getting to know you...first thing to come to mind



  • luvva_luvva
    Me (yourself): Myself, and Irene.

    Oddest thing about me: The fact that I make connections like that one ^^

    Best thing about me: See above

    My biggest flaw: See above.

    I hate: people who dont indicate

    I love: people who're courteous on the road. And banana cake.

    I want: banana cake, now that you mention it...

    I regret: wanting banana cake, because now i'll have to have some

    Arrogance: Some people dont realise they're doing it, but those that do, are *kitten*.

    Selflessness: A great trait to have, until you get walked over.

    Annoying: Hilariously funny. But only to yourself.

    Awesome: thanks, I try.

    Creative: Not all that creative IMO, but some people say I am.

    Music: Great to listen to, but you never want to hear me play an instrument.

    Cooking: A neccessity for eating properly.

    Baking: A neccessity for eating properly, and then regretting it.

    Fast Food: *guilty*

    Fancy Restaurants: dont go out to many, because they cost too much for what they are.

    BBQ: tasty goodness. especially burgers.

    Holidays: For relaxing and meeting people (I dont sunbathe)

    Working out: should get on that, really.

    Cardio: 'To do with the heart' and a bit knackering.

    Gyms: inclined to go, but need to get myself going.

    Caffeine: used to have too much, now barely have any.
  • supatim
    supatim Posts: 239 Member
    Me (yourself): Tim
    Oddest thing about me: Too many to list
    Best thing about me: Kissing
    My biggest flaw: I may sometimes occasionally flirt.
    I hate: Bigots
    I love: Mi Famiglia
    I want: Seattle to have 300 days of sunshine a year - EVERY year
    I regret: That I didn't bring more strawberries to work today
    Arrogance: Real arrogance is vomit inducing - false arrogance (and making fun of it) is awesome
    Selflessness: Especially during oral.
    Annoying: Close mindedness and superiority complexes
    Awesome: Laughing
    Creative: Music
    Music: Is Life
    Cooking: Is Music
    Baking: Those goddamn Keebler Elves!!!!
    Fast Food: Only on rare occasions
    Fancy Restaurants: Fancy? Really no such thing anymore....
    Holidays: Make me smile
    Working out: YAY - 5 am
    Cardio: Watch out people - it's gonna be sweaty....
    Gyms: No meat heads please
    Caffeine: 1 cup of coffee a day is perrrrfect
  • mminor77
    mminor77 Posts: 313
    Me (yourself): Melissa

    Oddest thing about me: Ambidextrous

    Best thing about me: Always faithful to whomever I choose to date or marry, would never cheat

    My biggest flaw: too trusting

    I hate: liars & cheaters

    I love: my kids and family

    I want: to be done with school

    I regret: trusting people too much

    Arrogance: can be good or bad depending on the situation

    Selflessness: Is something I tend to be too much of.

    Annoying: loud people

    Awesome: Museums, watching a band, live sports, etc

    Creative: Very creative, used to own a ceramics studio, make folk art dolls, mosaic, etc..

    Music: 40's, 50's, classic rock, metal, 80's, 90's, pretty much everything but dont really listen to country.

    Cooking: I like cooking things for the family

    Baking: LOVE to bake!

    Fast Food: Dont really care for it

    Fancy Restaurants: are ok once in a great while, I like a more casual atmosphere

    BBQ: pulled pork yum

    Holidays: Halloween is my favorite then Christmas

    Working out: Feels good.

    Cardio: Love swimming

    Gyms: Are gross. I prefer to have a home gym.

    Caffeine: A diet coke every now and then...
  • lizabeth1127
    Me: Hopless Optimist

    Oddest thing about me: One leg is significantly longer so my shoes are different heights.

    Best thing about me: Creativity.

    My biggest flaw: I can sometimes care too much about others forgetting about myself.

    I hate: discrimination.

    I love: music and art.

    I want: to look on the outside how I feel on the inside.

    I regret: nothing. I do my best to avoid regret because I know everything I've done formed who I am today.

    Arrogance: will make me avoid you.

    Selflessness: Everyone should give it a try.

    Annoying: Mouth noises.

    Awesome: seeing your favorite musicians live!

    Creative: Being creative is my favorite outlet.

    Music: I don't know where I'd be without it.

    Cooking: So fun to try new recipes!

    Baking: Same as above. I love impressing family and friends with my skill.

    Fast Food: Is not as good as home cooked food. Not to mention how bad it is for you.

    Fancy Restaurants: I've never been to one but would love to on a special occasion.

    BBQ: A favorite summer activity with loved ones.

    Holidays: Are my favorite times of year!

    Working out: isn't always the funnest but is so worth it!

    Cardio: Feels great once it's over.

    Gyms: Too expensive for me,

    Caffeine: I've never been a big fan.
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    Me (yourself): Tina (friends just call me T)

    Oddest thing about me: I am slightly OCD about things.

    Best thing about me: I am a people-person

    My biggest flaw: I'm an open book

    I hate: weak people (and not physically)

    I love: sex

    I want: My kids to have a better childhood than I had

    I regret: My 1st marriage

    Arrogance: Is what the weak use as a cover-up

    Selflessness: comes with a true mother

    Annoying: Lunchtime with picky kids

    Awesome: sex

    Creative: LOVE to scrapbook

    Music: is always on

    Cooking: a new passion of mine

    Baking: more of a holiday thing

    Fast Food: Jimmy Johns turkey sub

    Fancy Restaurants: are not for me

    BBQ: Great friends, beer, laughter

    Holidays: see "baking"

    Working out: sweat

    Cardio: will get me to where I want to be

    Gyms: are too expensive for me

    Caffeine: replaces the blood in my veins
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    Me (yourself): i am Toni (people in RL call me T)

    Oddest thing about me: I can be blunt and very direct

    Best thing about me: I'm funny

    My biggest flaw: self-confidence

    I hate: yogurt

    I love: pasta!

    I want: a new house

    I regret: not getting fit when I was younger

    Arrogance: yeah...maybe

    Selflessness: for my sons

    Annoying: my retired father, lol.

    Awesome: my life...right now

    Creative: in writing

    Music: 80s

    Cooking: self-taught cook and a damn fine one

    Baking: cannot bake to save my life

    Fast Food: McDonalds

    Fancy Restaurants: Aldo's

    BBQ: a lot of work

    Holidays: Christmas

    Working out: 4 times a week

    Cardio: kettlebells and brisk walking

    Gyms: my dang basement

    Caffeine: a few times a week
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Me (yourself): Meg

    Oddest thing about me: I can wiggle my ears

    Best thing about me: I make up my own swear words!

    My biggest flaw: Perfectionist

    I hate:Bananas

    I love:My Swede (and the kiddos I guess!)

    I want: A fitter body

    I regret: Not starting sooner

    Arrogance: In tiny doses when you can back it up.

    Selflessness: We are human, it happens occasionally :(

    Annoying: Know-it-alls

    Awesome: Saturday sleep ins!

    Creative: Yes I am

    Music: Old school grunge all the way!

    Cooking: A chore

    Baking: The Swedes job

    Fast Food: occasionally

    Fancy Restaurants: not often enough (Italian YUM!)

    BBQ: so so

    Holidays: none!

    Working out: Liking it more than I imagined!

    Cardio: nah ( I suck)

    Gyms: Still a virgin

    Caffeine: I'm originally Aussie, I love tea...what can I say!
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    Me (yourself): Hastin (Some just call me "H")

    Oddest thing about me: My childhood

    Best thing about me: I try to please everyone

    My biggest flaw: I try to please everyone

    I hate: disrespectful people

    I love: my dogs

    I want: All of the money I can get

    I regret: No regrets

    Arrogance: Is compensation for things that are lacking

    Selflessness: Sexy

    Annoying: One uppers

    Awesome: Accomplishment

    Creative: Wish I was more of it

    Music: My true love

    Cooking: A necessity

    Baking: Not my thing

    Fast Food: The Devil

    Fancy Restaurants: Sometimes

    BBQ: Smells better than it makes me feel after eating it

    Holidays: What are these?

    Working out: Keeps me sane

    Cardio: Need to do more

    Gyms: Are for exercising

    Caffeine: In moderation
  • serhioramos
    serhioramos Posts: 59 Member
    Me (yourself): Hello there.

    Oddest thing about me: Too many things to list.

    Best thing about me: I'm supposedly pretty darn intelligent but I haven't seen much proof lately. x__X

    My biggest flaw: I am not confident in taking risks!

    I hate: being lazy.

    I love: school and learning!

    I want: to shop for a new and thinner body!

    I regret: nothing!

    Arrogance: is maybe my middle name some days...

    Selflessness: is a trait I rarely possess.

    Annoying: The definition of my little sisters.

    Awesome: The power of the creative mind!

    Creative: is the key to genius.

    Music: makes everything a little bit more bearable.

    Cooking: is NOT my thing.

    Baking: is a little better but don't expect me to try it.

    Fast Food: is the bane of my existence.

    Fancy Restaurants: are lovely.

    BBQ: is not that great and I live in Texas...

    Holidays: usually leave me bored.

    Working out: makes me feel good all day.

    Cardio: is key to weight loss.

    Gyms: are where I spend too much time.

    Caffeine: I AM ADDICTED.
  • BodyRockMe
    Me (yourself): Sam

    Oddest thing about me: I have an comedically awkward disposition

    Best thing about me: I can be incredibly patient in the right situations

    My biggest flaw: I have a perfectionist complex

    I hate: Too much energy to hate

    I love: Music

    I want: it all!

    I regret: absolutely nothing

    Arrogance: repackaged is simply self expectancy

    Selflessness: is Romantic

    Annoying: Gossip, especially celebrity gossip

    Awesome: Social networking sites!

    Creative: I sing, play guitar/piano and draw :)

    Music: Recently Etta James and Benny Goodman

    Cooking: I LOVE to cook when I have the time.

    Baking: Whenever I find healthy/vegan alternatives I try to make them

    Fast Food: All of them suck, but Taco Bell is my arch nemesis :(

    Fancy Restaurants: Yes please!

    BBQ: You'd be surprised at how well fake meat BBQ can taste

    Holidays: Halloween

    Working out: Work in progress

    Cardio: Gets my sweat on

    Gyms: Not really a fan

    Caffeine: Black coffee or green tea w/ agave nectar
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Me (yourself): Heidi

    Oddest thing about me: Most of my thoughts are odd.

    Best thing about me: I can stay calm / remain composed (on the outside anyway) in the most stressful of public situations.

    My biggest flaw: Being too shy and socially awkward to talk to / approach anyone new.

    I hate: When I know I haven't given my all at something I really wanted.

    I love: The way my life is going.

    I want: A great life

    I regret: Not giving my all for things that were important to me / not wanting it badly enough.

    Arrogance: Annoys me

    Selflessness: Is great

    Annoying: How I feel that I'm being sometimes.

    Awesome: Lots of people on here

    Creative: I'd love to be!

    Music: Sing along to it far too much!

    Cooking: I like to cook.

    Baking: My bf likes to bake stuff.

    Fast Food: McDonalds

    Fancy Restaurants: Italian

    BBQ: Burgers

    Holidays: Abroad, lots of sun.

    Working out: Lifting heavy stuff.

    Cardio: Boring.

    Gyms: Lots of people with similar goals

    Caffeine: I have on occasion.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Me (yourself) ~ Leanne

    Oddest thing about me: I have a huge space between my big toe and second one because of a short tendon

    Best thing about me: You can hate and love me at the same time

    My biggest flaw: Too giving

    I hate: ignorant, stupid people

    I love: Life

    I want: peace of mind and heart

    I regret: Not dating more before I got married

    Arrogance: Not here!!

    Selfessness: wish there were more in the world

    Annoying: people that think their sheeit don't stink!

    Awesome: making a new friend

    Creative: In the mind and bedroom..hee hee

    Music: Like it all and need it daily..

    Cooking: Darn good at it!!

    Baking: Don't enjoy it, but like to eat it..Mmmm

    Fast food: Not good for me..but eat Harveys on ocassion

    Fancy restaurants: I wish!

