This won't work....



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For me, weight loss became much easier when I stopped trying to make it so hard.

    Extreme calorie restriction just made me tired and hungry. Diet pills made me jittery. Instead I made small changes over time, and found out that I didn't have to TOTALLY overhaul how I ate, just make minor tweaks, in particular stop mindless grazing. The biggest thing for me was adding regular exercise, because the way I ate before wasn't THAT bad, if I had been a more active person. I now lift heavy weights 2-3 times a week, and run on average 3 times a week at least 3 miles, but I didn't start off that way. If I did, I would have burned out and quit in a month. Instead, I started walking the dog. Then started couch to 5k. Then started a light strength/circuit routine. Then...
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Someone - pardon, I don't remember who - said this yesterday and it made a lot of sense. Not verbatim, just the jist of it -

    So you don't feel like running? Rather sit on the couch? Okay, well....
    Just go ahead and put on your running clothes, no big deal.
    Just go ahead and put on your shoes/socks and lace those babies up. No biggie.
    Just go step outside - mm, fresh air!
    Tell yourself 'Okay, I'm just going to run to the stop sign'...
    Feel good?
    Tell yourself 'Okay, just to the next stop sign'...
    Still feel good?
    Now around the block....
    Still alive?
    So keep runnin'!

    It's the little steps that, in the end, will take you where you want to be. :smile:
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    Agreed! I've lost 130 pounds, most of it pre MFP. It has taken me five years, but now it’s a lifestyle. I love to work out, I love the way it makes me feel. I may still have a ways to go (I want to drop 50 more) but I will do it slowly. I don't diet or try crazy things anymore. They never worked. I try every day to eat less then what MFP says. Sometimes its 100 calories at the end of the night, some nights its more. It takes a lot of laziness to get fat. It only makes sense it will take a lot of work to get in shape.
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    Someone - pardon, I don't remember who - said this yesterday and it made a lot of sense. Not verbatim, just the jist of it -

    So you don't feel like running? Rather sit on the couch? Okay, well....
    Just go ahead and put on your running clothes, no big deal.
    Just go ahead and put on your shoes/socks and lace those babies up. No biggie.
    Just go step outside - mm, fresh air!
    Tell yourself 'Okay, I'm just going to run to the stop sign'...
    Feel good?
    Tell yourself 'Okay, just to the next stop sign'...
    Still feel good?
    Now around the block....
    Still alive?
    So keep runnin'!

    It's the little steps that, in the end, will take you where you want to be. :smile:

    I. Love. This! :happy:
    (also your profile pic. Adorable.)
  • flyingwrite
    For me, weight loss became much easier when I stopped trying to make it so hard.

    Extreme calorie restriction just made me tired and hungry. Diet pills made me jittery. Instead I made small changes over time, and found out that I didn't have to TOTALLY overhaul how I ate, just make minor tweaks, in particular stop mindless grazing. The biggest thing for me was adding regular exercise, because the way I ate before wasn't THAT bad, if I had been a more active person. I now lift heavy weights 2-3 times a week, and run on average 3 times a week at least 3 miles, but I didn't start off that way. If I did, I would have burned out and quit in a month. Instead, I started walking the dog. Then started couch to 5k. Then started a light strength/circuit routine. Then...

    This is seriously why you're my hero. Baby steps. Rome wasn't built in a day. And all those other applicable clichés. :drinker:
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    Funny how everyone makes weight loss out to be so hard and complicated right?

    I would say... It IS hard... change is hard, work is hard, and working hard is well, hard.... the problem is that people are lazy and they don't want to work hard to get the results!!!

    It IS quite simple, work hard and you will get the results you want! There is no magic pill, fad diet, cleanse, etc. NO EASY WAY OUT!

    Put in the work = Reap the rewards!
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Well said!
  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    So true! Tired of people saying they're trying all sorts of different diets because they think it might work, when EXERCISING and EATING RIGHT is the only way you are GUARANTEED to lose weight!!! Stop wasting money and time trying to find some new way to lose weight and do it the old fashioned way that works!!
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    :drinker: So true!!!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    This post is so very true.
    There are alot of posts on here of interesting topics.

    I have tried everything under the sun - programs, pills, shakes, juices, nothing worked...
    All that has worked is a healthy diet and exercise - LOL what my momma always said.

    not only have I lost the most weight ever, the time in which I did so wasn't all that long (have been at this since April 2011), and I have the tools and drive to keep it off. And I believe both diet and exercise are both important.

    Time is going to pass anyways, so instead of finding a quick fix that ultimately won't work, just change your life (even a little at a time) and look back after a year and go HOLY CRAP look what I did!!
  • SlimPossible8
    SlimPossible8 Posts: 71 Member
    :love: :love: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    nuf said!
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    True but I have to say a little harsh! I know its only the individual who can do it and yes may be they shouldn't rely upon others to motivate them. Its about making long term lifestyle changes but theres nothing wrong with supporting people!!!
  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    The funniest thing is the way a person's face changes after seeing your results and asking you how you did it.

