What are your biggest Turn Offs?



  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    i go off of intuition for the most part when i'm trying to figure out if somebody's smart or not; it's just something you can hear when they talk, you know? maybe? iunno, it might just be me. anyway, it's pretty much a deal-breaker if it seems to me like a girl is smart and she's deliberately acting dumber than she really is.

    actually, it's more than a turn-off. it's instantly irritating and just generally makes me antipathetic.

    i have this problem. i'd say i'm a smart girl; I have a university degree and do well academically and have opinions and interests that go further than shopping and tv; but i guess i come across as thick. i think it's my voice its naturally quite high pitched and a giggle a lot when i'm with my friends. strangers often have a hard time believing that i went to university or that I'm 22 (they assume i'm younger). I find it really upsetting when people assume i'm stupid.
  • Cassie8877
    Cassie8877 Posts: 177
    A guy who doesn't have a sense of humor .. No confidents
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Smokers are definitely #1 on my list. And guys who drink. I don't mean the occasional glass of something but those who get smashed quite regularly. I'd love a guy who's edge but let's not ask for too much here.
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    Bad teeth/breath smokers drunks
  • LizHowerton
    LizHowerton Posts: 329 Member
    homophobes...huge turn off
  • MizzTatiana
    MizzTatiana Posts: 116 Member
    To keep it short, selfish people... I could elaborate and say smokers, overeaters, fruads, theives etc... in my OWN PERSONAL opinion, these kinds of people are ruled by their own selfish thoughts. Nothing is sweeter than a considerate person who puts a stranger before themselves.
  • leahrochelle
    nasty teeth, and guys who drink too much.I dont think drunk is cute.
    OOOH and nail biters UGHHHH... grosses me out.

    and last but not least... if you cant close your mouth while you are eating. :noway:
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Guys with long nails! ewww
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    Bad breath, bad drunk, disrespectful and someone who can't hold a conversation.
  • illbetravelin
    illbetravelin Posts: 27 Member
  • Pennyae
    Pennyae Posts: 27 Member
    bad teeth, bad hygiene, gelled hair, orange tan, the cast of jersey shore.....

    LOL I second this!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    Having decisions made for me and being ignored.
  • Cese27
    Cese27 Posts: 626 Member
    When u get to third base and find a penis ! Kills my buzz every time
  • colindidit22
    Bad breath, bad drunk, disrespectful and someone who can't hold a conversation.

    Pretty much...also being insecure overly jealous and smells bad !
  • wifealiciousness
    wifealiciousness Posts: 179 Member
    Doesn't like cats.

    No, seriously. That's a deal-breaker. Be a cat person or I am not interested.

    Also, closed-mindedness, rude to waiters (weird thing, but it bothers me so much), too serious, lack of ambition... there are probably a lot more because I'm very picky and kind tend to dislike most people... but that's all I can think of.

    ^ this.

    Quite genuinely- there's been people I've just known that I didn't like for some reason then found out later they didn't like cats....

    Also- it's mainly personality traits that turn me off. Complacency, rudeness, laziness..... negativity, small mindednes....

    But like most people, physically it's not about how a person *looks* in as much as not liking fat people or blondes or whatever, it's more about their attitude to life. Self respect- if someone doesn't respect themself they won't look after themselves and if they aren't self aware either it combines to make things like bo/bad breath etc etc!
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    AlotOfSweatAndPain Posts: 234 Member
    If she farts more than I do
  • _Thanatos_
    _Thanatos_ Posts: 166
    Heavy drinker
    lacks intelligence
  • pain_is_weakness
    pain_is_weakness Posts: 798 Member
    This is my biggest turn off as well. insecurity leads to so many friggin' problems, accusations, problems, fights, lol. Anyways yes shy is not the same as insecure, shy is reserved, insecure means that you don't feel comfortable or like who you are and you will make life hell for your mate!
    I can pretty much sum it up with insecure.

    Don't confuse insecurity with being shy. Insecurity leads to so many problems down the road.
  • Ras_py
    Ras_py Posts: 129 Member
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    A small penis :laugh: