What was your breaking point?



  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    When my marriage hit the rocks! I looked at a picture at a fourth of july bbq, i was a whale, unhappy and depressed. I started to notice my drinking was becoming a problem, like a magic for get about it tool, and seemed to be the only time i felt good about myself. i was tired sick, and went to the dr and at 154 pounds (im 5 feet tall) i was borderline diabetic, heart decease, and my triglycerides were 224. i was done.
  • sammyc350
    sammyc350 Posts: 25 Member
    I haven't reached my breaking point just yet, but I feel it coming... I'm just so unhappy with my appearance and overall health/wellness.
  • Sage4041
    Sage4041 Posts: 13
    When my doctor told me that I could have a kidney disease that'll send me into renal failure before I'm 70 and I'm only 23. I realized that I needed to take care of my stuff while I've got it and one crucial thing is controlling my blood pressure. Dropping 50 pounds sounds like the best way to do it.
  • lnguyen578
    When my doctor told me I had pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, and was declared depressed by a psychiatrist as well as being in an abusive relationship. I felt so miserable and suicidal and knew it was time for a change and the gym became my sanctuary! I am now 100% healthy (according to my check-up results 2 weeks ago) and in a happy and fulfilling relationship as well as being down almost 100 pounds. It feels unreal how I used to be, I don't ever want to be like that again... Only stronger from here on out! :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    The day I had to buy my first pair of pants in the next size and couldn't get my skinny pants over my thighs
  • JamieDD
    JamieDD Posts: 175 Member
    Going back to Oct 2011...I broke down and bought a scale...Had been afraid to get one one. Weigh myself and when I saw that I was only 20 lbs away from weighing what my 6 foot tall husband weighs (I'm 4' 11"), I knew right then and there something had to change!! And so it has.....:)
  • MerBear1985
    I feel like I have had a few...but the one that will keep me going is:

    I was visiting my brother and his kids and one of the first things he said to me after hi and I missed you (haven't seen them in a year) was; "You look bigger than the last time I saw you." I almost died! I lost 27lbs last year and was within 5lbs of my goal weight and I let everything go to bits.

    This time I will NOT give up and it will become a lifestyle for me...it has to....
  • centralvicgirl
    centralvicgirl Posts: 21 Member
    Having to repeatedly read the word 'Obese' typed under 'Risk Factors' on my medical forms after giving birth to my son and wondering if the circumstances of his birth had anything to do with my weight/fitness. Plus, he sucked all my pregnancy weight and an extra 10kg out of me by breastfeeding in the first six weeks - that was too good a head start to ignore, I felt it my duty to keep going.
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    about 5 or 6 weeks ago. i just couldn't be like this any longer. i had so much hate for my body.
    i have loads of nice clothes that i can't wear, so that too
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    My turning point was last December and a knee injury that wasn't healing. I felt like I was waddling around and looked like a penguin going up and down stairs. And don't mention pictures. I haven't been happy about many of them at all. I had seen my friend lose 65lbs so it became my motivation. I wanted health and well being with a side of weight loss. I knew if I wanted a long and happy active life I needed to do something now. My journey started back in January of this year. At that time all I was concentrating on was getting active. I made good use of the total gym I was given and surprise surprise my knee started to feel much better. I joined MFP at the start of June after 2 miserable weeks where I couldn't exercise because I had seriously over done it and wrecked my knee again. To date I've dropped 26lbs and doing so much better now.

    Thanks for all the inspirational stories. They are great motivation to stick with my life style changes.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    getting tests done by my doctor. she told me that i had high blood pressure and my blood levels were close to being diabetic. my choices were to get on pills for the high blood pressure or lose weight. i went the weight loss route and ended up getting my BP and blood tests back to normal.

    also since this is really the first time i've ever tried to lose weight, i decided to just go ahead and keep goinguntil i got to the body i used to have
  • Glamorous_RN
    When i was told i'll have kidney failure if i dont shed all of my weight off. And i did 90% of it before i joined MFP.
  • silversong24
    silversong24 Posts: 409 Member
    May 23, 2011

    I went to the doctor for my 6 month post-partum checkup for my third baby and not only had I gained 13 pounds weight from my 3 month checkup, but was sitting higher than my highest weight for my previous two pregnancies (full term!!!!)..... that day I went home, cried myself out, and started my change!!
  • Deedsie
    Deedsie Posts: 348 Member
    When I learned that if you are in great enough shape that they don't have to crack your chest open to get a lung as a living donor. I said that is worth running every other day.
  • MackLaura
    My breaking point was about a week ago. I have been in denial about my weight for years, avoiding scales, mirrors and even dodging friends in restaurants so they wouldn't see me eating. The final straw came when I made plans to fly out west and cisit an old friend of mine. After making the reservations I find out that I might have to buy a second ticket because my butt is bigger than the airline seat. Wouldn't you think that being a nurse all the health risks involved with being obese would do it? Nope! It took the possible embarrassment of having to buy a second seat on an airplane to wake me up.

    This time I am determined to make it!
  • Prestissima
    Prestissima Posts: 66 Member
    My first breaking poin was February 2009, when me and my future husband started living together. After 6 month (no sport, junk food, loose clothing) I couldn't get up off the couch without using hands. I dropped 12-13 lbs (up to 117 lbs), gained some muscles and was happy for a while.
    The second breaking point was August 2011. During writing a diploma I dropped 5 pounds then gained 7. I liked it to be slim and thin, so I tried to drop some gained weight. But whithout motivation it was impossible.
    July 2012 was the third breaking point. March 2012 I had an operation on my neck, so didn't do nothing for my body till July. Of course I gained - now up to 128 lbs. Today I have better motivation: not only to be slim (GW: 110 lbs), but healthy too. Hope the third effort will be successful.
  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    Once again, thanks so much for sharing pals. You all are amazing.

  • iSpeakLife
    iSpeakLife Posts: 104 Member
    I haven't reached my breaking point just yet, but I feel it coming... I'm just so unhappy with my appearance and overall health/wellness.

    You can do it!!!
  • carriejones80
    There were several factors that caused me to reach my breaking point. The first thing that happened to me was when I tried on a tshirt a few months after the last time wearing it and I noticed how snug it was. Second, I went in for surgery and they had to weigh me....I was 8 lbs from 300. That scared me to death. Finally, after a judge ruled that it was in the best interest of my kids to stay with me, my first thought was, " how can I take care of them if I am constantly taking care of health issues related to my weight. Or better yet, if I am dead." I woke up, on the the day the final straw that broke the camels back, and realized that I had no one to blame but me and no one to fix me...except me. I went out that evening and walked. That just fueled the fire even more cuz I couldn't walk a complete mile. How the heck was I gonna do things for my kids. One month later and hard dedication, I am down 17.6 lbs and walking between 3-5 miles a day. ;-) That's my story!!!
  • alexmrusu
    When my mother told me "You can't be miserable about something you're in control of. You either love yourself the way you are or change it, and be happy."