Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 7



  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    g'mornin SHGP's!! :heart:

    stress is sure makin' its rounds this week for many of us :angry: i had 6 minutes of my bus route left this am and got a call form my Sup that i needed to come to the HS for a random drug screen. the last thing i do before leaving the house to start my route is empty my bladder :angry: so, i was pushing the water for a good 30-45 minutes so i could piddle in a cup.:grumble: really messed up my am plans. suppose to watch my folk's dog, but that ain't gonna happen now. will have to make a trip up there to let her out. have a little shuttle/bus trip around 12:30, then return @ 2:45. i hate days like this! gotta get rid of some tension here and SOON! tomorrow is my day to go to town and run errands. did i tell you all that we have recently lost a fulltime bus driver b/c he had a seizure? very scary. luckily, he was not driving, but sad that his very young kids saw this happen. he is a single dad to 5, and 3 yrs younger than me. you just never know folks. each day is a blessing. :heart:

    ok, Crystal you have had a question. i know everyone has different pain tolerance, but i was really surprised my mil went to the hosptial 2 trips with an iv and morphine for her pain....before they even determined it was shingles she had. now she is home and takin 5 diff meds. my dh said she is just being a baby, but he nor i have ever had it. is it kinda like the herpes virus (cold sores)?? i get them and they are real pain sometimes! i hope we are able to get our meat wrapped this weekend, and i think they are to be leaving for AZ next week for the winter.....lots o crap goin on that's for sure:bigsmile: oh, and dh and his (only) younger bro got into a fight on the phone last nite....he was so stressed out and mad...i just had to walk away and give him some space. i told him he should not have wasted his time, but he did hang up on him :huh: whew! we just had a full moon Mon nite, right?:noway:

    you are dealin with your stress in very healthy ways girls......gettin the exercise in....power walks! i have seen one house with Xmas up....lil early for me. i still need to put my jack-o-lanterns away!

    Magglett ~ you are an I-N-S-P-I-R-A-T-I-O-N!! love your talent and the song you wrote!! i can hear the banjo just a strummin' away!! :bigsmile: just bring it hon! love ya! :heart:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    ok, Crystal you have had a question. i know everyone has different pain tolerance, but i was really surprised my mil went to the hosptial 2 trips with an iv and morphine for her pain....before they even determined it was shingles she had. now she is home and takin 5 diff meds. my dh said she is just being a baby, but he nor i have ever had it. is it kinda like the herpes virus (cold sores)?? i get them and they are real pain sometimes!

    Sorry, but your DH is very, very, very wrong. She is not being a baby, she is probably really in that much pain. I wouldn't wish shingles on my worst enemy. Cold sores and the normal chicken pox virus affect the skin, painful, yes, but managable. The difference between chicken pox and shingles (same virus, remember) is that chicken pox affects the skin while shingles affect the nerve roots themselves. The rash she probably has is not her skin being irritated, it is the nerves.

    The amount of pain depends on where the shingles flair up, plus it is worse the older you get. My shingles flaired right below where my bra hits. My doctor told me that it wasn't the worst spot to have them, so I know it could have been worse. I hurt for a week before I went to the doctor and it was a few more days before I was properly diagnosed and started taking the medicine. (The on-call dr I saw first said it was just a pulled muscle and gave me muscle relaxers).

    The day after I started the meds was the worst pain. I think it had been about 10 days after I started hurting and the pills hadn't started working yet. I couldn't do anything but sit in bed and cry. I usually don't cry because of pain, even as a kid. At the age of 13, a doctor had to cut an absessed incision with a pair of scissors without anesthetic. Didn't cry. I had 2 teeth drill without anesthetic. Didn't cry. But this made me cry for HOURS!!! I couldn't lay down, couldn't sit in a chair, couldn't wear a shirt because just the touch of the material against my skin made everything hurt 10x more. (I'm still mad at the on-call dr because if I'd started taking the meds a few days earlier, that day would have never happened.)

    I really hope she gets better soon!! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    Sindy what classes r u taking? I am taking Micro and it sucks there so much infomation to learn! Good luck with ur class.
    Kelly- Shingle can be very painful for some people. Shingle affect the nerves at the location of the shingles.So if there is inflamation and the nerve is affective is in a sentive spot it can be the worse. Tell dh to imagine it on his lovely man parts and maybe he understand a little more. It actually can be worse then the herpe virus. then becuase the pain is so bad, good nutrition which is a must can be very hard so the dehydration think can really kick in, which then itself causes more pain so it is a vicious cycle. Is she taking Vit b injection for this? Some doctors prescribe this also. Hope it dosnt take to long to heal for her.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    interesting, and thanks for sharing cyrstal and jacque....i did some research and read about the nerve thing. so is this where it starts? cuz, she's had this knee pain ( weird she says ) for almost a month now. and is it possible for the shingles to take this long to surface? i think she said she had a spot on her back first, then under her armpit.....AND...get this, she asked ER Dr if it could be shingles and he said no, that was her first visit....he dx her with diverticulitis and possible kidney stone :huh: and then, i read where you can get it b/c of stress, low immune system or immune disease? so much to understand that's for sure! funny you say that bout dh and his precious jewels.....i'll remind him of his little surgery he had a couple of yrs ago, and the frozen peas bags!:bigsmile: he does not get along w/his mom, so not much sympathy from him :angry:

    thanks again ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Sindy what classes r u taking? I am taking Micro and it sucks there so much infomation to learn! Good luck with ur class.

    I am taking a tax course, I work part-time during tax season as a preparer. This will be my fifth year and the course and test are required. But I learn more every year so I am able to do more complicated returns. I love finding credits for my clients so they get a refund.:bigsmile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey SHGP's ~ here's the link for week 8! You guys are doing so great and I am proud of you all! Thanks for being here for me and sharing this journey!! :flowerforyou: