lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So I have a temporary roomie for the month (just helping a coworker out) and her bf came up thurs to visit for the weekend, and I missed zumba, went out for dinner, and have been generally somewhat off all weekend so far :sad:

    I haven't been terrible but I still feel bad about it; i haven't been logging properly, I missed two workouts, and I know i've been going at least a tiny bit over :frown:

    ARG why do I do this to myself. I figure I'll get it out of my system this weekend, and crack down again tomorrow/monday (monday cuz i find it easier to maintain routine during my work week - pack lunch and snacks, workout after work, walk dog etc).

    someone knock some sense into me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noway:
  • Good Morning everyone....

    So the weekend is half over and I have only gotten a quarter of what I wanted done! TYPICAL! oh well, there should be time to done nothing too, right?! :ohwell:
    Weigh in was horrible, I do believe I have gained 2 lbs.....and its not TOM, have been logging foods and cutting back bits a pieces of snacks etc.....and making sure I workout AND walk the dogs .... Fan-flippin-tastic....:grumble: :cry: :mad: ....and it cant be muscle, I havent done weights since last Saturday in a whole body routine, and I went mid-range/light!

    Now what? maybe I should just buy whatever and eat the whole bag/box ...it seems so useless.....sigh....this is why I get stuck right here, and quit the posting etc...I know I shouldnt take it so hard, it is just one factor in living healthy, and the other 99% of the things that matter I am actively aware of and doing to the best of my ability, so why should the little number on he scale matter so much!!!?!?!

    OK, I feel a little better....time to workout, and maybe today I should consider a kickbixing dvd to get out the aggression :blushing: thanks for listening, chat later!

  • Hey! I would love to join in on this challenge if it isn't too late!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Polliesgirl and fitshart- I hear you! I had a very off weekend too! My hubby took me for a week end get away to Mt. Rushmore. It was a great time! However, we ate out all meals on Saturday and Sunday. And let's just say I didn't try to make healthy choices!! Oh, and I didn't exercise at all. I am not even going to log it because there really is no point. On to Monday, We can do it! Start fresh and don't even think about the week end. We have a fresh start and can still lose the weight. Stick with it!!!! Fishark- don't let the gain get you off track. Honestly, weigh in tomorrow and maybe Tuesday as well, some days we retain more. Hopefully that is the case! Alright girls, let's move on to this week!!!

    My plan for this week is: stick to a little lower calorie range as I went overboard this week end- I am going to try and hit 1300-1400, not over 1500 everyday regardless of how much exercise I do. I am also going to try my best to get an extra run or walk in 3 evenings or afternoons this week. Hopefully this will offset the week end and also allow me to lose for this week.

    k92monica- Welcome! It's never too late!
  • I'm loosing. I'm not as loyal to working out as many of you. I am still going slow but I am monitoring what I eat very closely. I lost 1 pound. 1 pound of nasty yuck. I like it. Thanks to this 10 pounds by Christmas. I think this will help.

    FITSHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FITSHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:noway: DON'T GIVE UP. It is easy to give up. Please keep it up. I went up 4 lbs in the last couple of months and almost quit. That is when I heard about MFP and joined. Nothing was working for me either. Until I read a book "Ultra Metabolism." Please check it out at your library. You will see why it is so difficult to loose. You hit a plateu and now it's time to bring in the calvary. You need to take the right vitamins along with everything you are doing. Also, as everyone suggests, WATER. I am the worst at drinking it but I know that it helps when I do. Please don't give up.:flowerforyou: The little number on the scale matters to you and me so keep it up and that little number will get lower.

    Hey POLLIESGIRL, ditto to you! You made a plan and set some goals for this week. Great start, try to follow through. :wink: I have a plan, I think I'm going to start going on walks again with my dog. I'm need to get my son to do more exercise also. He's skinny as a twig but is having a growth spurt and I think If I encourage him to walk & excercise I might help his bones and muscles grow healthier and help myself along the way. I'm writing it and might bore all of you with this but if I have a witness I might not back out. My dd will benefit from it also bec. she can't and wont stay at home. Today I went on a 15 minute bike ride with my dd I was so happy:smile:

    JOA827 Thank you for the good wishes. It's working! Thank you for starting the 10 pounds challenge. You helped me get back on track because those 1,200 cal were killing me. I needed a goal. 9 pounds to go till Christmas.

