T.H.E. Team (Trying Hard Everyday) Week 39 ~ Newbies Welcome



  • losingweightforme
    Hi Girls
    This will be quick as I am running late. Thanks for the confidence and cheering me on in my exercise challenge - 573 burned today - 135 behind where I should be. My water is slipping though - need to get it going again. I hope you all are doing great. Gotta run. catch up on posts tomorrrow
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Oh my GOSH!! I am sooooo HAPPY to see all the posting going on! Great checking in team! Everybody seem to be doing pretty good at exercise - that's soooo great!

    I love the Leslie Sansone dvd - it's great for a switch up - AND I got a three pack for only 14.99 at Target several months ago - like at the beginning of summer I think. You northerners get too cold to walk outside in the winter, but this southerner gets too hot to walk outside in the summer! So I really liked using her dvd's! :bigsmile:

    I did good on food today, stunk on water (drank too much tea), and just did stretching and a 20 minute walk on the treadmill. Still didn't eat any icecream....:grumble:

    I'm getting ready to go out of town for the holiday week - going to my mom's in West Texas - me, hubby, son, daughter and her (very serious) boyfriend. Can NOT wait!

    Okay, tomorrow I will be really kind to myself and drink all my water:drinker: Have a GREAT Wednesday everyone!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    i pretty much stopped drinking water. Need to get moving again. I am in the mood for something hot so I've been drinking tea. NOt logging but trying to watch calories. I've been too tired to cook lately, had a bit more fast food than usual. Need to kick myself in the patootie and get moving again.

    You all are doing great!!! I am proud of you

    healthymom....congrats!!! Exciting. Was this a suprise? We know what you were doing this summer LOL
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    CrazybeeRX, LW4M and Lulu - DRINK YOUR WATER - this is your friendly reminder. I will have to get serious with the next one :wink:

    LW4M - Nice job on the extra exercise. I am impressed. We know you will be caught up by the weekend :flowerforyou:

    pawprint - good luck cutting back farther on the pop. It was hard to do but once I stopped drinking it, the withdrawl headaches finally went away. I rarely drink it now.

    I have my plan for my outing to the bookclub meeting tonight - I am going to stick within my calories by having a salad for supper. I am taking a nut/raisin mix as my snack. I am sure someone will have fruit and some else will have veges. I will limit myself to a tablespoon of the dips and skip the sweets. I can do this. I will take a large water with me... This month we are discussing Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodriguez. It's a true story about a beautician from Michigan who helped women in Afghanistan learn a trade and support themselves.

    Have a great day. Keep exercising and eating well.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So, apparently, I was trying *too* hard to lose weight. Is that even possible? I backed off of some of the exercise I was doing and just eased up on myself about everything and BAM; the weight starts melting away again!

    243.8 Friday, 241.4 yesterday, 240.6 today... and I'm almost to my Thanksgiving goal! :happy: I'm so relieved. I don't want to "count my chickens," but I think I'll actually make my goal a little early after thinking for the last week that I wouldn't make it at all.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh my gosh!

    My supervisor just came into my office and looked at me with a really serious expression and then said "You are looking FABULOUS! Seriously, are you melting away?!"

    :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile: :happy: :bigsmile:

    I said "Well, yes, that's the plan." :laugh:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Crazybee!! Great to see you - just keep coming and posting and you will get motivated again! If you don't the rest of us will come to your home and force you to eat a salad, drink a bottle of water and walk 2 miles!!!! :bigsmile:

    Pinbotchick - Oh oh oh!!! Bookclub! I'm jealous! I wanna find a bookclub to join! How was/is the book? Sounds very interesting - I LOVE true stories! Well, and pretty much everything else too :) I'm a big reader. You'll do fine on food I'm sure - sounds like you have a good plan. And by the way, I do NOT take your threat lightly - I was only 20 ounces short on water today - I promise to get it all in tomorrow:drinker:

    Jlb - How great for you girl!! I'm so excited for you ~ and how wonderful to get such a fab compliment from your boss:love: Fantastic! I will soooo be doing the happy dance for you when you meet that goal:flowerforyou:

    I had a crazy busy day at work that seemed to NEVER end! Afterwards, I had three hours worth of speed shopping to do - buying Christmas to take on my Thanksgiving trip to West Texas, then have to come home and get everything wrapped. Now I am ready to crash and burn in a big way! Hope you all have a great night ~ hugs to all ~
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    didn't drink water or log again today. Been in a lot of pain, couldn't work today. I will go get water now and drink some before i go to bed. Thanks Lulu and Pinbot for caring. See you tomorrow

    Jlb congrats on the compliment. I know that means so much. Keep on Melting !!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    ok managed a 12 oz glass of water. Better than nothing
  • manda1111
    Bad on the logging and I'm starting to see the back lash. So I'm GOING to log everything today and try to drink two water bottles of water (16-180z) instead of one. I don't think I'm hydrating enough. When to yoga class at the Y and had a different teacher, I didn't like her but my regular one will be back next week.

    I think that hardest thing for me right now is finding time. I don't know about ya'll but my schedule exploded about a week ago and its not going to look empty and pretty again until after new years. So I really have to focus on when I have time to work out and put my attention into it.

    Also my husband is out of town and I tend to make poor food choices when we're not cooking for each other so I'm going to be working on that one this week too.

    I'll weight in tomorrow but I don't think its going to be pretty.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Can it be Friday? I started MFP on a Thursday so that has been my official "weigh-in" day. I don't want to wait a day to re-weigh and post - but I will :grumble: I couldn't resist and did update my ticker though :bigsmile: I can't believe I have lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks. YEAH. I did very well at my bookclub meeting - 8 of 10 snacks were healthy and I worked out before I went so I had 700 calories to taste the great food. 1 day down for my challenge and this weekend to go...

    By the way I managed to drink 11 glasses of water :drinker: Come on ladies - it's only water - you can do it...

    jlb - that is so cool that your boss gave you such a great compliment :bigsmile: Your hard work is paying off.

    manda - life is hard - remember what's important to you and make that your priority. Right now logging food is for me - if I dont, I screw up. My priority is to get healthy. I turned 2 clients down yesterday - I want to spend more time with family and have the time to log my food and exercise. Sometimes it is hard to say "NO" but you need to. Good luck.

    Crazybee - I hope you feel better soon. It is hard to do anything when you are in pain. And your right 12 oz is better than no water. Today start with 12 in the morning and then 12 at night - then you have 24 - 50% more.

    Lulu - I started our bookclub about 5 years ago. I had several friends that read and we always talked about someday joining a club. I finally said - okay let's just do it. We have 9 members and 6 usually show up for the meeting. We socialize from 7:30 to 8. Talk about the book from 8 to 9 or 9:30. Then socialize again... We were out until 10:30 - that's a late night for us. Our group is diverse in things they like and opinions on the books which leads to lively discussion. Majority consensus on Kabul Beauty School - it was okay - the story was pretty disjointed. The one lady that loved the book is a beautician like the lady in the book and spent 10 summers volunteering in Belize. We all decided we are glad to live in America where women are respected and and we have our freedom. If you like true stories - it is an interesting read.
  • cc_campbell81
    Good morning everyone. This week has been hectic. I had a work conference this week in downtown San Antonio. Parking was a nightmare and cost a fortune, I had a lot of trouble finding good food choices, and in the evening I feel asleep in my daughter's room in a rocking chair almost every night! But the upside is we were near the riverwalk so on breaks I walked up and down stairs and walked out side to get a little exercise in. For those of you not familiar with San Antonio, the River Walk is is a network of walkways along the banks of the San Antonio River, one story beneath downtown San Antonio. It is lined by bars, shops and restaurants. I also weighed myself this morning and haven't gained weight so I guess it wasn't as bad as it seems. I miss my old routine!

    Manda1111- I have found water helps me a lot. I don't like the taste of regular water so I buy the flavored sparkling water at Walmart. (no calories, no sugar).

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    still home from work. Have another call into the doctor. Since I am home with lots of time on my hands i should be logging. Maybe i will try that next. Going to go get some water now. I'll try for the 2 glasses today.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I know it's not always easy to get our water in! Here are some helpful hints I found in an article:

    Hint 1 - Add a splash of flavor. Take a few thin slices of lemon, lime or orange and drop it in a glass of water. You'd be suprised how good it tastes. You might even catch yourself drinking alot more than eight glasses.

    Hint 2 - Try flavored seltzer. The fizz in sletzer actually helps you feel full as well. Seltzer comes in a variety of flavors including cherry, raspberry and lemon lime.

    Hint 3 - Carry a water bottle in your bag and just sip from it thoughout the day. No one said you have to drink a full glass at a time.

    Hint 4 - A cup or glass of tea counts towards your 8 glasses. Keep it decaf and sugar-free.

    Manda ~ Get tough! Now through the holidays is the most difficult time of year to stay focused! Pinbotchick is right!!! You have to be your own first priority! Focuuuuuus focuuuuuus..... :)

    Pinbot - You are such a great encourager! I love your posts! And 20 pounds in 8 weeks!!!! That is just over-the-top fantastic!! I am so excited for you!!! BIG happy dance for you!

    CC - Sorry for a hectic week :( But if I had to be in the land of bad food choices, I'd want it to be in San Antonio with all the Mexican food!! Yuuuummmm! I love the river walk area - My brother-in-law was stationed there in the Air Force and we would visit - fun place - and a great place for lots of walking!

    Crazybee - hope you are feeling better! I'm guessing it's the FM? Be kind to yourself! And drink your water girl - I feel certain that hydration will help the FM! Drink up - and yes, by all means - log that food!

    See you peeps tomorrow for weigh in! :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I've been trying for a couple weeks now and I FINALLY DID IT! Week one, day 1 of Couch25K, that is! I'm so excited! I've never been a runner before.

