Ohhhhh gawd



  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Off the top of my head pickles have no calories so I guess a cucumber wouldn't either.. ice berg lettuce... theres acutal a pretty long list of foods with out calories in them. It's rather shocking what you find when you do RESEARCH... and yes at 0 calories intake the chewing, and processing turn food into waste turns into (spoiler alert) negative calories! You ready for a really big shocker? Drinking what just about freezing temp actually burns 8 calories per 8oz drank because the stomach has to super heat itself to warm up the water before it can begin to digest it! EEEEEP!!!!

    Research research research.


    We understand the processes in which the body burns calories. And, we are not arguing with that information. However, you should probably do your research before you say that certain foods have zero calories, when they don't. Lol. Don't scold others for their lack of research when you have clearly failed to research anything yourself.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    In the USA, food labels can be up to 20% wrong on calories. (At least, the last time I checked.) So a food with five calories can be labeled as 0, which is why some pickles say 0.
  • the whole argument of burning the calories off through chewing and digesting makes me wonder if I should be deducting calories from each of my meal to account for the amount of energy I used chewing. Or perhaps adding it in as exercise. But then of course I'm faced with the dilemma of eating or not eating back those exercise calories.

    Why is dieting so complicated?
  • Oh, and I've seen people adding "ice cold water" to their food diary and logging -9 all the way up to -71 calories.... I think I'll stop cooking my food. In fact, I'm only going to eat frozen unthawed meals from now on. Frozen celery, as a matter of fact. I'll lose so much weight I'll turn inside out :laugh:
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    the whole argument of burning the calories off through chewing and digesting makes me wonder if I should be deducting calories from each of my meal to account for the amount of energy I used chewing. Or perhaps adding it in as exercise. But then of course I'm faced with the dilemma of eating or not eating back those exercise calories.

    Why is dieting so complicated?

    You could always wear a HRM while you eat to see how many calories you burn doing all that chewing.
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Oh, and I've seen people adding "ice cold water" to their food diary and logging -9 all the way up to -71 calories.... I think I'll stop cooking my food. In fact, I'm only going to eat frozen unthawed meals from now on. Frozen celery, as a matter of fact. I'll lose so much weight I'll turn inside out :laugh:

  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Off the top of my head pickles have no calories so I guess a cucumber wouldn't either.. ice berg lettuce... theres acutal a pretty long list of foods with out calories in them. It's rather shocking what you find when you do RESEARCH... and yes at 0 calories intake the chewing, and processing turn food into waste turns into (spoiler alert) negative calories! You ready for a really big shocker? Drinking what just about freezing temp actually burns 8 calories per 8oz drank because the stomach has to super heat itself to warm up the water before it can begin to digest it! EEEEEP!!!!

    Research research research.


    Actually, pickles do have calories. One cup of sliced/chopped cucumber, dill, or kosher dill pickle has 17 calories. Iceberg lettuce also has calories. One cup contains 10.


    please don't use blanket statements...

    according to the Nalley website, their pickles are 0 calories:

    on the other hand the jar of Carnegie pickles in my fridge right now say one spear is 20 calories
    (I can't find the nutrition info on their website).

    Also, I wouldn't trust most of the nutrition info on this website...I've found a LOT of it was wrong.
  • Apples, celery, grapefruit, whatever, are NOT "negative calorie foods" They DONT magically make you not absorb calories or burn more fat or count as exercise for digesting them. OMG. Seriously? Calories are calories!!!! Anybody with me?

    /end rant

    Snowhite had only an apple and she slimmed down and married a prince.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Off the top of my head pickles have no calories so I guess a cucumber wouldn't either.. ice berg lettuce... theres acutal a pretty long list of foods with out calories in them. It's rather shocking what you find when you do RESEARCH... and yes at 0 calories intake the chewing, and processing turn food into waste turns into (spoiler alert) negative calories! You ready for a really big shocker? Drinking what just about freezing temp actually burns 8 calories per 8oz drank because the stomach has to super heat itself to warm up the water before it can begin to digest it! EEEEEP!!!!

    Research research research.


    Actually, pickles do have calories. One cup of sliced/chopped cucumber, dill, or kosher dill pickle has 17 calories. Iceberg lettuce also has calories. One cup contains 10.


    please don't use blanket statements...

    according to the Nalley website, their pickles are 0 calories:

    on the other hand the jar of Carnegie pickles in my fridge right now say one spear is 20 calories
    (I can't find the nutrition info on their website).

    Also, I wouldn't trust most of the nutrition info on this website...I've found a LOT of it was wrong.

    It's wrong. Cucumbers have calories. Nothing in the pickling process can change that. If the portions are small enough, such that a portion is less than 5 calories, it can be reported as zero. Same thing with splenda- 3.8 cals/serving. All food has calories. If it didn't it wouldn't be food. A dietary supplement at best.
  • Apples, celery, grapefruit, whatever, are NOT "negative calorie foods" They DONT magically make you not absorb calories or burn more fat or count as exercise for digesting them. OMG. Seriously? Calories are calories!!!! Anybody with me?

    /end rant

    Snowhite had only an apple and she slimmed down and married a prince.

    So true. I guess I will add frozen apples to my diet along with the frozen celery. Oh and a long nap. I'll have a prince in no time.
  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Off the top of my head pickles have no calories so I guess a cucumber wouldn't either.. ice berg lettuce... theres acutal a pretty long list of foods with out calories in them. It's rather shocking what you find when you do RESEARCH... and yes at 0 calories intake the chewing, and processing turn food into waste turns into (spoiler alert) negative calories! You ready for a really big shocker? Drinking what just about freezing temp actually burns 8 calories per 8oz drank because the stomach has to super heat itself to warm up the water before it can begin to digest it! EEEEEP!!!!

    Research research research.


    Actually, pickles do have calories. One cup of sliced/chopped cucumber, dill, or kosher dill pickle has 17 calories. Iceberg lettuce also has calories. One cup contains 10.


    please don't use blanket statements...

    according to the Nalley website, their pickles are 0 calories:

    on the other hand the jar of Carnegie pickles in my fridge right now say one spear is 20 calories
    (I can't find the nutrition info on their website).

    Also, I wouldn't trust most of the nutrition info on this website...I've found a LOT of it was wrong.

    If you would have read what I posted, you would have seen that I provided a link as to where I got my information from, which was, in fact, not this website. Also, it is not a blanket statement, as nothing can be done to a food to reduce the number of calories it has. Cucumbers have calories. Pickles are cucumbers.The process of pickling a cucumber does not remove the calories. However, the serving size can be so small that it is shown on the label as containing zero calories. When food companies label their products, they are only required to be within 20% of the actual calorie amount. Therefore, they could be overestimating or underestimating. The reason I researched it was because there are some brands of pickles which claim to have zero calories, when in actuality, they do not.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member

    Got it from livestrong so it must correct right?

    indeed... *cough*

    Quote from link


    Although eating negative calorie foods sounds like a grand plan, there has been no solid research done to prove or disprove the theory. But one thing is for certain; all of the negative calorie foods are nutritious and should be added to the diet if you are trying to clean up your eating habits.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/23466-negative-calorie-foods/#ixzz2315Ungnz

    gotta say if I see someone's exercise as chewing... i'm not sure i'd be able to make fun of them as i'd be laughing too hard...
  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    *Rolls Eyes*
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    Two points

    It sAys chopped....dont chop.them.and the caloeies go away

    Livestrong was vreated by noted drug abuser lance armstrong

    Also, i.put cocaine on my celery

  • alassin_sane
    alassin_sane Posts: 12 Member
    You people are hilarious, I wish these forums had a like button... :-D