    SMILYDAYS and POLLIESGIRL, going back to your welcome to me. Water is still a problem. I'll get up right now and have a glass of water and give thanks to you and everyone else.:drinker: I had two instead. One for each of you, LOL. I had also had 2 cups of decaf hot tea an hour ago. I'm getting better, I hope. SmilyDays: Today I was almost as happy as you last week.

    11/08/09 ] 11/15/09
    9/09 SW 146 ]
    10/09 150 ]
    CW 146 11/08/09 ] 145 CW
    GW 120 ] 120 GW
    12/25 GW 136 ] 136 GW for 12/25

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • :flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing: :flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing: :flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing:
    Hey! I would love to join in on this challenge if it isn't too late!
    Welcome "K"! You already look great!

    P.S. Group My ticker is not reflecting my lost pound:sad: So what my scale does.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing: :flowerforyou: :heart: :blushing: Hey why is there a smoking smiley face? Arent we supposed to be taking care of ourselves and doing things that are good for us?:grumble: Ok I'll use it just as an expression. It's late & hubby is waiting so you figure it out:smokin: Hah! Hey I'll loose some calories:blushing:
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    I would like to join if it isn't too late!!! I need all the motivation possible. I wanna look sexy for my hubby when he comes home from deployment....I've lost 14 pounds since he's left and i want to keep it going!!! I haven't been as hardcore though as I am now!!

    Christmas weight:186 if not sooner
    GW: 160
  • Hello and Welcome to the week..
    this week I plan to take the support &motivation (THX! EVERYONE) and get in gear! I know that if I stop the tracking, I will go further off-course, and feel worse about it...I should be proud that I was successful in getting abck to the tracking as much as I did.

    My goals for the week are to log more meals than last week, exercise (ffollowing the Hybrid plan I made up) and walk the dogs 6 days, and have a rest day with yoga and a dog walk. Diet-wise:Cut back on the serving sizes...I know I have a half extra of some of my more favoite things, and depending on my exercise levels, I will indulge... not this week!

    r_u_lean: thx for the water reminder! :drinker: (I hope this little smiley is dringking the H20 and not something else!) I am going to check out that book this week, sounds like the jolt I might need.

    joa827: thx for the reminder that some days are more "heavy" than others, simply....I'm going to reweigh tomorrow. Your plan to get back on track is perfect; and that is really what its about: not getting so crazy about the daily differences, but minding the WHOLE picture :happy: It matters what we do with everyday, but taken as a whole

    Ok gotta get moving if I want to have time to get everything done this morning...will post my exercise combo later!

    And welcome to nimitz, K92! have a great day everyone, and keep up the energy!

  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Been quited busy.

    Well today is my rest day and it is day 50 of P90 for me! I have been keeping up with my workouts faithfully and trying to burn at least 500 calories per day.

    Yesterday was my offical weigh in day and I was down to 138.6 lbs. So that was a loss of 2.8 lbs. Not quite sure how that happened but it did. My food intake wasn't great but I didn't over induldge really and I kept up with the exercise. So since the beginning of this challenge I am down 4.4 lbs. Hopefully it sticks!

    Just keep your heads up high and lets get this challenge completed! We can do it and if we slip up then we shake it off and start anew the next day!

    Baby crying so I will have to check in again later.

    Great job everyone!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks everyone,

    however It's only monday and I already feel like this week is going to be a big FAIL for me,
    we are doing briefings all week which means am pretty much working 12/13 hour days all week except wed and thursday, so I feel like I won't get any cooking in (thank goodness for my freezer full of meals i prepped) and I definately wont be getting my excercise in every day, just my wed (ill try to do extra) and my thursday ZUMBA (will try to do elliptical before that)

    ARGGGGGGGGGGG! this was not the good weekend to mess up cuz it will be a hard week to get back on track.... I am going to be soooooo tired when i get home. will see how i feel gonna try to convince myself to take the pooch for a jog when i get home before bed.... :huh: :yawn:

    anyhow must have some lunch let the dog out then back to give briefings, ahhhhh i hate public speaking!!!:noway:

    have a great day/week! :flowerforyou:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Ok so I've re-evaluated my week a bit and while im working late everyday, today and friday are the only 12 hour days with no break time really, so i should be able to do my elliptical tomorrow wed and thurs, as well as my zumba on thurs. am feeling a bit better about it all lol.

  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hello everyone!