    They go from an excited smile to almost a frown as if to say "oh you mean, you actually worked hard? Dang, I thought you were going to tell me some super-secret, magical, overnight trick" sad face.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Love, love, love this post. I hate when people tell me they are on a diet or what diet am I using to lose weight. No diet, just a lifestyle change. Too many people fail at diets, it is just a big way to set yourself up for failure. When you change your lifestyle you change if for "life". I love the new me, I still have a way to go, but feel awesome. You have to want to do it, the only motivation that really counts is within yourself.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Unless you are ready to put in the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears.

    I have seen far to many forum post the last couple of days with people asking:

    "whose tried the juice cleanse? does it help you lose weight?"
    "whose taken green tea extract to help aid weight loss, what are your results"
    "who takes raspberry ketones?"


    Yes I said it- DIETS in general will not help you lose weight and keep it off. Because once you go back to eating carbs, go back to eating solid food, go back to eating more than 500 calories a day- the weight you lost (which was mainly just water to being with) will come right back.

    Eating right and exercising is a LIFESTYLE change. Its learning what a portion size is, learning the ratios of protein/carbs/fat that you should be intaking, and learning that you can eat whatever it is you want, as long as it fits into your calories for the day.

    So honestly- stop it with the fad diets. Working out is hard, it hurts, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. So stop trying to take the easy way out. You didn't gain that weight over night- you aren't going to lose it overnight.

    Step Up, Man Up, and quite Whining!

    ::end rant::

    Adding this as someone below mentioned this- and its how I feel::

    I understand being frustrated when the scale doesn't move, or wanting to give up. However, NO ONE CAN MAKE YOU DO THIS BESIDES YOURSELF!

    If you want to lose weight- then you need to find the drive, motivation, and perseverance inside of yourself to do it. Losing weight isn't a team effort, its an individual effort. It's forcing yourself to go to the gym, even when your tired, because you know its better than sitting on the couch eating chocolate. It's making time in your schedule to make it happen and not letting any old little excuse get in the way because its easier.

    Yes sitting on your a** is easier then running 3 miles- but what makes you feel better? What makes you feel stronger? What will actually help you live longer?....

    This journey is about you- so stop looking to others to motivate you, or to keep you going. It's not there job, its yours.

    BAZINGA!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Every word of this is true.

    If you'd rather buy whatever Dr. Oz is selling this afternoon go right ahead. But you won't lose weight.

    Change your life, eat right and workout. Do that and you'll be successful. Latch onto every gimmick and fad out there and you're just wasting your time and money.

    I agree
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    It's so true! Thanks for posting this! Everyone keeps saying how hard I have worked to get this weight off, and I think "It was a lot harder to be fat quite frankly" The hardest part was deciding to not be fat anymore. Everything else after that was a lot easier.
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    I have known since I was a kid what was needed to stay healthy. Never fell for the fads. I figure any program that said "This should be taken along with diet and exercise" was a rip-off.
    That being said, I still lazed around and ate junk. KNOWING what to do is much easier than doing it. I kept waiting for the "right time" or some such nonsense. I wanted motivation to come from outside.

    I love this site because I have strangers telling me how great I am doing. It does make me feel better, I won't lie. It helps. But at the end of the day, I could put in that I made all my goals and lost 300 pounds. The typing won't do it any more than the knowing did. The sneakers have got to hit the pavement!

    When my life is over, if I have lived long enough to get healthy, it will be because of my work. And I wouldn't have it any other way. I am tired of the guilt over my weight; I am ready to take some credit.
  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    The funniest thing is the way a person's face changes after seeing your results and asking you how you did it.

    They go from an excited smile to almost a frown as if to say "oh you mean, you actually worked hard? Dang, I thought you were going to tell me some super-secret, magical, overnight trick" sad face.

    Yep, I've had this happen. You gotta want it to get it. You gotta work at it to get results. It does'nt just happen:wink:
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Amen!!!!!!!!!!!! (hope no one got offended by that)

    Personal story, my cousin started at 569 with his weight loss this time around, and he ate only fruits and veggies and exercised, got down below 500. Well, he heard about body by vi, and thought "hmm this might be a great idea", he dropped down to 429 by drinking 2 shakes and one regular meal. He found out the hard way this past week exactly why I refuse to try the product (no offense to anyone who might use it). His weight went up to 437, and that even though he swims, walks, and lifts, that he needs to fuel his body, and that he can't do it with the shakes.

    Only with eating right and exercise will you lose weight!!!! I try and pound this into my husbands head as well and when his weight went up (he was at 274, now after a month of eating fast food for everything except dinner and no exercise it went up to 277) i said "it's no surprise", and i just hope in time they will see that the old fashion way works.