lose 10 pounds by Christmas



  • iris6466
    hello everyone,

    I weigh in tomorrow for the last of my 8 weeks program. I little nervous. I'll keep you posted tomorrow.

    Joa827-you could find the tea at VitaminShoppe at the mall. Its much cheaper than health stores. glad that your back on track. Don't give up.

    amc-the cupcakes...I use fat free cream cheese and I substitute the sugar too. I used stevia an all natural sweetner. I recommed to those who have diabetes and miss the sugar intake.

    doubleloop- good for you.. only 3 lbs for the christmas goal woo hoo!

    talk to you tomorrow. Happy Sunday!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey everyone. I did great on Thanksgiving, stuck with my meal plan and all. Fri was harder, snacked on leftovers a little too much. Sat I got invited to a dessert party and totally indulged! But I did my check-in today, and I am down 1 lb., 1 in. in my waist, and 4 in. overall. Yea! So I just have 6.5 lbs. to go til Christmas.

    Good job joa on dropping some weight and getting closer to your goal.

    Iris, I hope your check-in goes well. What 8 week program are you on?

    And good luck to everyone else as well.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    I was just 150 over my calories today. At this point I consider that a good accomplishment. Yesterday I bought a food scale, wow what an eye opener that is! When I measured with cups and spoons I was over by 1.5-2 x!!! EEEK, that adds up!!!! Anyway, so now I have to adjust to actually eating less because I am measuring less. Hopefully I will see better results this way. I definitely recommend this if you are thinking your portions are right and aren't losing. I hope that I lose a pound or two this week. I don't think that tomorrow will yield a loss because of my few off days. I am committed to being on track now and losing!!!

    iris- good luck on your weigh in tomorrow. you have been doing so well! I am sure you will hit your goal. Your restraint on food is admirable. I can do the exercise but the food comes much more difficult to me. DId it take some time to get to a place like that?

    jrbowers- Congrats on the one pound loss!!! THat is fantastic, and even better to lose inches! You can do it 6.5 pounds here you come!! Keep up the great work!

    Everyone else- Hope you are all doing well. People have kinda dropped off, hope you are doing well. You are welcome (and no judgement for coming back) to come and post to get some support from all of us!!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    ok, so i am at my cals for the day, just a couple over the 1200 mark. not excercising today because i have to go back to work here in a few min, so I need to resist anymore food for the rest of the day. go back to work, do my brief, comme come get into comfy clothes, wind down and then bed. NOOOOOOOOOO snacks!:noway:

    if i absolutely need a snack, im only allowing an apple, and as much tea or water as i want. thats it!:grumble:

    ok i think i've convinced myself for the time being.

    hope everyone is well and had a good holiday weekend.

  • iris6466
    hello everyone,

    I lost 1 lb this week. Yeah. I'm happy, better than none at all. 5lbs to meet my goal to christmas! 10lbs to meet my goal.

    Joa827 - As far as food intake, I read alot on healthy subject. Especially food articles. I love food and I'm hispanic. We grew up frying everything. lol So no it didn't happen overnight. I don't have any support from my family. They eat everything and don't gain any weight. It was very hard for me. I hit 40's and realize I wasn't the same active person I was. You should try to set goals to get at lease one meal with fruits and vegetables. Then two meals etc.. Dairy helps alot at least 3 times a day. I eat yogurt for breakfast, lunch and nite snack. Off course fat free. I eat meat once a day only.

    Jrbowers - My 8 week program was a weight loss center for a jump start and motivation. I met with a nurse every Monday. I tooks HCG shots that helped me lose bad fat and reshape my body. I lost in total 9.75 inches overall.
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    Iris- thanks for the info. I know what to do it is just doing it that tends to be the problem. :) I would make a great weight loss coach!

    pg- glad to see you again. You are doing really well on your cals today. Is the stress laying off?

    I was almost within cals today, had a little overdose on frosting my my teremisu (Sp?) cake that my mother in law made for Thanksgiving. Well anyway, the whole cake went into the dumpster as to avoid any more ods!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    :smile: stress is laying off a bit but i still want to eat everything in sight, think i need to go do some groceries and stock up on some easy but healthy stuff, and do my pre cooking for my weeks lunches like i was doing to begin with.

    have to babysit right after work, hoping to make it to zumba, cross my fingers. have all mystuff ready to change into and leave the job right to zumba.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Happy December ladies !!

