lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    How's everyone today?

    I am good so far, need to go get groceries tonight my fridge is empty which is bad news when it comes to being healthy cuz i'll start scouring for anything with taste LOL :noway:

    but sorta getting bored with food so need to change things up, not sure how yet, guess ill figure it out when i get to the grocery store :ohwell:

    I am thinking for tonight picking up a roasted chicken i can pick on for the rest of the week, lots of veggies, some wraps and maybe a nice whole wheat bread and fat free cheeses cuz i been craving grill cheese and tomato soup :smile: when I am not in the mood to make anything big or fancy.

    What's your go to healthy meal lately?

    Hope everyone is having a fab day! It snowed here yesterday :noway: still in denile about that

  • i know i'm a few days late... but i'd like to join in!
    i just started so i'm pretty new at this.
    SW 177
    CW 174
    By XMAS : 164 :smile:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    welcome :flowerforyou:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Doing good here! I was happy this morning when I could actually eat my breakfast! I am happy to report that I lost 4.4 lbs! I am down to 138.6 and haven't been there since months before I got pregnant with my 13 month old. So I am excited. I am sure I will gain some of that back but it made the two days worth it to see that number on the scale.

    I ate fairly clean today and really balanced my protein/carb/fat intake.

    joa827 ~ thanks for starting this thread! And yes I am doing P90 right now. I have completed a couple times before and had awesome results and got in the best shape of my life after my second child was born. Now I am back at it after #3. I have also done P90X but am partial to P90 :)

    PolliesGirl ~ I really cannot say what my "go to meal" has been. I am trying to eat 5 times a day and one thing I like as a snack has been my whole wheat Thomas' Bagel (only 1/2) with 1 Tbsp of low fat cream cheese. I also like Beachbody's vanilla whey protein added to a cup of milk (helps me to get my protein levels up).

    Hope you all are doing well! See you tomorrow!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Polliesgirl- Hope your number sticks! I know the feeling a number being too good to be true! Your grocery ideas sound good. I have been eating a lot of wraps, salads and soup lately. All are relatively quick to make. Oh, I also make one big meal on one night and save left overs for a few more nights. Easy and don't have to think about cooking for a few days.

    How is everyone else doing?

    I was within my calories again today :) and did P90x plyometrics today- that kicks my butt every time! Major calorie burner.

    Hope everyone else is doing well! Two more days til the week end!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Okay finally time to check in for the day. It got broken up into two parts today ~ cranky baby and babysitting the neighbor's 5 yr old. Happy to say I did get it all in.

    To complete day 39 of P90 I did Sculpt 3-4 and 2 miles on the treadmill. I burned a total of 521 calories today. My diet is on track as far as calories go.

    Happy Thursday!

  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hi All,

    I would like to get in on this too. Here are my vitals:
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 150
    CW: 146
    GW: 136 by Christmas.

    I like to think this is attainable. I'm glad to see that everyone is checking in on here. I will check in probably 2x a week. I hope all of you stick to your diets and really push yourself to exercise this week. =]

    My exercise routine has been:
    My Fitness Coach for the wii for 15 minutes (or a brisk walk/jog about 15 minutes) every morning. This is all I can fit in in the morning, but on the weekends I hope it to be different.
    Then, after I get home, I try to fit in an exercise routine for at least 30 minutes. Whether it be a brisk walk, a quick jog, My Fitness Coach, Wii Fit, Wii Sports or something.

    I will weigh in 3-4 times per week and let you guys know how that goes.

    I hope you all the best of luck.

    Oh, and, PolliesGirl, I really love to go to burritos when I need some pick-me-up food. So I found a wonderful recipe online for bblack bean and brown rice burritos. It's super easy and super yummy. Check it out here:

    Ciao for now.
  • Hi everyone!

    So I'm down 3 pounds since my last post... so excited!!

    SW: (at the beginning of this group) 170.8
    CW: 167.8
    GW: 160 by Christmas!!

    WE CAN DO IT!!

    I have been on a plateau for about 2-3 weeks, and I kept at it... I'm finally off of that plateau and losing again!

    I don't know about all of you, but losing this weight little by little motivates me not to eat all of the really-bad-for-me foods that I used to eat all of the time.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Dragonfly- still don't know how you did that fast. Glad you are eating again! How is p90? Isn't it kinda like p90x? Sounds like a good workout and great job on your eating.

    Smileydays- great job getting a workout in in the morning. I always feel better when I workout in the morning. I find it so hard to workout after work so good for you for fitting it in!

    doubleloop23- great job being down 3 pounds! I am glad you are off the plateau! Those are so frustrating!

    As for me, I had another successful day! I did 2 miles of intervals on the treadmill and arms and shoulders. Felt great. Was within my calories. I did weigh today (even though I don't weigh until Sunday, Monday or Tuesday) and I am down 2 pounds, however it was TOM last week so that might have been water. Anyway always good to be down!

