ****ing eat them. Seriously. Learn to choke them down. They are good for you. Not everything you stick in your mouth has to be rewarding and delicious.

    Can't stand ****ing cucumbers or carrots... gotta eat them though.
    Yes let's make this into something we associate with nasty things by just "f****ing choking them down." If you don't like it, you don't like it. If you haven't tried it, then try it before judging. Personally I hate salad because I think lettuce tastes like grass, I'm not about to eat one just because it's healthy. I'll find an alternative I like and will want to eat, thanks.
  • davidlaplante
    davidlaplante Posts: 9 Member
    It will take 2-4 months for your tastebuds and body to fully adapt to liking/preferring the taste of veggies. You're body will adapt - but it will take some time. Stick with it. You'll be surprised in 4 months how a red pepper tastes like candy. Or a fresh tomato. Organic tastes better pretty much always.

    Go paleo. Strive to work your way to eating 100g of carbs, no more and watch the pounds melt away. (As long as you kick the wheat!)

    We enjoy all the butter, grass-fed beef, and nitrate-free bacon we can stuff ourselves with. As long as you're 100g carbs or less you can drench those veggies in KerryGold butter.

    Buy a blood glucose monitor and start testing. By making a game of trying to get your blood sugar down (from the carbs) you'll distract your brain with the desire (and dopamine) of trying to achieve something other than just weight loss which can be slow and unrewarding.

    Gaming your food for immediate results on your blood sugar is more rewarding and gets you to the same goal with more dopamine hits along the way. And the bottom line is that while you may wish to slim down for looks, it's making sure you're not headed towards diabetes that really matters. A few extra pounds may hurt your ego, but diabetes will kill you (slowly) and cost you lots of $$$$.
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Pine apple is so yummy and only like 120 cals for 1/2 pineapple...strawberries...blue berries...cantolope...cherrys are good....try eating tomatoes...

    i lost 43lbs in 48 days eating foods like these
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    V8 Fusion Light
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Butterball turkey bacon is a great alternative to pig bacon...the ultra thin slices are 30 cals for 2 slices and the regular thickness slices are 25 cals per 1 slice...if you love bacon eat turkey bacon

    i lost 43lbs in 48 days eating these foods
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Wow, I think a lot of you guys are taking this a little overkill.

    Whatever, that said, I'm here to second ohsheglows.com and her green smoothies. It's how I get my veggies in because, generally, I don't really care much for most vegetables, and the ones I do like aren't ones of substance.

    So I make a smoothie with the following ingredients:

    1 cup spinach
    1 cup bananas
    1/3 cup carrots
    1/2 cup broccoli
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    1 cup rice milk
    1/2 cup cantaloupe
    1/2 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup raspberries
    1/2 cup strawberries

    It tastes great and it does pretty well at getting your fruits and veggies in :) I make them for people all the time and, while they may look kinda gross sometimes (especially if you blend the strawberries, raspberries and blueberries too much ... I like for them to be a little chunky still; also if they're fully blended it'll be brown), but they taste great and give you energy.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i agree with low carb. it's what i do. you don't NEED to eat vegetables, but after eating meat and eggs for a few days, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and squash look really delicious.

    you should look up different ways to cook vegetables. most people boil them to death, and yea, that's nasty.
    roast or sautee them! so much better.
    if you don't know how to cook.. well you have the internet to teach you! feel free to message me as well. i cook from scratch a lot.

    you could also try using mild veggies and fruits to make smoothies.

    also, don't eat too many carby products like pasta, rice, potatoes.

    good luck!
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    Wow, I think a lot of you guys are taking this a little overkill.

    Whatever, that said, I'm here to second ohsheglows.com and her green smoothies. It's how I get my veggies in because, generally, I don't really care much for most vegetables, and the ones I do like aren't ones of substance.

    So I make a smoothie with the following ingredients:

    1 cup spinach
    1 cup bananas
    1/3 cup carrots
    1/2 cup broccoli
    2 tablespoons peanut butter
    1 cup rice milk
    1/2 cup cantaloupe
    1/2 cup blueberries
    1/2 cup raspberries
    1/2 cup strawberries

    It tastes great and it does pretty well at getting your fruits and veggies in :) I make them for people all the time and, while they may look kinda gross sometimes (especially if you blend the strawberries, raspberries and blueberries too much ... I like for them to be a little chunky still; also if they're fully blended it'll be brown), but they taste great and give you energy.

    Peanut butter will murder your food diary...its like 120 cals per tablespoon...even light peanut butter is super high in calories..

    i lost 43 lbs in 48 days..only ate peanut butter once and i saw what it did to my food diary and will never do it again
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    "Vegetables" or "salad" is a HUGE category! Try lots of different kinds, cooked in different ways. Sometimes vegetables have quite a strong flavour on their own, so it helps to mix them into something else. Try adding carrots, onion and celery to a spaghetti sauce. Stir some peas into your mac and cheese. Make a stir fry with chicken pieces and a colourful selection of sliced peppers, mushrooms, courgettes, flavoured well with ginger, garlic, black pepper, maybe some lime juice. Saute some veg, simmer in a good stock, and then blend for a smooth soup.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I forgot to add that the peanut butter is for people who actually work out and, thus, need additional calories. Of course none of those ingredients are a must.

