Anyone NOT eat all of there exercise calories??

Is there anyone? Or anyone eat maybe only half of there exercise calories??

I'm really scared to eat my exercise calories when I've eaten a bit of crap and have gone over my calorie limit? Anyone in the same boat?


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I rarely eat my exercise calories back, mostly because I'm not hungry by then but I'm not scared to eat them back...if I'm hungry after a workout, I will eat them back but it's not that often.
  • beckydunks
    beckydunks Posts: 65 Member
    I dont eat my calories back either, i just drink water and keep hydrated, if i do feel peckish i will snack on fruit and low fat yogurts, low fat chocolate etc.

    I'm not too worried though if i do go over, i just make up for it the next day :)
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I don't usually. I'm just not hungry for it.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Yea I don't really eat my cals back either unless I want to have some extra which is rare.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    MFP exercise calories can be grossly overestimated. Rather than eating back calories, I find it's easier for me to set my calorie goal higher, and only log my daily exercise after I've finished my food diary for the day. (ie, I'm set at 1500 calories, but will go to 1700 or 1800 on heavy strength training days).
  • charlottey22
    charlottey22 Posts: 71 Member
    nope, unless im hungry, don't like forcing myself to eat (even if my net cals are low) x
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Most times I don't eat all of it back. I only eat when hungry, and eat to the point I'm not hungry anymore instead of being full.
  • Assassins_Angel
    I don't eat any back, I only eat them if I'm hungry Which I rarely am after my workout as I always do it after lunch and breakfast
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    Hi, I'm not a believer in eating back exercise calories, but if my body is telling me its hungry, I eat :) and if I go over my daily limit a little bit I wont beat myself up.
  • Ernestern
    Ernestern Posts: 34 Member
    If my net calories for the day is under 1200 to 1400, I make myselt eat. If it is above that, I eat if I'm hungry
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Hi, no i dont eat mine back and i lose weight...i dont feel hungry after eating my daily calories however some days i will go 200 over or 100 under depends if im hungry but i never purposely eat them back...i think it depends on how much you wanna lose etc.xx
  • ozznando
    ozznando Posts: 36 Member
    If trying to lose weight, dont eat any back. If trying to gain muscle/tone, eat them back if you can. This is what my trainer has suggested. There seems to be a lot of different opions on this.
  • Minnoke
    Minnoke Posts: 26
    The calculations of the calories burned from exercise on this isn't really that acurrate so I wouldn't really think it wise to try to eat ALL the calories it says you've burned back. Maybe some of them if you're still hungry or whatever. That choice is really up to the individual though. At the minute - I wouldn't make an effort to eat the extra calories.
  • swooj25
    swooj25 Posts: 1
    As a nutrition professional, I don't feel that you NEED to eat your exercise calories back. The bottom line of weight loss is "Calories in versus Calories out". So if you are creating a calorie deficit on most days, then you should see wt loss. It's important to at least include some type of protein-complex carbohydrate snack/small meal post-workout because this is the crucial time for muscle repair!
  • twonkieone
    twonkieone Posts: 132
    I posted this same question early this week - here's the general answer from everyone: Eat your given calories for the day (mine is 1200) and if you are hungry then eat the exercise calories (mine are 500-600/day). I usually end up eating half of the exercise calories later in the day as my last snack. The original calorie count (1200) is for weight loss/the lowest amount of calories you should have to safely lose weight. If you exercise alot (ie. I burn off 1/2 of my given calories through exercise) then you need to refuel your body and replace those calories so that your body has energy to build muscle, work efficiently.....

    basically - if you are hungry, eat! if you're not - then don't! just be sure to get close to your base calories!
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I don't eat them back because I have no idea how many I actually use. I'm pretty sure this website just picks a number out of the sky when it tells you how much you've burnt doing an hour of swimming etc. Also I want to lose weight so I don't eat them back :)
  • MrsLeyva11
    I agree with everyone else. I don't see much point in eating back the exercise calories unless you're hungry or it's a treat day and you find something you want. Plus, It's been my experience that the exercise calories on MFP are slightly off. So I always try to stay under the set 1300 calories a day.

    I used to be hungry at the end of the day, so I would eat my calories back and I didn't lose any weight.. but then I started centering all of my meals around protein, and loading myself down with protein rich foods. (I have turkey, skim milk, and protein shakes every day) and I manage to stay under my calories but I ALWAYS stay full.. So I don't feel the need to eat those calories back.
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I set my calorie goal at maintenance and try not to eat exercise cals. Sometimes I splurge--not a big deal as my weight loss isn't on a deadline.
  • zophiel67
    zophiel67 Posts: 181
    I try to use my exercise calories to even things out. On days when I run, I have trouble meeting my goals... but then it's easy to go a little over on rest days. So I usually eat them back, but maybe not on the same day. Also, I don't use the MFP calorie amounts. Mine is off my fitbit, so it's just an adjustment for my overall activity level throughout the day rather than just logging exercise. It might be a little low since technically it just counts steps and so you don't get quite the same burn for anything involving any upper-body movement (ie folding laundry, doing the dishes, doing surgery, etc). But I'd rather it be a touch low than too high.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I never eat my exercise calories. My calorie goal for the day is 1600-1700 already, don't think I need to eat more then that.