    Have a great Friday everyone!
  • I would like to join. I'll check in weekly.

    I lost weight last year but gain alot back. Started back in 10/5/09. My goal weight is 140lbs. I'm taking hcg shots for 8 weeks. My calorie intake is different from MFP requires. I will be off in 4 weeks. But I like to be 10lbs less by Christmas.

    SW-163 (Oct 2009)
    GW-145 by Christmas

    Good luck!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    So had Zumba again tonight, didn't really push myself all that hard i dont think :cry: i dunno it was a diff instructor so the whole class was sliightly off like wtf :noway: lol

    stayed well within cals, 1200 + some of my zumba cals
    supper on zumba nights is hard cuz i can't eat big before or ill be sick (but need something small like snack or ill be sick lol) but don't like to eat a proper supper after either because by the time im home it's now after 7...

    so tonight had a whole grain pita, with a bit of pesto spread on it, 1 oz of cheese, 1 oz of chicken, some onions and mushrooms and popped it under the grill for a lil pizza - was yum:smile:

    so the 207 stuck, hoping for my 206 tomorrow morn, sat at the latest for this weeks official WI.

    really struggling to get my water in since i was sick this past weekend, i was doing good with water and green/herbal tea at work during the day but i've slacked on both... arg!

    sounds like everyone is doing great so far for our first week!:bigsmile:

    i have p90x here...borrowed from a friend, i have to see i had a look thru and gave one of the dvds and attempt and i am beyond overwhelmed and discouraged for trying to do them.... i can't do a pushup to save my life, im pretty sure i woudnt be able to complete any of the strength training dvds in it's entirity :sad: how do i convince my self to give it a go and give it that much time for those of you doing it??? is p90 a bit less intimidating then p90x?

  • I hope that is not to late to join. I am doing the 10 lb by Thanksgiving challenge and would like to continue loosing past Thanksgiving...

    I weigh on Thursday and today I was 160. I have lost 5 lb since joining MFP last month.
    I will like to be 150 lb by Christmas.
  • smileydays
    smileydays Posts: 37 Member
    Hey there,
    Checking in tonight. Going to let you all know how my day went...
    Work was pretty relaxed. I work as a receptionist at a doctors office and there was a new doctor subbing for the regular one that's on vacation right now.

    So this morning, since I had to go into work early, I had to wake up early to do a workout. It was challenging to do it because I wanted to stay in my warm bed and sleep for another 30 minutes. But I didn't because I knew I would be so disappointed and tired. So I got up and did a 15 minute exercise on the Wii, just flexibility. It incorporated some abdominal workouts and yoga, as well as a little pilates. It was a bit challenging, a bit relaxing and definetly filled me with energy for the day. As for breakfast, I ate Honey Nut Cheerios with a cup of 2% milk.

    At lunch, I was tempted to get out and go for a walk. But instead, I enjoyed my lemon-herb zested skinless boneless chicken breast and white rice with olive oil and lemon herb zest on it. YUM! =]

    After work, I came home and did a 30 minute workout on Wii Fit. It wasn't challenging, but it did make me sweat a little bit. I felt better after I did because I felt like I actually worked toward getting the body that I want. For dinner, my boyfriend cooked me up 3/4 cup of elbow macaroni, 1 oz of alfredo sauce (i know... not too good for you), about 1/2 cup leafed spinach and about 3/4 cup chopped grilled chicken. The chicken was cooked with 1 tbsp of olive oil too. It was delicious.

    As for you all, you guys sound so great!
    I would like to welcome Amcmamcm and good luck with your 150 by christmas. Stick to your program and diet and don't have too many sweets or turkey day goodies on Thanksgiving and I'm sure you'll do fine!
    I would also like to welcome Iris6466. What are hcg shots? I hope you are in good health and I wish you luck on your weight loss journey and look forward to hearing from you weekly.

    Great Job to doubleloop23 and joa827 for the weight loss. Small numbers but HUGE accomplishments. 3 pounds is 30% of tthe weight you want to lose by christmas and 2 pounds is 20%. Congrats guys, and keep up the great work!

    PolliesGirl... I know how it is to change instructors, but next time you should try hard! You can do it! I have faith in you! Your pizza sounds delish and after your sickness I hope that you will be healthy, full of life and hopeful. Good luck!

    See you guys later.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Ok so it's not reflected on my ticker yet but I'm taking it lol
    206.6 today last WI was 207.4 oh so close lol maybe tomorrow! :laugh:

    didn't bring a lunch with me today so that means a subway salad for me with chicken or turkey and the fat free onion dressing... yum yum yum and because I skip the bread I usually let myself have a bag of garden salsa sunchips which are only 210 cals for the bag :smile:

    hope everyone has a happy friday! I best get working:bigsmile:


    ps smiley, it's not that i didn't try hard, just not as hard as i could have, mind you tues class i was just coming off being ill and dehydrated and almost passed out, so didn't want that last night either, so between the getting better, and totally diff instructor techniques it just wasn't as hard as I normally push but i still did a decent burn that i can feel today a bit :smile:
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone! I love this group, I think losing 10 pounds by christmas would be excellent, I would definitely be happy with that, it would mean that i would be out of the 150's and in the 140's.....my current weight as of this mornign is 158.8 lbs! Hope its not too late to join :) and as for my "go to" snack, I absolutely love cottage cheese, I usually will have 1/2 a cup and put a bit of salt and pepper on it and just have that, not only is it low in calories, but it also has alot of protein in it!!!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Hey everyone! I love this group, I think losing 10 pounds by christmas would be excellent, I would definitely be happy with that, it would mean that i would be out of the 150's and in the 140's.....my current weight as of this mornign is 158.8 lbs! Hope its not too late to join :)

    when it comes to weightloss it's never too late! :bigsmile: welcome :flowerforyou:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Day 40 complete! I did sweat 3-4, ab ripper 200 and 1.25 miles on the treadmill. I burned 567 calories (55% fat), max HR 182 (98%) and avg HR 139 (75%). Currently drinking my BeachBody recovery drink ~ YUM!

    Welcome to mxburke/amcm/iris ~ keep us posted!

    PolliesGirl ~ P90 is a definitely a good starting point before moving onto P90X. I have done both programs and I feel P90 is better in helping with weight loss and P90X is better in finishing "toning up." In P90 you alternate between cardio one day and sculpting (weights or bands) the next. You do the program 6 days a week and have one rest day (90 day program). There are two levels to P90 and you start off slow with levels 1-2 and then when they are no longer "challenging" you move up to level 3-4. I highly recommend you check out their site and see peoples successes.

    double ~ great job breaking through that plateau!

    smiley ~ great job getting your workout in in the morning. That is when I have to do it otherwise I lose motivation as the day goes on.

    joa827 ~ P90 isn't really like the X in my opinion. I focuses on cardio and then sculpting/weight training alternating days. It focuses more on cardio to me than the X does and that is why I prefer it to the X for weight loss. Don't get me wrong it is an excellent excellent program, just never really worked for me when trying to lose weight.

    Keep up the great work everyone! I am sure we can all exceed our 10 lb weight loss come Christmas time!
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    I know I am late but I would love to join. I have had a good week so far. I have worked out 5 times and I will do my 6th tomorrow. I have also stayed within my calories with no problem. I don't know for sure if I can lose all 10 pounds by Christmas, but I am going to try! :wink: I only have 12 lbs to go and we'll see what my body will let me do.

    So great to be part of this group. I am here if any of you need some extra support or have any questions. About snacks, I love fruit! I agree about the cottage cheese but I also add some sliced tomato also. I also like 1/2 apple with 1/2 string cheese. About 70 calories total.

    Thanks everyone and lets get this weight off!!! :smile:

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
    Height 5' 5.5
    SW 162
    CW 147.5
    Christmas goal 137
  • I just joined a new gym! :bigsmile:
    I moved a month ago and have only now found the time to find a new gym near me! yay!
    My first workout is a Group class tomorrow morning at 830am. AND AND the scale showed a 2 pound loss!

    2 down and 8 to go before Christmas- HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!:drinker:
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hello everyone!

    Skinny- Congrats on the 2 pound loss! So exciting to be able to go to the gym. Enjoy your class tomorrow!

    Skinnyjess-Welcome! Great job on the workouts!

    dragonfly- good job on the workout! I sure hope that the x helps me in the weightloss department! I am hoping all of the weight training will change the way my body looks.

    Poliesgirl- How do you like spinning? I have done it a time or two it is a tough workout. Your pita pizza sounds great! I will have to try that sometime.

    Mxburke- Welcome! 10 pounds is doable if we work hard! Feels good to get out of a ten's doesn't it? I can't wait to get in the 150s!

    Everyone new- Welcome!

    Hopefully I got everyone, mfp wouldn't let me go back a page sorry if I missed you.

    As for me, doing good still. I ran 5 miles on the treadmill this morning. I started feeling sick around 3.5 miles and had to stop at 5 since I felt like I was going to vomit. I tried to eat something and I felt better, so I guess I was just really hungry. I was within my calories today even with my Friday night ice cream, I always look so forward to it. My husband and I eat ice cream only on Friday and Saturday nights (it is a lot better than before when we were eating it 7 nights a week!)

    Hope everyone has a great week end! Stay on track! Hope we all see 1.5 pound weightloss this week.
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