Why is healthy eating so expensive?



  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Grow stuff or join a co-op. Raise chickens, if you have a yard and it's not illegal. If you can't do any of that stuff, maybe consider moving? Good luck!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
  • cindaboo1
    cindaboo1 Posts: 150 Member
  • dmisty24
    dmisty24 Posts: 26
    I don't know if u have a 99cent store in your neighborhood.......bndI buy a lot of my produce there. It comes in daily and some stuff granted isn't that desirable...but I find most of it to be very good. I also buy a lot of healthy foods at Trader Joes and have found them to have good prices. I don't buy my produce there because like Walmart....their produce is a little pricey.

    Good luck ,trust me I know how hard it is....cause I don't just live on a shoe string, I live on 1/2 a shoestring!!

    Take care.......MIsty
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    If you have a local farm that has a fruit/vegetable stand on it, go and ask if they have anything that is discounted. My husband and I stopped at a local farm the other day, we stopped to ask if they took debit because we wanted to do the u-pick peaches, they only took cash and we only had $5 on us but they had a box of peaches for $5. The woman told us they were only $5 cause they were so small and not many people would buy them-so we said we will take them, then she said she had a bigger box for the same price. SO, we ended up getting 10lbs of peaches for $5! I am gonna freeze most of them, so they don't go bad. I'm sure a lot of farms does this, so they don't end up throwing them out.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I have been trying to eat a lot healthier and so for the last three weeks or so i have been buying alot of fresh produce, low fat yogurts, 'whole' foods, quorn (instead of meat) but can not believe how expensive it is! I have done my months shopping budget in 2 weeks!!! Any advice on healthy, cheaper options???

    Some fresh fruits can be frozen and/or dried. If you can get a dehydrator, you can try dehydrating. If freezing berries, layer them on a cookie sheet and freeze. Then store in a ziptop bag (make sure all the air's out).

    Canning is also an option, if you have the hardware and time (and patience).

    Do you have a farmers' market in your area?

    I don't know what space you have, but someone did suggest a garden. We have tomato plants at home and have been harvesting tomatoes all summer.

    Part of the answer to your question: if the stuff got to your store on a truck, some of that price is the cost of gasoline. :sad: :angry:
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    You know the gov does all these studies on the reasons americans are fat? Cause for a 1.50 for hamburger helper and 3.00 for a lb of hamburger we can feed a family of 4. Fresh vegis and fruit is expensive for a family. I should know. It was always a luxury to splurge and buy some apples when you can barely pay the electricity. Processed carbs are cheap. Seems like I'm always buying produce. Its getting expensive. But its better than having diabetes and hypertension.
  • beejelblor
    beejelblor Posts: 123 Member
    Farmers markets really make a big difference and then you have the pro of eating and supporting local as well. For a cost example, target sells a tiny bushel of cilantro for $2.99, for $0.50 at our farmers market we get a whole plastic bag worth of it. My boyfriend and I struggle with this same problem every week but have decided it is very much worth the expense to each healthy and fresh. Its a challenge really worth taking , we can feel the difference in our bodies!! Another thing that helps is Costco, we can not eat that quantity so we share with my parents and really see the results on our budget.

    Good Luck and keep with it!!!!!