Spot reducing...



  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Losing body fat is accomplished through a calorie deficit. This can be done with or without cardio.

    Weight lifting (low-ish reps, high weight) is the best way to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    Abs are muscle. If you'd like visible abs eat at a calorie deficit to remove the fat above your muscles, lift heavy weights (pretty sure 30 Day Shred isn't this) to maintain the muscles so that they still exist when it's time to show.
    Please actually read the replies, not just skim and repeat the same questions about 30DS and will it get you abs.

    Or better yet, read this one and be done.

    I get what you are saying, but I think she WAS reading the replies. The part where she was trying to re-explain her question was to the general chorus of "you cannot spot reduce" and "what did you mean by this question" that she had to read through to get to the good answers, like the one you quoted.
  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    Losing body fat is accomplished through a calorie deficit. This can be done with or without cardio.

    Weight lifting (low-ish reps, high weight) is the best way to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    Abs are muscle. If you'd like visible abs eat at a calorie deficit to remove the fat above your muscles, lift heavy weights (pretty sure 30 Day Shred isn't this) to maintain the muscles so that they still exist when it's time to show.
    Please actually read the replies, not just skim and repeat the same questions about 30DS and will it get you abs.

    Or better yet, read this one and be done.

    I get what you are saying, but I think she WAS reading the replies. The part where she was trying to re-explain her question was to the general chorus of "you cannot spot reduce" and "what did you mean by this question" that she had to read through to get to the good answers, like the one you quoted.
    ^^^^^^^^^ OH MY GOODNESS YES!!! Half of the replies were either you can't spot reduce or something irrelevant "i like turtles" everyone decided to gang up on and berate me before I really got a chance to understand exactly what the actual posters were saying...but that's the internet for ya..:grumble:
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Losing body fat is accomplished through a calorie deficit. This can be done with or without cardio.

    Weight lifting (low-ish reps, high weight) is the best way to maintain muscle during weight loss.

    Abs are muscle. If you'd like visible abs eat at a calorie deficit to remove the fat above your muscles, lift heavy weights (pretty sure 30 Day Shred isn't this) to maintain the muscles so that they still exist when it's time to show.
    Please actually read the replies, not just skim and repeat the same questions about 30DS and will it get you abs.

    Or better yet, read this one and be done.

    I get what you are saying, but I think she WAS reading the replies. The part where she was trying to re-explain her question was to the general chorus of "you cannot spot reduce" and "what did you mean by this question" that she had to read through to get to the good answers, like the one you quoted.
    ^^^^^^^^^ OH MY GOODNESS YES!!! Half of the replies were either you can't spot reduce or something irrelevant "i like turtles" everyone decided to gang up on and berate me before I really got a chance to understand exactly what the actual posters were saying...but that's the internet for ya..:grumble:

    It seems to be one of those sticky subjects around here. No biggie...any workout is better than no workout. ;)
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    So 30 Day Shred isn't a spot reducing workout? this workout IS the right way to get things such as abs, by doing circuit training?

  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I like turtles.
    Mmm, turtles.
    OMG turtles.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    You couldn't spot reduce if you wanted to. I'm doing the 30DS precisely because it's a good full-body workout. I'm only a week into it so I haven't seen any significant changes yet, other than it's getting easier to do.

    I think people think they're spot reducing because they're focusing on a certain problem area. When they lose weight all over, they see it mostly in that one area they are focused on and think they've managed to spot reduce.

    Work on strengthening the muscles and when the fat goes, they'll be waiting underneath.
    So are you saying I should be doing more strength training than cardio?

    You have 60 pounds to lose. It's gonna be a while before you see your abs. Keep doing 30DS. You won't get a six pack anytime soon.

    Do both if you can. If you do only cardio and eat at a deficit, you will lose lean muscle mass as well as fat. If you work in strength training also, you can hold onto that muscle mass and you won't have to build it back up later.