You know you've reached a turning point when....

At some point during your Health Quest, you realize that things are getting easier, almost 2nd nature.

One thing I noticed is that I actually look forward to eating my salad for lunch every day. A SALAD? Who gets excited about eating a salad? I DO! That's when I realized I'd reached the turning point in my healthy lifestyle...

How about you? Have you reached that point yet? And if so, what made you realize you'd reached it?


  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    I never thought I would be making homemade soup on a regular basis or be ok with the texture of cooked cauliflower. Soup was something I always thought "Ah, why bother? just buy it." but I can avoid any grissly pieces of meat or veggies I don't like if I make it myself.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I'm starting to look for any reason to be active and I get REALLY antsy when I don't move enough during the day. NEVER felt like that before.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I just realized I actually perfer water. Right now I've got a sugared soda (I know! I have my reason for it today) and my big gulp of water with a little lemon. I'm actually drinking the water and barely sipping on the soda. In fact, the soda is warm!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    When I use to decide to have a cheat meal I could have it. Now if I decide I'm going to do it I ALWAYS end up making sure I still come in under calories. I'm amused at myself over this. Scenario: I decide to have pizza for supper. I begin to skimp during the day to save calories. I stop and get the pizza (frozen, I can't make myself order one) and go for the thin crust. On the way home I think about how much of it I'll eat. I always end up eating less than that amount.
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I think I reached that point today. I went swimming with a friend and was starving afterwards (it was way past lunch), went to the supermarket and got my favorite pasta salad from the make your own salad bar. Didn't think too much about the calorie count at the time but when i checked it later it was at least 1500 calories!!!! Normally this wouldn't bother me but I'm so annoyed with myself for the slip-up!
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I haev had a few of these moments lately. I have come home from work several days lately and been really stressed, and instead of wanting to snack on everything in the house, I have wanted to go for my nightly walk to blow off steam. And last night we were having burgers (veggie of course) for dinner,and I actually found myself craving broccoli with them. These things are HUGE for me, and make me really happy! I feel like I finally get it!
  • ksaranya
    ksaranya Posts: 50
    Me too! I love my salad! No dressing.
  • sarahg2290
    sarahg2290 Posts: 54 Member
    I've realized I have completely lost my cravings for junk food! I haven't had fast food in over a month, and honestly don't want to eat it ever again!
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    I might be at a turning point right now... can't seem to lose any more weight - and I'm thinking that perhaps letting myself gain 5 or so might be a good thing - if it's all lean, that is.
  • daisydmchick
    daisydmchick Posts: 9 Member
    I've been yo-yo-ing all of my life...but just had my a-ha moment a couple of days ago...when I realized just how much better I feel when I'm eating better and exercising more...and how much of an influence I am on my daughter. I don't want her to struggle with the same unhealthy habits.
  • bugs5697
    bugs5697 Posts: 85
    I'm starting to look for any reason to be active and I get REALLY antsy when I don't move enough during the day. NEVER felt like that before.

    YES!!! ^^^ THIS ^^^
    My boyfriend gets anxious with me when I can't sit still!!!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I look forward to working out everyday and get depressed when I am unable to! I also have been doing zumba alot and so if I get a song stuck in my head I bop around my office occasionally breaking out a move or

    Food is still a battle, but a battle that is getting easier everyday to conquer.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I go thru periods of each.. for the longest time it was second nature.... then other times I crave alot and sometimes give in/sometimes don't. Also with holidays and birthdays, etc. It's almost like you have a sweet and need to 'detox' again.

    I have come to the realization that it will always been something I HAVE to be conscious of, I will always have to log my foods, and have willpower. But I am super turned off by the calories in things, that I won't touch it.
  • djkamin60
    I used to drink 2 or 3 sodas a day. Now I am content with water. Soda consumption now is diet and maybe 2 or 3 a week if I am in the mood for it. Don't miss it at all. I no longer keep chips and salty snacks in the house except for an occasional bag of pretzels. Fruits and veggies are my snack of choice.
  • dibdobw
    dibdobw Posts: 89 Member
    mine is exercise. I now can and want to cycle 20 plus miles, not do it because I feel I have to. I love the gym and walking as well. None of this seems like punishment any more
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    The fact that I'm only drinking water. What's more? I'm starting to want more than my minimum 8 glasses a day!
    just a few moths ago, I had trouble drinking /one/ bottle!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I first realized how much my life had changed when I saw a video of an event I had attended a few weeks prior and did not recognize myself. I actually asked a friend who the guy in the video was! Said something like "Who is that on the left? I was at that roda and I do not remember that guy".

    BTW- I LOVE my lunch time salads!!!! - My fav: Spinach with red onion, mushrooms a little feta and the Kraft yogurt based poppyseed dressing. Yum, Yum!
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    I am only 11 days into my new lifestyle, but I enjoy working out. I already did my workout for today, and I am already thinking about tomorrow's workout, and wanting to get up and moving right now, but I eat my exercise cals back and have my diary all planned out, so if I exercise more I will have to eat more and I am not really hungry and still have a snack and dinner left for the day.
    I used to do track and cross country in high school and loved going on the long runs. I Know my body has it in it, now I am getting that good feeling back from working out and enjoying it. :) If I even think about not working out, I get worried, thinking I will gain my 5lbs lost back.
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    Exercise has become my favorite hobby. Hitting fitness goals daily, weekly and monthly. Even when I was healthier 4 years ago, exercise was never a priority, I rarely did it, but I also ate better. My energy level is even better, even when I was not over weight. I was never really as active in a day, as I am now and my energy level was only great when it was downing energy drinks.
  • bamadwl
    bamadwl Posts: 111 Member
    Hmm..... which ones to post without boring you too much. First of all, Taco Bell and I broke off our long standing relationship about a year and a half ago. I completely quit drinking all sodas and only drink low fat milk, water and decaf tea or decaf coffee these days. For some strange reason I like water at room temp and don't care for it with ice. I quit caffeine a couple of years ago (for health reasons). Talk about a messy end to a relationship! Who says caffeine isn't a powerful drug? I don't care for sweets any more. Last but not least, the thought of fried food nauseates me now (being born and raised in the south, this is a huge deal).