


  • I'm kinda sick of the "How attractive is the person above?" threads. :sick:

    Me too.

    Can we have some threads about actual fitness, rather than "fitness"?

    what about the people who are here, when asked for help from others who are struggling. . ignor you because your not good looking enough. . . or you eat bad, or your diary is private. . . its just like any place else.
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    Part of it is simply the constant transition of people through the tool... And obviously trending topics and opinions and fads...

    As well, and I've said this before, but I'll repeat it here... I think it is important to recognize that for many people, part of the attraction of MFP is the ability to connect in community of individuals working through similar issues. Part of that community is not just learning from "experts", but also being able to provide support. It is clear that a number of people I've seen post want to be helpful to others (and not feel that all they can do is take support and advice.) It could quickly begin to feel one sided. Hard on personal morale if you don't think you can support the people who are supporting you.... So people share what they "know" - what has been told them and what seems to have worked for them. I think it is very important to recognize people's input and intended support while helping to correct information - otherwise I think it can be seen as negative.

    As well, for this community to work, I think we need people to share - we can't have someone ask a questions and nobody answer - just waiting for an "expert" to answer.... That isn't going to make anyone feel supported... This community would evaporate quickly I think.

    So we end up with consistent mis-information being provided, and corrected in most threads, but challenges in the community discussing specialized topics where there is limited information known and so many people in the discussions that threads needing responses by a limited population slip to the bottom of the lists so quickly they don't get replys...

    Not a perfect community.... But I don't know any community that doesn't have issues... It is still worth hanging out in for me...

    Very well said Sir!!!!
  • fueledbychange
    fueledbychange Posts: 132 Member
    i like beer

    Very wise words. You, sir, are a prophet.
  • So we have constant threads about how fruit is BAD because of the sugar, but also hundreds of threads about fat free, low calorie cakes.

    Now we have threads about how saunas burn calories, but log cleaning, even if you have done 5 hours of really heavy housework and burned way more calories an hour than you do doing zumba, and everyone laughs.

    Post about what music you like and get 500 responses, but post asking a fitness related about triathlons and get ignored.

    This place is weird.

    They have turned it into facebook. . didnt you know?? isnt it rediculous?

    Wouldn't you for $6 Billion?

    I would, but this site is no where near a $6 billon dollar net. . .
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    use any of these to innitiate stupid conversation..... reduce
    2.excercise calories
    3.tell me if the person above u has a nice *kitten*....if u can handle it

    What counts as water?
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Not to mention all the threads complaining about this place. Or the threads complaining about the threads complaining about this place.

    I think I will post a thread on that. Titled - How attractive is the bacon above you - BE HONEST!!!!!
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    i like beer

    Very wise words. You, sir, are a prophet.

    i consider myself more a wordsmith than a prophet
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    use any of these to innitiate stupid conversation..... reduce
    2.excercise calories
    3.tell me if the person above u has a nice *kitten*....if u can handle it

    4. Muscle weighs more than fat.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Not to mention all the threads complaining about this place. Or the threads complaining about the threads complaining about this place.

    I think I will post a thread on that. Titled - How attractive is the bacon above you - BE HONEST!!!!!

    All bacon is attractive
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    use any of these to innitiate stupid conversation..... reduce
    2.excercise calories
    3.tell me if the person above u has a nice *kitten*....if u can handle it

    Bahahahaha! So true! #3 with the "If U can handle it" thing really cracks me up. So stupid and yet these topics must be popular with the masses since there are always several of them up and running at any given time. It's getting really old, though. :tongue:
  • I'm kinda sick of the "How attractive is the person above?" threads. :sick:

    Hello is that not stupid or what!!!!!

    I notice a lot of people always YES to anyone, thus raising their confidence, which is great. . . but then the superficial people who shouldnt be on a site like this, as they arent trying to lose weight or gain weight and whatnot. . they say no. . . i think those threads are fine. . if it helps someone feel better about themself after losing a lot of weight. . . but the ones who say no are the downers. . . .
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    Not to mention all the threads complaining about this place. Or the threads complaining about the threads complaining about this place.

    I think I will post a thread on that. Titled - How attractive is the bacon above you - BE HONEST!!!!!

    how about ive spot reduced a 6 pack while eating 1100 calories a day and only drinking 2 glasses of water a you think im hottt?
  • scottg1024
    scottg1024 Posts: 224
    i like beer

    Very wise words. You, sir, are a prophet.

    i consider myself more a wordsmith than a prophet

    I believe the term is cunning linguist...
  • What about the 15-19 year olds that have eating disorders that all their profiles say so. . . u friend 1 and then u get 30. . but if u ask them NOT to talk about it (cause i dont want to hear about it) i get my ear chewed off. . . :/
  • JLgettinghealthy
    JLgettinghealthy Posts: 39 Member
    I'm kinda sick of the "How attractive is the person above?" threads. :sick:

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member

    Now we have threads about how saunas burn calories, but log cleaning, even if you have done 5 hours of really heavy housework and burned way more calories an hour than you do doing zumba, and everyone laughs.

    I got roundly criticized by asking for advice on how to log calories burned while moving. As in, all my crap to another apartment. So, I just said WHATEVER. I decided to pay attention to how much time I actually spent carting boxes and furniture around. After a couple of loads, I noticed it was looking like roughly 10 minutes at a time with about 2 one-way trips per hour. I decided to get REAL conservative and just log one trip per hour, or 10 minutes per hour. After 6 hours or so, I ended up with 60 minutes. When I logged it I just about choked when I saw about 500 calories come up.

    Yeah, that's not significant, especially for someone who's sedentary. I mean, hell, I burn that getting out of bed in the morning. :bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Just put the word bacon in the title and they will read it

    I find the overwhelming obsession with bacon one of the weirdest things about this site.
  • So we have constant threads about how fruit is BAD because of the sugar, but also hundreds of threads about fat free, low calorie cakes.

    Now we have threads about how saunas burn calories, but log cleaning, even if you have done 5 hours of really heavy housework and burned way more calories an hour than you do doing zumba, and everyone laughs.

    Post about what music you like and get 500 responses, but post asking a fitness related about triathlons and get ignored.

    This place is weird.

    They have turned it into facebook. . didnt you know?? isnt it rediculous?

    Wouldn't you for $6 Billion?

    I would, but this site is no where near a $6 billon dollar net. . .

    Agree - the comment was directed to turning the site into Facebook.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm kinda sick of the "How attractive is the person above?" threads. :sick:

    I find those disturbingly sad.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    I'm kinda sick of the "How attractive is the person above?" threads. :sick:

    I find those disturbingly sad.

    I rate you a 10