Why is it that I see so MANY amazing...



  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    Slow and steady progress is the only way to go. Also, don't look at it as a diet because if you do then you will go right back when you come off the diet. It is a lifestyle change, exercise included.

    That is some excellent advice! For me, also going slow and steady with a few hiccups along the way. This week will be a year on MFP; I lost 35 in 2 years before and 20 in the last year. I see progress when I eat balanced meals, stay around 1450 net and work out about 45 minutes per day (strengh and cardio) 5 days a week. I still have 18 to go and am hoping they will by the end of the year. Patience, consistency and support from MFP Community goes a long way!
  • jomckillop
    jomckillop Posts: 19 Member
    My name is Jo, i'm from Kent in the UK.
    I'm 5ft 9 and I put on 4 stone (4x14lbs) in 18 months after my wedding.
    I got up to 16 stone 6lbs and somehow got down to 15 stone.
    I joined about 3 weeks ago and have lost 8.6lbs. The support is amazing and stops me cheating. I wish i'd found MFP years ago!!
    I am now 14 stone 4lbs (about 201lbs) and would like to lose about 50lbs.
    I am staggering my calories so my body doesn't get too used to what I eat or think its starving.
    I eat:
    Monday 1300
    Tuesday 1100
    Wednesday 1300
    Thursday 1300
    Friday 1100
    Saturday 1600
    Sunday 1400

    My metabolism is kept guessing :-)
  • brandyla78
    Been here over a year...the ONLY advice I have is to think in terms of Health. I need to be healthy for my kids, my husband, myself, dog, cat...whatever...that's just the way it has to be. Be aware of what you are putting into your body and be sure to do some kind of exercise daily. Be Healthy is the main thing...fitting in to a smaller size is just a bonus :)
  • deedeehauge
    I started here last August, so am at about a year. I initially had lost a bit before starting MFP, and have lost a total of 21 lbs as of today........now, I know that's a SLOW weight loss, but I set my goals at 1/2 lb a week, so I'm pretty much on target.

    I started at a size 16 (some 18's), and am easily a 14 right now. At 5' 3" tall, I can't afford to weigh the 160ish I weigh right now....but I am just going to keep on doing what I've been doing, and I'm sure I'll eventually hit my goal of between 140 and 145.

    I changed the way I ate, I exercise more (but I'm not a gym rat..............99% of my exercise has been walking and hiking). I still enjoy beer and treats, but try to stay within goal each day. I want to LIVE my life, not be on a diet............and it took me 57 years to get where I am today, so another year won't hurt :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    The biggest help has been the change of my bad habits. I enjoy eating better, and find it a challenge to stay within my calories & macros, so it's kind of a game for me! And my MFP friends TOTALLY rock.............

    Much success to you, Jojo!

    I love this response! Thank you for still enjoying your beer and treats! That is so me right now... I too want to LIVE my life and NOT be on a diet... So, I say... enjoy the goodies of life, while incorporating exercise and as many good choices as possible!
  • LuisZav
    LuisZav Posts: 197
    Began my journey about 3 1/2 years ago at 370lbs. Finally got pissed off at myself enough to make a change. Started using MFP about a year ago, when a friend recommended the app. Been using it pretty much religiously since Jan of this year. It's helped me lose 50lbs since then. Currently I'm at 209lbs.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    beautiful people (men and womean) on this site. I have looked a so many of you..and you all look fantastic. Can you please tell me how long you have been a part of MFP, how much you have lost, and just give ma some hope that I will lose the weight. Having you all has helped immensely...

    Also, what do you think helped the most of all your changes..exercise, drinking water, nutrition???

    I am just wondering if the average woman is sized 14...where the hell are you all (besides me, of course..)??? LOL....
    About a year (been maintaining for many months now, 31 pounds, you'll lose weight as long as your eating less then you expend ;) you don't need a big cut and if you keep going over MFPs recommendations you can still lose weight

    I think what helped the most is researching my own information. MFP had me on 1200 cals and after reading about energy expenditures and resting metabolic rates I used some math formulas to calculated my own values. Turns out I could NET about 500 more calories then MFP recommended and I felt a ton better. It was also a lot more realistic and easier to eat healthy not just go from eat allot eat nothing and then somehow figure out how to be sensible at the end without gaining to much of it back.

    Lost weight the sedentary way, got to goal, and still felt chub at the bottom end of the bmi scale so I started exercising since I had more tiime. Boy do I wish I did that in the first place. I feel leaps and bounds better now.

    Know that if you exercise you may lose weight slower due to your body repairing the muscles etc but you'll look heaps better sooner.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I started on this site in May of 2011. From May-August, I lost about 22lbs. I "took a break" because I thought that I was happy at my current weight.. I maintained that weight within a few pounds from Sept 2011- to this past May when I realized that I could do better. I've lost 12lbs since May and have about 7 more to go. I started off at 170 and a size 14/16 and am now 137 and a size 8.

    Edited to add that it's been 80% diet for me. During my intial weight loss, I ate 1200 calories and took a 30 min walk every day. Now I'm eating around 1500 and lifting/cardio. Lifting has made a huge difference in my body but the diet has been what's actually controlled my weight.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Its just the way we roll here. Working in a group, its easier to see other peoples results and want to achieve. Alone progress can be slow but seeing so many succeed drives you on!
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    Joined MFP in january, but started losing weight last summer. Took me about a year to lose 20 lbs. Went from a size 6 to a size 0/2.