Only lost 3lbs in 2 weeks NOT GOOD!!!!



  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I know you're eager to see the numbers drop on the scale, we all are, right? :) But to lose much more than 1 1/2 lbs a week (which is the same as 3lbs in 2 weeks, according to my in-depth calculations, lol!) can be unhealthy, and leads to very unsexy flabby loose skin, which no one wants. Not to mention, the faster you lose weight, the easier it is to put it right back on! Slow and steady wins the race, keep at it and don't focus on how far you still have to go, instead celebrate the progress you've made!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    Everything I've read regarding weight loss says slow and steady is the best way for permanent weight loss. I have my goal set for 1.5lbs per week. I don't hit that number all the time. As my doctor said you didn't gain this in 3're not going to lose it in 3 months. Please be patient and don't give up. The weight will come off...and more importantly stay off!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Stick to what you're doing. 3lbs is a good loss.

    I don't lose 1lb a week anymore! Enjoy those losses while they last! :-)
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    Although it's annoying, I'd recommend taking your measurements as soon as possible. I've been watching my progress closely since July 22 (have been working out on our new elliptical every day for 45 minutes!) and found that although my weight has gone up 0.6 lbs, I've lost 3 inches off my waist and a few miscellaneous inches elsewhere. I know as women we've been conditioned to become slaves to the scale, but sometimes you just won't see the scale move--but you'll see the inches come off!
  • jenichenny
    jenichenny Posts: 73 Member
    Mon 08/06/12 09:55 AMIm 31 5'1 and have been doing MFP for 2 week... I have been working out and every morning either to Turbo Jam or 30 day Shred. My first week I lost 2lbs that was great .... My 2nd week I lost 1lb I am very disappointed. So this week I am going to do a 7 day detox of fruit veggies and lean meet. Has anyone else got a slow start... I need to see lbs off and numbers dropping on the scale. Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone have any advice? HELP!!!!!!! :explode: :mad: :sad:

    I think you are doing everything right. However I think you need to change your expectations a bit. Slower is better. Focus on NSV like take a picture each week or keep measurements. This will help you see progress. I didn't lose any last week and was totally bummed. However, when I measured I had lost 2inches in my waist and hips in two weeks! So excited about that.

    You could consider calorie cycling.
  • ctwm84
    ctwm84 Posts: 31 Member
    I used to be so impatient with weight loss. I wanted to see results yesterday or step on the scale and see that i lose 10+ pounds in 1 week like I saw on dumb shows like "The Biggest Loser"...

    Now I know better. The faster is comes off, the faster it could potentially come back! Slow and steady is gonna have to win this race or I will never be able to keep it up long term. the months will go by faster than you think it will.
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    Two words: bite me.


    Seriously though-1.5 pounds a week is great. I can't even hit .5 a week.

    Ha ha ha... it's ok, I was thinking this ^^ too!
  • THINk_kkaybbyx0
    3 pounds is really good hunn!, you're well on your way! =)
  • KMissyD
    KMissyD Posts: 125 Member
    That's great. I've been on MFP two months, and I've lost 10lbs. Sure I thought I would be down by 20lbs by now, but I'm taking it one day at a time. I feel better, and with just 10lbs down; my clothes fit better. It takes time. The scale is my worst enemy. I tend to get on it daily expecting to see a mircale. Crazy I know. Keep at it, your doing great.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    That's actually great! Weight loss takes didn't put the weight on overnight did you?! As far as detoxes...make this a lifestyle change, not a short term fix.
  • WowingOverWhinging
    What are you talking about? That's good loss. Ease up on yourself or you're more likely to end up giving up in the long run, just saying. :)
  • happythermia
    Dude, you're doing great! You didn't gain it all in a week, and you surely aren't going to lose it all in a week. :-)

    Keep it up!
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    That is excellent....... Don't change a thing
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    my 2cents throw out your scale and be patent:wink:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    It takes me a month to lose 3 lbs. You're doing just fine.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Hang in there and don't give up. Keep eating 'clean' foods and working out. Everbody looses weight at different intervals. I have that same problem holding my weight and getting frustrated, don't give up.
  • rippedcutupabs
    It's only been two weeks, that isn't long at all. 3 pounds is perfectly fine. Dont believe all the supermarket magazines saying "Your dream body in 6 weeks!" Thats all a bunch of bull. Ive been on here a year and still dont have my perfect body. It takes a massive amount of time. Make exercising and dieting your life......dont give up in a few months, 6 months, or even 10 months, it may take longer.....just keep going and going, and you will get there. Education + Effort = Good Results. The first 2 months of exercise, your body is still just learning how to utilize all the oxygen you've been breathing in. You can definitely see results in 2 months but dont be unrealstic. :)
  • mnlght535
    That's actually great! Weight loss takes didn't put the weight on overnight did you?! As far as detoxes...make this a lifestyle change, not a short term fix.

    I completely agree. Most of us I am sure didn't wake up in a couple of weeks and realize we had a lot of weight to lose. It will happen but it will take some time. Some weeks will be better than others. But that is great weight loss. I will suggest that if you are not drinking enough water your body may hold onto more because of the workouts and also because of the heat so try to remember to stay hydrated. I've heard from fitness experts also that being properly hydrated can increase your metabolism by up to 3% :) Keep up the great work.
  • cserg
    cserg Posts: 31 Member
    The scale is sometimes the worst, most evil, tempermental contraption ever made! Take some measurements or pictures to compare to in the future instead and chuck that thing out the window or at least weigh less frequently.
  • CrystalLBryant
    Don't give up! At least you lost 3 pounds and you have not gained anyway. Think about the alternative. If you go back to your old eating habits and lifestyle then you stand the chance of gaining weight and you definetly wont feel better about yourself then. Eventually your body will have a breakthrough. Keep pushing and stay positive!!!! This has happened to me many times and I quit and then i end up gaining more weight.