    Well today was more successful than the weekend! I ended up within 1500 cals today, which was my goal. I did 4 miles of a run this morning and a 20 minute walk at lunch. yippie!

    Polliesgirl- Glad you got things figured out for the week. Hope your workouts happen. I really hope that you stay on track this week, I know it is hard when there is a lot of stress!

    dragonfly- congrats on the loss and the workouts. You are doing fantastic, definitely an example to all of us!

    fitshark- your goals sound great! I have some major goals this week too! Best of luck to both of us. I know we can do it!!!

    r-u-learn- looking good! Congrats on the 1 pound loss and getting out there for some exercise!

    nimi- welcome! Never too late to join. Hope you are looking smoking hot for your man!

    Have a great day tomorrow!
  • Tuesday Update:

    Insanity CardioMax, dog walk (prob not so much jogging mixed in, my knees were bit sore from yesterday for some reason :grumble: )

    Ate well yesterday, kept it just under the calculated calories, and have today pre-logged in according to my menu (!!!yeah me!->throwing confetti!!).....

    Possibly will re-weigh after showering later....gotta get courage up for that though!

    Have a Positive day everyone !

  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    ok stayed in calorie range :drinker: and did my half hour elliptical on full incline between 4-6 resistance (5 all the way up the hill PHEW! ) yay me, hoping i can still make it under 200 for xmas!

    such a stress ful week all i want to do is eat, i need to do some MAJOR bulk cooking this weekend and stock up on veggies too to get out of this junk feeling!

    wish me luck, hope everyone is doing well!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hey everyone,

    I was within calories today. I was a bit over what I wanted (wanted 1500 but ended up at 1600) but that is okay still within the range including exercise. I did 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill and then p90x chest, shoulders and tri. It was the first time doing this workout and it was challenging!!

    I did weigh in today. I am down to 163. That is 1 pound loss and 2 pounds since the challenge began! Yay. 5 weeks to go! I am behind by 1 pound to make my goal of 10 pounds but I know I can make it up and I am going to try really hard!!

    Pollies- Good luck with the stress this week. I know how you feel. All I want to do when i am stressed is eat. Stick with your plan and try and get that exercise in to be able to release so stress.

    Fitshark- good job on prerecording your food. It helps a lots!
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone~! been so busy i havent even made it on here in like forever~! havent really been keeping track too much, but weighed myself this morning, and im down to 157.2 lbs....which is excellent a 1.2 lb loss:happy: I havent been tracking my calories, but im really gonna try to keep up with that because its the only way i stop myself from overeating! anyhow good job everyone else! keep it up!:happy:
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Hello! Where is everyone? Hopefully everyone is doing well!!!

    I am doing well. I have been doing well the last two days. Within calories and doing exercise. I did p90x plyo and ab ripper yesterday and 20 min of hills on the treadmill and back and biceps this morning. Feeling good!!

    Hope everyone elise is doing well!

    mxburke- Hello! Yay on the weightloss! That is wonderful! Keep it up!
  • Hello everyone,

    I haven't checked in this week. I've been very busy. I lost one pound on my weigh in on Monday. I have two more weeks on my hcg diet. I have been tracking my food intake. Doing well. I have not exercise much. Coming home so late from work... too tired.

    Thanksgiving next week. Stay strong! I'm baking healthy dessert. Fat free cream etc.... Using lots of herbs and spices for the turkey. My family have no idea. lol
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Where is everyone??? I hope you are not pooping out! Hopefully just really busy!

    I am doing well. Today I ate a lot of food not planned today but was not over on calories. I need to be better about sticking with my plan. I ran 5 miles this morning.

    Iris- So glad you lost a pound! Congratulations! Slow and steady. Oh gosh don't even get me started on Thanksgiving!!! My plan is to take a long run in the morning, eat well all day and treat Thanksgiving dinner as a "free" meal and then jump back on the wagon on Friday. Hopefully it works out.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :smile: :smile: joa827
    Here I am !! Been a crazy and busy work week. Haven't had time to even look at the computer much less log in........HOWEVER, I weighed in yesterday and lost 3 lbs since last Friday. I was really worried because a lady at work brought in home made peanut brittle one day and home made peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies the next. Of course I ate some of both but had a light dinner in the evenings to counteract the calories. Apparently, it worked. I got on and off the scale several times just to be sure.

    Have to work again today......UGH !!!

    Hope all you ladies have a wonderful weekend.
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