

  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    know just keeping up with the thread can use up all of our reading time, but here's an article that's worth a glance:

    This is a great article. Those of us with a lot to lose have no concept of how thin people eat or stay thin. When my daughter was in high school I was paying more attention to how thin people eat. A friend of hers was over and we had pizza. He ate the first slice like most of us do, except leaving the big edge crust. The next piece he just ate the toppings and then he was done. I was amazed. I eat the stuff I don't like first and then struggle to stop eating if I get full. I am trying to learn to taste everything and eat the stuff I like the most first so then it will be easier to stop if I become full. At least that is the hope.

    Making this a lifestyle change rather than a diet makes it easier to stick with it even when the scale is lying. I realize I will always have to watch what I eat and weigh regularly to control things. I had not weighed in years and wear elastic waste pants and stretchy clothes, not a good idea.

    Have a great day all,

  • HeatheraRyan
    HeatheraRyan Posts: 55 Member
    Wow the other thread went super fast! Good morning everyone! I wish I had time to read over everybody's posts but today is going to be a super busy day for me.
    Monday Check In: I was at or under my calorie goal all weekend, and that is even when going to Golden Corral Buffet. What really helped me was the MFP mobile APP. I could just add my food right then and there and it helped me to eat things in moderation!

    To everyone, congrats on your NSV victories from the weekend, good luck on your goals for the week, and hit me up if you need a shoulder to lean on or a place to find yummy healthy recipes (i know literally dozens of online sites, and most of the recipes are easy and take less than 30min to prep and cook).

    BTW I did the spaghetti squash thing, I took the advice of you wonderful people and seasoned the squash before baking and it turned out just yummy! It definitely wasn't spaghetti, but I think I could seriously eat this regularly :) Have a great Monday!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Monday check-in- I was up 1 pound today, but at 289 I can go up or down a pound if the wind blows. I ate pretty well over the weekend, but was lazy and did not get in enough exercise. I will try to correct that today.

    Here is to a good week for all :drinker:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Had to document a close escape. I really have not been tempted really since February but today, OMG, this gluten-free celiac had a trial by fire for sure. I went to Whole Foods to pick up some fruit/veg, turkey burgers, almond milk........that's it. BUT the store wasn't crowded and I actually looked around a bit. HUGE MISTAKE. I wandered into an area that had all types of gluten-free yummies I'd never seen before: mini cupcakes, carrot cake, cheesecake, crumpets, pita bread, English muffins, etc., etc. It was horrible---wonderful and horrible at the same time. All of these items GLUTEN-FREE, right in front of me. And folks, I knew I can't eat this stuff, it just triggers me to overeat AND I cannot afford it. Heck, I can barely afford just plain old healthy food. I stood there for a long time with the Devil standing on my shoulder.

    I'm home now, didn't buy anything and I'm having some mini carrots and low sodium V-8 juice.

    Sorry, had to share with someone.

  • trmjnnmln
    trmjnnmln Posts: 4 Member
    HI, I wasn't around for the weekend but I overall I didn't do to bad.

    Monday check in: Weekend was busy. I didn't get any actual gym exercise in. But it was pretty hot so any movement was exercise. I did good with my eating and water intake too. I lost 2 lbs over the weekend so I'm pretty happy with that. It has motivated me for the gym today. Have a blessed day and week everyone. Keep UP THE GOOD WORK!.
  • terra32903
    terra32903 Posts: 185 Member
    Had to document a close escape. I really have not been tempted really since February but today, OMG, this gluten-free celiac had a trial by fire for sure. I went to Whole Foods to pick up some fruit/veg, turkey burgers, almond milk........that's it. BUT the store wasn't crowded and I actually looked around a bit. HUGE MISTAKE. I wandered into an area that had all types of gluten-free yummies I'd never seen before: mini cupcakes, carrot cake, cheesecake, crumpets, pita bread, English muffins, etc., etc. It was horrible---wonderful and horrible at the same time. All of these items GLUTEN-FREE, right in front of me. And folks, I knew I can't eat this stuff, it just triggers me to overeat AND I cannot afford it. Heck, I can barely afford just plain old healthy food. I stood there for a long time with the Devil standing on my shoulder.

    I'm home now, didn't buy anything and I'm having some mini carrots and low sodium V-8 juice.

    Sorry, had to share with someone.


    EXCELLENT willpower! I wish that I had more of it :-(
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @tina yahoo i knew that you would be fine. that's awesome.
  • gigi_to_4
    gigi_to_4 Posts: 17 Member
    Way to go with the close call. I can totally understand being tempted I went to bed last night early just because the kitchen was calling my name.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check In: Posted this on my home page and want to commit on this one also--I have been pushing the same few pounds up and down for SIX weeks. To motivate myself to stay focused, I am commiting to moving my weight loss ticker DOWN (backwards) if I continue to exceed my caloric goals I have no trouble working out. Indeed, because I'm eating back all my calories, I feel pressure to exercise like a fiend. But this isn't realistic. Posting this will keep me honest.

    Rebecca: You are so right. It has been such a long time since I was fit and trim, I can't remember how I used to eat. Thanks for the article. I am going to read it. I'm also going to take more time to think about what I'm putting in my mouth--taste, tecture, paying attention to any signals that I've had enough. That means turning off the TV, closing the book. I've noticed that I eat less and feel more satisfied when dining with friends or extended family. Wonder why? Could it be the company? Or that I'm just taking my time (a bite here, a comment there, etc.)? Or that there are witnesses and heaven knows, I wouldn't want anyone to think I had an eating problem?:laugh:

    Doug: Don't you dare give up!!! You can do this. We all have set backs and feel discouraged occasionally. It's a new week (day, hour, minute--whatever you can tell yourself to move past it) and you've already done so very well. What you need is a challenge! A little competition perhaps. (I do anyway!) Ideas, folks?

    Water tag! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 5 down, 7 to go!
  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon friends, not feeling well today, but this happens every once in a while. I did well over the weekend with my eating and have learned to deal with Sunday supper at my son and DIL's by eating less for breakfast, lunch and snack. I walked Belle 30 min. Saturday but only 15 last night as I was starting to not feel well. I am down 2 lbs from last Monday. I weigh daily as it helps keep my focus on healthy eating and helps me keep check of edema problems which affect my lungs.

    Welcome to the newbies that got in under the wire. This is a place of love, support and motivation, keep hanging around.

    Lin great NSV fighting the devil in guise of gluten-free goodies.

    Love you all.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    For people who want to try the Shirataki noodles, there is a 26% discount offer on Google Offers for!details/db0a8a36771f7cd9/Y4HP0QJ2MJ4VMEJS

    I hope that url works--if not, just go to google offers and search for it.

    @lin--good job resisting all of the gluten-free treats! I used to do Atkins and lost a lot of weight and did really well until manufacturers came out with all of the "low-carb" versions of bread, cookies, candy, ice cream. That totally blew it for me. :grumble:

    @rebecca--glad you enjoyed the article. Another similar article I read a few years ago also added that thin people don't "fear" being hungry. That one really resonated with me b/c I can hear my mother's voice "why don't you eat something before you go--you don't want to get hungry." As if being hungry were the worst thing in the world. I agree that it's not good to let yourself get famished b/c, as this article says, you tend to over-eat. However, I no longer eat when I'm NOT hungry, out of fear that I'll be hungry later.

    @evan--I don't do a lot of rewards, but the one I have done is allowing myself to spend a little bit on new clothes. Through most of my 50+ lb loss, I have been able to just shop in my own closet or relied on hand-me-downs from my sister (she is also losing weight and has consistently been a size smaller than me which has worked out well for my clothes budget :happy: ). However, this summer I did a little bit of shopping at outlets and Good Will as a reward for my hard work. Yes, it required I spend some money, but it was necessary so I'm ok with that. The motorcycle trip sounds like a great idea! My only other rewards are signing up for 5ks b//c I really enjoy them.

    @ushkii--glad you enjoyed your camping trip.

    @sweetp--hope the PT works for your knee. I went for a few months last spring but it really did no good--my knee is still exactly the same :frown: .

    @beachlover--yes, you are welcome! :flowerforyou: We have several long-time members who've had various forms of WLS and others who are considering it.

