Early Morning Workout?? Opinions??



  • cmpollard01
    It's up to you and what works best for you. Personally, if I wait until after work, I'll just go home and be lazy...I'll never make it to the gym. I set my alarm for 4:30am, and I'm usually up at 4:45 or 5...at the gym no later than 5:15 so I can work out for an hour to and hour and a half, then go home and get ready for work. I'm lucky that the gym is 2 minutes from my house. For me, it's nice to go that early (on the weekends, I get there right when they open at 7am) because there's way fewer people there, and I can get in my zone a lot easier.

    I couldn't tell you if my metabolism is better, but I do tend to feel less tired (in the bad way) when I get up and go-which is most mornings. The nice thing is, I've gotten in a pattern-which was hard at first) so it's pretty much routine at this point.

    Try it for a week or so and see how you feel!
  • FitPhysique
    FitPhysique Posts: 284 Member
    You may feel tired the first couple of weeks but once you get into it, you will feel sluggish when you skipped your morning workout. Working out is my cup of Joe since I don't drink coffee. I gives me energy for the rest of the day. When I workout late afternoons to early evenings, I can't sleep because my body thinks it's morning!
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    that's what i used to do every day. now, i work from home three days per week, so sometimes i push it off until my lunch hour. but i prefer to get it done in the morning. i get up an hour earlier than i need to in order to work out.
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    For all of you that rise at o' dark thirty...
    What do you fuel with pre workout that early?

    i usually don't eat anything. if i wake up hungry, i will have half a serving of almonds. otherwise, i just go.
  • KlaMorgan
    KlaMorgan Posts: 72 Member
    Personally, I prefer to work out in the mornings. I feel better throughout the day and have a lot more energy. Sometimes a bad day at work makes me want to go home and not work out. If I work out in the mornings I dont have to worry about pushing myself to do it when im in a bad mood, because its already done!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I workout whenever during the day, whatever suits me. It hasn't seemed to make any difference. I also eat any time of day I want, doesn't have to be by 6pm or anything like that. The only thing I watch for is to not eat anything that might bother my sleep. I guess like too many cherries or nuts or something like that. I sleep great so I don't guess I am eating anything wrong.

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The best time to workout is the time of day that fits into YOUR schedule!
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I love working out in the morning - nothing can get in the way of it! (as opposed to later in the day when I can have an excuse to 'get stuff done' instead of working out). I do it early enough before my brain can fight me about doing it - haha

    Me too!
    I get up at 330am M-F (sometimes 4am)...workout and eat breakfast before showering at 6am. I leave at 730am for work. I love to work out in the morning! If I wait til after work, I won't do it :sad: ....so give it try!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    The best time to work out is what works best for you. If that's first thing in the morning, there's no problem with that.

    I am a morning exerciser. I like to get all sweaty first, then shower and be clean for the day. And, like you, if it doesn't happen in the morning, life gets so busy it's likely it won't happen. Finally, I like to jog and it's too hot by 10 am in the summers. If I go at 7 it's perfect.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    "I am not a morning person" means.... change is uncomfortable and hard so I am not really ready to make the sacrifice!!!!!!

    There is no better feeling than finishing a morning workout, followed by some clean eating! It sucks getting started but it is an awesome finish!

    What a load of bull! I could turn that right around and say, "Anyone who can't find time after work to exercise is lazy and uncommitted." Just because YOU like it, doesn't mean it's the right fit for everyone.
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    Haven't had time to read everyone's comments, but I get up three days a week @ 5:00am, workout for 30-45 minutes and I feel SO much better. My appetite is better on those days and I am much more energized. That's not to say it works for everyone, but I love it!
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    For all of you that rise at o' dark thirty...
    What do you fuel with pre workout that early?

    i usually don't eat anything. if i wake up hungry, i will have half a serving of almonds. otherwise, i just go.

    Same here. I'm usually not hungry until around 8am anyways, but if I am super hungry when I wake up, I will eat something small. Normally I work out and have a protein shake right after, which fill me up for at least a few hours. Then when I get to work, I have my breakfast.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I get up at 4am to work out, and I usually go to bed between 9:30 and 10.
    Except on weekends, then it is whenever I wake up I do my workout.
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    I definitely prefer my workouts in the morning. Especially since I run and I'm outside most of the time. That way I get it done before it gets hot....or in the winter time, I'm on the treadmill and I can get in a nice hot relaxing shower before starting my day.

    If you are in school, check out your campus gym (if they have one)...sometimes those lunchtime workouts work too. 30 min workout, 30 minutes to cleanup and eat lunch.
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I'm going on a month of doing morning workouts pretty regularly (missed a couple due to needing to be at work extra early one day, had a migraine another, etc). Now, I have NEVER been what one would call a morning person--more like "Walking Dead" first thing in the morning. But somehow I decided to try it and have already become a fan of the morning workout. Like someone else said, if I do it right away I'm halfway through the workout before my brain realizes WTH is going on.

    I get up around 6, throw on some shorts and t-shirt, drink some SuperPump (half a scoop in about 8oz of water) and hit the elliptical. Then shower and grab some coffee and a whole-wheat english muffin with peanut butter (maybe add a drizzle of honey) on my way out the door. I definitely missed it the days I slept in, and it's nice to be able to relax in the evening with the family.

    The real test will be starting next week when the kids start school again and I have to get up at 5:15 or 5:30 to get everything done and everyone out the door on time. With the kids' homework and everything, I will need to continue the morning workouts or they won't get done at all. To be continued....
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I'm up every morning by 4:00 am to get my workout in. I'm going to have to move that to 3:45 am starting soon though since the new program I'm doing has longer workouts in it. Once you get into the habit, it's 2nd nature but it does require you to go to bed a heck of a lot earlier than you ever thought you would!
  • bosslady69
    bosslady69 Posts: 11 Member
    I think that everyones body is different but from my research it sayd to make sure to have breakfast which first starts your metabolism going. I work long hours as well and don't have time any other time of the day. I have tried in the afternoon but I normally end up having something else to do, then in the evening I'm so beat I know I'm not going to do it. But I'm not a morning person but that's the only time I have to do it so I push myself to get up. I have found that I do have more energy and I'm more alert and I feel great. Also because I worked out first it makes me more thoughtful of what I'm putting in my mouth all day. Hope this helps. Add me so we can motivate each other if you like.
  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    I prefer to get up in the morning to go walking. It is cooler and I can hear the birds. if I don't exerclise in the morning, I don't get to it. As I am retired I get up about 7AM.
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 146 Member
    Bump. This weekend I'll start Day 1 of morning workouts.
  • 1nr15
    1nr15 Posts: 155
    I love morning workouts... it sucks waking up early, but it feels so good to at least get half of your workout over with... i normally do 30 minutes to 40 minutes of cardio in the morning and do weights at night :)