    Haven't weighed in since T-giving. My weigh in day is Friday, so I skipped it last week since I had just consumed mega food the day before. Hoping to have a good weigh in this week.

    Anyone have a solution for a bladder infection other than cranberry juice ? I've had an infection a couple of days and am drinking tons of c-juice which is LOADED with sugar.......not gonna be good come weigh in day I'm afraid.....:(

    BTW: where are my little smiley faces that I usually have to choose from on the left side of the screen ? Did anyone else lose them ?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sheilajane,the smileys are up on the blue bar above the text box where you type responses. Just click Add Smiley. HTH!

    I think I will get my 10 lbs this week. BOO-YAH!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    polies- Hope you made it to zumba tonight. Glad the stress is lightening up.

    Drbork- yay for hitting. What is the new goal?

    sheila- I was scared to weigh in too. Sorry about the bladder infection. I have never had one so I don't know, sorry!

    I was within calories today YAY! Also did kenpox this morning and abs. Felt a little tired but made it through. I weigh in and was at 163. Same as the last two weeks. I really haven't been on top of things lately so I am not surprised and happy I didn't gain. I am now weighing my food so hopefully that will help!

    Have a great day!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    been scared to get on the scale so haven't, didn't make it to Zumba, but did go back to work to do half hour on the elliptical and stayed within my cals though if I did groceries i'd have better healthier things to choose from, that would make me feel like im eating more, but staying lower in cals, rather then all the snacky quick stuff i been eating that makes me feel hungry all the time....

    need to go reload on vegs, salad stuffs, hummus etc :) will move me *kitten* to do that tomorrow!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Sheilajane,the smileys are up on the blue bar above the text box where you type responses. Just click Add Smiley. HTH!

    I think I will get my 10 lbs this week. BOO-YAH!

    Hey thanks !! How did they get up there ? Mine were always on the side and I didn't have to click "add smiley".....they were just there. Oh well, now I know so :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    And congrats if you get your 10lbs this week....good for you !!!!:drinker: :drinker:

    :smile: :smile: joa827: don't lose your focus. If memory serves me correctly, either you started this group or were one of the very first to join. You have been there for all of us and have given us a goal to strive for. We are here for you as well.....hang in there.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    woot woot, getting back on track day 2! lol. doing a bunch of cooking tonight for lunches and suppers.... back into the pre cooking groove.

    did my elliptical, slow uphill incline til i reach the top, on 6 resistance which is killer for me still i normally do 4 sometimes a lil 5. today i did half 6 and then 5 at the highest points.

    Friday I know i will fall off the wagon a lil, going shopping for the day but will also be walking all day, will be sure to get workouts in over the weekend to make up for it :o)

    hope everyone is well!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I know weight fluctuates by 2-3 lbs during the day, but I didn't get a chance to weigh myself. They weighed me at my Dr. appointment at 243, but my shoes weigh at least 1.5 lbs, and another 1.5 lbs for clothes, keys, wallet, etc. So when I weighed in on my Wii Biggest Loser, and my Wii Fit Plus, they both said 238. So I thought "hmmm..."
    I got on the scale after my workout & weighed in at 237!


    Joa, my original goal was 20 by Christmas, but I think 15 at this rate might be more reasonable, and then 20 by New Years.

    *Raises giant water mug* Here's to a month of staying on the pony, and sticking with it!
  • joa827
    joa827 Posts: 49
    polies- I hear you on not wanting to step on the scale. Glad you got some exercise in last night. Glad you are back on track. Sometimes that is the hardest part jumping back into it after a few off days.

    sheila- Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes weightloss can be such a roller coaster. Just getting tired of it you know? I guess I need to think of it more as a lifestyle change rather than a diet!

    drbork- congratulations! That is fantastic. I know you will make it to 15 pounds by Christmas!

    Today I got a little off track but did reel it back in, and for that I am super PROUD! I did some emotional eating (a twix bar and a few jr mints) I totally wanted to go on a binge but I went home and made some pancakes-which fill me up and are satisfying so I feel so good that I didn't binge! This is big for me to stop myself in the cycle!!!

    have a great day tomorrow!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    polies- I hear you on not wanting to step on the scale. Glad you got some exercise in last night. Glad you are back on track. Sometimes that is the hardest part jumping back into it after a few off days.

    sheila- Thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes weightloss can be such a roller coaster. Just getting tired of it you know? I guess I need to think of it more as a lifestyle change rather than a diet!

    drbork- congratulations! That is fantastic. I know you will make it to 15 pounds by Christmas!