    Speaking of WLS, has anyone heard from Lauren or RobynT? I'm afraid we've lost them. :cry:

    @tikafly--I agree with robin--tell your dad that for his own health you wish he wouldn't buy that junk. However, if he must have it in the house, he should keep it in his room so it's not a temptation to you or your kids.

    @aug--my DH does the low and slow bbq as well. In fact, he's kind of a bbq "snob" in that he will correct others if they say they are bbq-ing and they are merely grilling. :laugh: However, he does it in a very funny, friendly way so we still have friends.

    @annie--glad you found us and are still running!

    @doug--you are NOT a debbie downer! You are just frustrated and I don't blame you--that scale deserves some "colorful" language! I have had a lot of those "what's the freakin' point?" moments this summer, but I try to answer with all of the positives that I have experienced vs. dwelling on the stubborn scale. You have made so much progress with your running, and I know you want to drop lbs to get faster (b/c I'm going through the same struggle). Have you tried switching up your running routine to include some speed interval days? Maybe that will get you over this hump.

    @marsha--Happy Anniversary! :drinker: Your "personal worst" comment cracked me up! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hello to everyone I missed and welcome newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    I will do my Monday Check-in later as I'm off to the gym!!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Just to add I have finally submitted my application for financial aid for College. It has been submitted now just waiting on the college to contact me and go from there and see what happens! VERY nervous/excited. If I get to go it will be Spring 2013.
  • ravenlaramie
    ravenlaramie Posts: 165 Member
    just saving this in my topics for later. Only have a minute to post.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday Check in - I ate WAY too much this weekend. Went over my calories both days. I'm not overly concerned though, I stayed under my sodium both days and that is way more important to what I'm trying to do.

    I had a really rough weekend. Was feeling very down and isolated...a bit lonely. For once I was REALLY thankful to be broke, or a trip for junk food would have happened.

    This morning I'm home sick from work but I guess yay for sick :laugh: I'm down two lbs over the weekend.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. It sounds like everyone had a fairly good weekend. I love getting on in the morning and reading all the posts while I have my morning smoothie. It helps to get me in just the right mindset to be more successful through my day. I had a fairly good weekend with food. I was a little under calories on Saturday adn I think a little over on sunday though I havent recorded everything yet as there was a little redneck family drama at the end of our bbq so I just came home and went straight to bed. I am telling you my family is my biggest blessing and my biggest headaches all rolled into one, lol. Anyway everything worked out in the end and this morning started out great with my first official weigh in at an 8 pound loss so just let me say, YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!
  • evanpdixon
    evanpdixon Posts: 20 Member
    @evan--I don't do a lot of rewards, but the one I have done is allowing myself to spend a little bit on new clothes. Through most of my 50+ lb loss, I have been able to just shop in my own closet or relied on hand-me-downs from my sister (she is also losing weight and has consistently been a size smaller than me which has worked out well for my clothes budget :happy: ). However, this summer I did a little bit of shopping at outlets and Good Will as a reward for my hard work. Yes, it required I spend some money, but it was necessary so I'm ok with that. The motorcycle trip sounds like a great idea! My only other rewards are signing up for 5ks b//c I really enjoy them.

    Buying clothes isn't something I really enjoy (as i'm sure most guys can relate to) but I will say I am probably going to enjoy it a bit more when I've lost enough weight to necessitate a wardrobe change!

    For those that didn't see my post on the other thread, I'm looking for low cost/no cost incentives to set for myself at certain mile markers. I've got quite a big goal, so I'm thinking I'll do 25lb intervals. As mentioned, my wife and I will celebrate with a motorcycle trip when I get to 50lbs (only 39 more to go!). I guess we could just do another trip each time, haha.

    IDEAS greatly appreciated! Examples below.

    25lbs lost -
    50lbs lost - motorcycle trip with wife
    75lbs lost -
    100lbs lost -
    125lbs lost -
    150lbs lost - second honeymoon
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Just had to note real quick that after reccording everything I ate at the bbq I still came in a little under calories. I credit the great watermelon my sister bought. I was eating that like it was candy :happy:
  • CelticHippo
    CelticHippo Posts: 117 Member
    So I have posted earlier today, but need to keep this thread. So I thought I would take the opportunity to thank everyone who posts in this thread as it really is helping me at the beginning of this journey.