    I got another "wow, you've lost so much weight" type comment from a coworker today. :smile: I was wondering when more people were going to start noticing and now that they have, I'm a little embarrassed. :blushing: I've never been good with compliments and attention, but I'll be okay. :wink:

    Good luck at weigh-in tomorrow ladies!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I wish everyone the best of luck with the weigh in today. jlb - you deserve the compliments since you've been working so hard. crazybee - hope you feel better soon. Try for 3 glasses today - I use the lemon slice in water trick often...

    My company will be here when I get home from work so I probably wont be back until they leave Sunday. I will Try Hard Everyday while they are here to keep my calorie intake under control.

    pinbotchick SW 237/GW 140/CW 217= - 4 llbs
  • cc_campbell81
    Here's my Friday weigh in.

    SW 149
    GW 130
    CW 144 -5 lbs lost since 22 Oct 09

    Holiday Challenge- weigh 140 by Jan 1st, 2010

    Starting Weight- 149 lbs
    Mini goal- 144 by 27 Nov 2009
    Mini goal- 139 by Jan 1st, 2010
    Mini goal- 134 by Feb 5th
    Mini goal- 132 by Feb 15th, 2010
    Final goal- 130 by Mar 1st, 2010

    Fitness Test Goal (January 2010):
    Run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes flat or less
    30” waist or less
    47 push ups in one minute
    54 sit ups in one minute
    Weight 140lbs

    Lulubar-Thanks for the support.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, last week, my scale was frustratingly consistent. This morning, however, it couldn't decide how much it wanted to tell me I weigh. It gave me a variety of weights from 239.4 to 240.4.
    So, to be fair and to not set myself up for disappointment next week, I'm couting the 240.4 today. :wink: I was pretty stoked to see 239.anything though.

    So -
    jlb123- SW 270/GW 150/LW 243.8/CW 240.4 = -3.4lbs

    I'm 25% of the way to my goal weight! :noway: :bigsmile:

    0.4 pounds away from Thanksgiving goal. I think I'm going to make it, ladies!
    15 pounds to go for New Year's. Not so confident about that one now, but I'm definitely going to give it a good try.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Sorry Ive been MIA for a bit. Hubby's home this week and will be leaving again this Sunday for a week to Salt Lake then we are taking a 4 day weekend to Baltimore together. Im super excited about it because i get to see a friend there that I havent seen in over 12 years! Anyone else in the Baltimore area? If ya are and ya wanna get together, let me know. I'll be there Dec 6-9th and hubby will be in training for 2 of the 4 days we are there, so Im game to do some shoppin or walking!

    Lets see... what else is new with me...

    Last Thursday my foster kittens went back to the humane society so they could be put up for adoption. We decided, or at least.. I decided that we werent gonna keep any of them, altho the kids and hubby were bugging me about keeping at least 1. I had my own idea tho.. LOL Instead, I dropped them off and looked through the dog area. I immediately fell in love with a 3 year old male miniature dauchshund and called hubby (who was on his was home from Seattle) begging and pleading to let me get him. Well... he had to meet him first, and I thought for sure hubby would say "hell no!" because I kept saying that I didnt really want a dog "right now" but had been broaching the idea with him for a couple weeks. To be honest, Its kinda scary not having a barking alarm while he's traveling and Im here by myself. I didnt have to press the issue for long..once hubby met him he fell totally in love with the little guy and we adopted him.

    We named him Diego and man.. I tell ya.. he is the greatest dog I have ever had!! He is smart as a whip, has not pottied in my house, loves my cats (nilla & charlie) and is a wonderful little barking alarm when someone comes to the door. He doesnt chew on anything or snap at the little kids and he thinks the best thing in the world is sitting next to me on the couch (which is pretty much like having a light heating pad next to my thigh all day.. lol). BUT.. the absolute best thing about him is... is that for a little runt, he is awesome on walks! Every morning he wakes me up and DEMANDS that we go for a walk. He wont even let me get a cup of coffee before he starts barking to have me take him and he isnt into the "quick trip out to the grass to do his business" kind of walk...Once he's awake, he wants at LEAST a full 30 minutes on the sidewalk before he's done and if I try to cut it short.. he will bark his little fool head off until we go out again. He pulls me (seriously...he weighs a whole 12 lbs.. but somehow those little legs make me walk faster and faster!) around the neighborhood and makes me keep a good pace. He doesnt stop every 2 minutes to sniff a bush.. he just goes goes goes.... and yesterday when we got kinda close to the house (maybe 100 feet).... he wanted to flat out sprint run...which was a light jog for me.. so we did! I walk him EVERY morning for 30 minutes then another 30 at night.

    SO... I am back! Havent weighed myself in a week, but I was at 214 the last time I popped on the scale, which is 2lbs heavier than my lowest. Once tomorrow is over with, I'll be watching the food a bit more, but Ive been pretty good, with a few exceptions here and there.

    I wish you all a very warm & Happy Thanksgiving!