    Today I got a little off track but did reel it back in, and for that I am super PROUD! I did some emotional eating (a twix bar and a few jr mints) I totally wanted to go on a binge but I went home and made some pancakes-which fill me up and are satisfying so I feel so good that I didn't binge! This is big for me to stop myself in the cycle!!!

    have a great day tomorrow!

    :flowerforyou: joa827: It is definitely a lifestyle change, not a diet. My mindset is to stay away from bread, sweets and starchy foods. I'm not dieting, I'm eating things that aren't real fattening. I just keep telling myself that my body cannot tolerate certain foods without gaining weight. The 10lbs by Christmas was a great incentive, but you need to think beyond that. Don't get depressed thinking you will never be able to indulge in cake again or a big plate of lasagna. You can still have things you like to eat, just not EVERY day and not an extreme amount.. If you overdo it one day, don't beat yourself up. Think of it as you deserved a treat, enjoy it, then move on. Little by little, the weight will come off. That is the kind of weight loss that you can live with....little at a time without starving yourself. Just eat healthier and one day you'll wake up, look in the mirror and say WOW !! How did I lose that weight ?

    :drinker: drborkbork: Congrats girl !!! Keep up the good work. After Christmas, set yourself another goal. Maybe lose another 5lbs by Valentines day or something like that.

    Isn't life great when you feel good about yourself ????

    :cry: I only lost 1lb in the last 2 weeks and I was depressed at first. Then I realized that I had all that T-giving food and all that sugar filled cranberry juice for my bladder infection. So I feel pretty good that I actually lost a pound.

    :noway: This weekend is going to be tough. I have 2 birthday parites and a ladies luncheon. But my mind set is very good right now. With my minimal weight loss this week, I'm really motivated to eat healthy.

    :happy: :happy: My goal for the weekend.....NO BIRTHDAY CAKE !!!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Made it through one birthday party without eating pizza and cake !!! Yippee !!! Skipping the ladies luncheon tomorrow so I can spend the day with my husband. Then we have another b-day party tomorrow night.

    December is such a tough month. It's bad enough with all the Christmas parties and goodies, but those added b-day parties really take it over the top.
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Okay where is everybody ????? No one has posted since last Wednesday........I hope everyone is not getting frustrated and losing interest. I know Christmas is right around the corner and we may not have reached our 10lb goal but we need to stay focused and strive to lose as much as we can......even if we stay the same and don't gain anything, that is a huge accomplishment this time of year.

    :smooched: :smooched: Let's go ladies !!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    me still here, just been a busy weekend, and allowed myself a cheat day Friday but was shopping/walking and trying clothes on all day and actually didn't cheat so much as I thought I would which is yay me! lol

    back on track today, gonna be pretty tuff on myself the next few weeks before xmas, bought some new clothes yesterday for my trip to holland to spend xmas with my bf and his family, and some of the pants are a lil snug...
    hoping to get under 200 before I leave, but not counting on it at the same time, don't want to disappoint myself too much, though that goal would have been attainable had I not fallen off the wagon for a couple weeks.

    we shall see what happens, lately i want to eat everything in site, especially carby stuff... am dying for fries and pastas and pizza
    I do allow myself pasta (whole wheat in healthy recipes) but have been dreaming of fries for a while lol...poutine actually being the true canadian i am hehe. (fries with cheese curds and gravy ....so yum)

    hope everyone is doing well!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hey everyone. I have been peeking in over the last couple of days, but had nothing to report, so didn't post. I'm sorry Sheila that you were posting for accountability on the bday parties and we didn't respond. I want to say terrific job at resisting temptation. I personally try to leave the table and busy myself with the kids when it comes to bday parties. By the time I get home I didn't even miss all the junk :) Hope you felt the same way.

    Pollies-I hear you on wanting all the carbs.... I replace spaghetti with spaghetti squash and make chunky veggie tomato sauces to get my pasta fix lately. Gonna try with shrimp alfredo that way this week...we'll see how it comes out.

    Today is normally my check-in day but I got food poisoning yesterday and have been SICK for the last 20 hours. Just wouldn't be fair to myself to weigh in today cuz I know it would be really low. LOL. Think I'll weigh in Tues after I've actually eaten something for a day. For now starting a liquid diet see if I can hold it down :sick:

    Good luck to everyone, and stick in there.