If you saw a ten year old girl with an iPhone....



  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    I think it's a bit ridiculous that a 10 year old even has a phone.. let alone an Iphone. Would I say anything to them about it though or berate them in front of others? No.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    It's not my child, so i could care less.
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I would say nothing because it's none of my business. I don't know what the big deal is. Most kids that age have a phone anyway. My 16 year old has an iphone.
  • nburleson
    1) Don't think there's anything wrong with a child that age to have an iPhone, every child matures differently, and I know that a lot of the time a child having a cell phone is more of a safety issue (I know that my daughter will have some kind of phone once she starts having sleepovers etc).

    2) Even if I didn't agree, I sure wouldn't say anything within ear range of the child. It's not the child's decision, it's the parent's decision to hand that child a phone.

    3) I don't understand why handing a phone to a child is considered permissive parenting. . . In fact, I know several parents who gave their kids iPhones because there was an app on the phone that allowed them to see where the child was at any moment in time on their own phone. . . I think it's a great safety tool nowadays.

    Just my 2cents though. . .
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I definitely wouldn't say anything to someone else's child unless I saw them doing something that puts them or someone else in danger. Otherwise, I mind my own business. As for if it is wrong or right to give a 10 year old a cell phone, it depends, some parents give it to kids for health or safety benefits. When I raised my son there wasn't such a thing so I didn't have the option. I can say I wouldn't have given one to my son, as my husband says all the time, but I don't know what I would have done.
  • divalivious
    divalivious Posts: 213 Member
    Like most I wouldnt say anything to the kid.
    Think they are out of line.
    Would it be my first choice no but then I am sure my choices wouldnt be anyones first choice either. I definitely wouldnt want anyone belittling my kids on the choices I made on their behave either.
  • rippedcutupabs
    I'm pretty sure I've most likely seen a 10 year old with an iPhone. I don't think I thought too much about it. Lots of kids have cell phones nowadays.
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    For those that say, 10 is too young, you may not know the background. I bought a phone for my kids to share when they were 7 and 9. Why you ask? My stupid *kitten* ex would never let them call me when they were with him. It was my only way to be able to communicate with them when they were visiting him. Imagine, having your kids gone for 2 weeks and you have no way of speaking to them to even know if they are alive. It got to the point where my daughter was having to hide the phone inside her teddy bear otherwise he would take it away.

    Is an iphone a bit much? Sure it could but it could also be loaded with educational games to help the child. I know I downloaded a lot of phonic games and such on mine for the kids to play when they are board.
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    When my daughter is 10, we will be assessing her ability to keep up with one. She needs a way to get in touch with me at all times. And right now, I have an iPhone. I can't upgrade my phone for 2 years. Which will make her 10. If she gets one, she will be getting my "old" phone, an iphone 4s. She is involved in Karate, Ballet and gymnastics, so there is a lot of time after school that she will be away from me. I need to know that I can speak with her if I need to. If she is not as responsible, I will be getting her a tracphone (or something like that) that is easy and cheap and has limited minutes.
  • mfp116
    mfp116 Posts: 108
    i dont think 10 is too young for a phone at all.. because id rather be able to contact my kids theyre going to leave the house so id like to know where they are and get in contact if need be...
    although iPhones are very expensive personally i wouldnt give my kids an iPhone cause even i dont look after my phone all that well at 20 so i wouldnt expect a 10 year old to... but if i could afford to give my kids iPhones... why not? they come with amazing features like "find my iPhone" etc so if your kid goes missing... you're more than likely able to find out where they would be

    but i would never ever say anything to a CHILD about that! what an absolute idiot
  • oOMusicBabii
    While not too young to have a phone, too young to have a phone of that value. Personally, children should only have a phone for making calls/texts in an emergency or say if they are hanging out at a friends house and they are ready to come home/need a ride. It should be something inexpensive where you can limit minutes/texting etc (inexpensive and basic pay as you go phones would be great for a child!) :)

    However, saying rude things to a child like that is not acceptable.
  • LouiseRose92
    At 10, I'd mosly be worried about her losing it.

    I got my first phone at 12, it was quite advanced. It had a colour screen :wink:

    I would never berate a young child for something so silly!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    You better believe I'd give my kid a cell phone for this reason. I had this problem but didn't have the cell phone to solve it so totally understand.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I don't think there's a problem with her having an iPhone. It is 2012, technology is not the enemy it is the reality of our world. In my opinion good parenting is about preparing your child for the world, not preotecting them from it. As long as she is taught about appropriate use of the phone and can't purchase random apps, go for it :) I swear some people would have us living in the dark ages...

    This, this, this!!
  • oOMusicBabii
    At 10, I'd mosly be worried about her losing it.

    I got my first phone at 12, it was quite advanced. It had a colour screen :wink:

    I would never berate a young child for something so silly!

    WOW that was living large then! Mine was still a two-tone, light green with changeable black font contrast!
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    If my kid was with his dad and his dad wouldn't let him call me and I had the option of a cell phone he'd have it.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    My nieces, ages 3 & 6, both have iphones. They use them to watch cartoons and films when out and about - it's a great way to keep them from getting bored while in a restaurant, for example.

    Both phones are hand-me-downs from their parents. I'm not sure I'd spend £400 on a phone for a child, but I'm not going to criticise someone who does. What right do I have to tell someone else how to spend THEIR money?
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    I am in the camp a 10 year old is too young for the need of a smartphone. I also agree it was inappropriate to involve the child. This is the first generation of young children to be raised with ready access to the internet, facebook, texting, etc. I have to wonder how it will affect the world as a result.
  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    I always let my kids have cell phones young, I think in today's world it is a necessary safety protection for children to have one. The type of phone is up to the parents to decide. I had people make comments to me regarding it and I always said something. I prefer my child to have a phone and be able to call if they are in danger. Guidelines were given for the phone for texting etc that was between us. People should keep their mouths shut and worry about their own kids.
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I got my first phone at 14 (19 now). It was a flip phone and I didn't have texting. It was just for calls. I think that's developmentally appropriate. My two cousins had phones very young but their parents are divorced so it makes it easier for them to go back and forth. They didn't have texting until they were older too.

    I wouldn't say anything but I wouldn't give my child such an expensive phone. I don't even have a smartphone and I'm perfectly happy. But that's mainly because I'm too cheap to pay the data fee.

    I watch kids as one of my jobs. Some of the 11 year olds have phones. They just sit next to each other and call each other. It's kind of hilarious.