    Anyway, peanut butter is a great source of good fats and protein.

    I lost 25 pounds in 33 days eating foods like these. (And exercising.)
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Just ****ing eat them. Seriously. Learn to choke them down. They are good for you. Not everything you stick in your mouth has to be rewarding and delicious.

    Can't stand ****ing cucumbers or carrots... gotta eat them though.

    This. Time to pull up your big girl panties and do what you gotta do. You'll learn to love them once you give up processed foods and start eating good veggies.
  • moonlightturk
    Stiry fry. Brocoli's w/ beef ...yum
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I didn't much care for veggies until I started learning to cook for myself. Low and behold a fresh cooked veg tastes nothing like that can of stuff my mom always opened as a side with hamburger helper. Roasting takes the bitter out of veg if you are sensitive to it, hence why some people swear by it. I personally love steaming and smothering in real butter. You will eventually have to decide to try new veg and cooking techniques or not bother but since they are such a nutrient rich way of getting low calorie food volume and fiber I would totally not give up on them even if I had to mix them in something that covered their taste or texture depending on what it is about the veg you don't like.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I agree with trying different ways of cooking veggies. Ratatouille, veggie soups, etc. I don't enjoy eating veggies but those are meals I enjoy. Especially pumpkin soup. Carrots I like raw but not cooked for example.
    Leeks are also easy to incorporate in many recipes (various soups, quiches and pies). Frozen peas work well, I add them to my omelettes. That said I still struggle and don't eat as many veggies as I should.
    You can also add cauliflower to your mashed potatoes to make them healthier (you could even just eat mashed cauliflower but I prefer a 50/50 ratio).
    Courgettes are easy to camouflage into spicy meals: just dice them, cook em with the rest of the meal, and with the spices and flavors from the meat in the meal you can hardly even tell they are there.
    Fruits are the way to go though. They have more calories/sugars in them than veggies, but they are healthy, full of vitamins and in that regard are just as important as veggies.
  • golightlyphilosophy
    I recommend tricking your taste buds by sneaking veggies into foods that you will barely notice.
    For example, when you make burgers, buy lean ground turkey meat, finely chop some carrot, bell pepper, onion, or really any veggies you can chop very finely, and mix them into your ground meat before forming the patties, then throw them on the grill. Start out doing a very minimal amount of a vegetable you think you can tolerate. You really can't taste the veggies if you dice them up small enough.
    Try to incorporate them into dishes you like, instead of eating them on their own.
    Here is a very good recipe that has a decent sized serving of spinach, but there is enough low fat cheese, and tons of flavor, you don't even feel like you're eating your veggies. This is one of my favorite dinner recipes.
    This website has lots of low calorie yummy dishes, most of which incorporate vegetables in a way that you don't even feel like it's a "healthy" meal. This site has been a lifesaver for me!
  • DiabolicBooger
    DiabolicBooger Posts: 198 Member
    "Vegetables" or "salad" is a HUGE category! Try lots of different kinds, cooked in different ways. Sometimes vegetables have quite a strong flavour on their own, so it helps to mix them into something else. Try adding carrots, onion and celery to a spaghetti sauce. Stir some peas into your mac and cheese. Make a stir fry with chicken pieces and a colourful selection of sliced peppers, mushrooms, courgettes, flavoured well with ginger, garlic, black pepper, maybe some lime juice. Saute some veg, simmer in a good stock, and then blend for a smooth soup.

    i absolutly agree....i stuff healthy foods/veggies into anything i possibly can so i don't notice their somewhat bland flavor so much
  • lkcuts
    lkcuts Posts: 224
    Thank you all for your post. As several suggested, I just need to do it and find a way to enjoy them. Guess I'll try buying a bunch of different veggies and try cooking them in different ways to see if I can find ways that I will like them.

    THIS^ homemade Chinese stir fry is wonderful once you start introducing vegtables you will find yourself craving them. Sneak them (celery for instance) chopped fine in your rice with low sodium chicken broth,lightly breaded zuccini(spelling) fried in coconut oil, spagetti squash, baked in its shell, then you take a fork and string it out on a plate. its looks like spagetti and add your favorite sauce..yummy.green pepper and onion sauted in light butter add your egg or egg whites sometimes I will add fresh tomatoes cook them down with the green pepper and onion, add a little chili powder makes a mexican omlet, half slice of cheese. Anyway to even sneak in veggies is good.Try using bigger cuts of veggies and dip them instead of eating them plain or in a salad. Great snack when you get the munchies. Celery and cream cheese or peanut butter. ANYWAY you can use veggies to ADD to any dish helps. Good luck!!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Funny thing with appetite is, it can change!
    If you have children, you know that you can introduce things in their diet slowly.
    So it is with you.
    Just try one or two new vegetables per week.
    Try them in a recipe.
    For example, wait until your next meal. And you are hungry.
    So slice up one fresh zucchini into a pan with some water and steam until tender.
    Now season it...many options for this: My favorite, and the one my children love, season with salt and multipurpose seasoning and top with cheddar cheese.
    Or pick some other veggie and recipe.

    A little here, a little there....add in some time.....and suddenly you have produced a change.
    In this case, perhaps it is better to make a change here and there slowly, instead of this WHOLE diet makeover idea.

    Enjoy getting healthy and fit!