    BBQ: Do some yummy Java ribs on it and use it in the winter too

    Holidays: The only time I see my Dads side of the family :(

    Working out: need to do it more often

    Cardio: feel great after doing it

    Gyms: Not my fav so I joined a womans fitness (Curves)

    Caffeine: We don't get along if swallowed close to bed
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Me (yourself): Jae

    Oddest thing about me: Obsessed with mini food, I "squeeeeeee" when I see mini stuff.

    Best thing about me: I'm f*** adorable. JK. lol

    My biggest flaw: I put other people's happiness before my own sometimes

    I hate: Small talk

    I love: Bacon

    I want: To have mothereffin abs

    I regret: Flashing that truck driver that time.. no actually I don't regret that

    Arrogance: Throat punch

    Selflessness: I can relate

    Annoying: Close talkers, slow walkers and people that stand in doorways

    Awesome: Kissing

    Creative: Always ;)

    Music: At the moment; Bob Marley

    Cooking: LOVE

    Baking: Good at it - Don't do it cuz I'd eat it all

    Fast Food: Not a fan

    Fancy Restaurants: Love them!


    Holidays: Cuba in October hopefully

    Working out: Today, arms, abs & cardio

    Cardio: Gonna HIIT the treadmill

    Gyms: I need to get out to the big gyms to scope out the meatheads... I just go to my little one at work. Sans meatheads.

    Caffeine: I basically give up on life if I dont have it
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Me (yourself): Kathy

    Oddest thing about me: I collect raccoons (no real ones, of course)

    Best thing about me: I'm pretty open-minded

    My biggest flaw: I'm over-emotional

    I hate: Superficial people

    I love: People who can be fun but also have a serious conversation

    I want: A puppy

    I regret: Having made the wrong decision about some people

    Arrogance: Completely unnecessary

    Selflessness: Isn't always the smartest thing

    Annoying: Know-It-Alls

    Awesome: You!

    Creative: Sometimes, I am

    Music: Love of my life

    Cooking: Need to do more of it

    Baking: Need to do less of it

    Fast Food: Needs to stop tempting me

    Fancy Restaurants: I rarely see the point

    BBQ: Not a fan of eating outside

    Holidays: Torn. Some can be fun, but most are a drag.

    Working out: Just starting out

    Cardio: Is more fun than strength training

    Gyms: Necessary evil (in my case)

    Caffeine: Need some now
  • greenbox06
    greenbox06 Posts: 101 Member
    Me (yourself): Jonathan

    Oddest thing about me: I know a ridiculous amount if information about the Chicago Bears

    Best thing about me: I am funny and rarely serious

    My biggest flaw: Over analytical

    I hate: Onions

    I love: Da Bears

    I want: A Superbowl for the Bears

    I regret:

    Arrogance: Doctors

    Selflessness: Not enough of this from society

    Annoying: Birds

    Awesome: Me :tongue:

    Creative: Me :tongue:

    Music: Disturbed

    Cooking: Love to do it

    Baking: Cheesecake

    Fast Food: Freddy's

    Fancy Restaurants: Roy's Hawaiian Cuisine

    BBQ: Pulled pork sandwiches

    Holidays: Thanksgiving

    Working out: love to do more

    Cardio: Running

    Gyms: HOA gym

    Caffeine: Diet Dr. Pepper
  • Icelandic_Saga
    Icelandic_Saga Posts: 2,926 Member
    Me (yourself): Tara (the great)

    Oddest thing about me: I love Bruce Campbell. and everything associated with him.

    Best thing about me: I smile all the time!

    My biggest flaw: I laugh at inappropriate moments

    I hate: cooked vegetables

    I love: steak

    I want: bacon

    I regret: eating too much bacon

    Arrogance: makes me want to punch people. but i won't!

    Selflessness: makes me want to hug people!!

    Annoying: people who can't stop crying about the past

    Awesome: creation

    Creative: I am!

    Music: I LOVE

    Cooking: is ok

    Baking: I'm awesome at!

    Fast Food: Is delicious

    Fancy Restaurants: are fun but too expensive

    BBQ: Is delicious

    Holidays: used to be fun but now are kind of a pain in the *kitten*

    Working out: is HARD

    Cardio: makes me sweat too much

    Gyms: wish I had the time

    Caffeine: Is KING!!