You know you've reached a turning point when....



  • When I get up early to go to the gym, and i'm really looking forward to it!
  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    Yes!!! I am eating lunch and finishing up with a fresh ripe peach. . . Oh My Gosh its heavenly! Like CANDY! I haven't had candy in a long time, well not in the amounts I used to eat it which was disgusting now that I think about it!

    My tastebuds have changed so much, and I understand your looking forward to your salad for lunch. . . fresh and healthy foods taste amazing!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Three things:

    1) I'm looking forward to running on the treadmill tonight. I've always enjoyed being active but running is a new thing. Who knew?

    2) Chocolate has survived in my desk drawer for 2 weeks. I eat a little square of dark chocolate every few days if I have a craving, but I'm not doing the "ZOMG CHOCOLATE NAO" thing.

    3) I am liking water over everything else. I mean what even is that? :laugh:
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    A couple things:

    1 - I had to cut back on cardio recently to break a plateau...and that made me sad?! I just upped it again...which made me happy?!

    2 - I had to eat more calories last night (I was on a roll running again!)...and I rejected ice cream and oreos.

    3 - I thought I was craving pizza today but realized I was just craving comfort food...and it wasn't a "real" craving. Had a sandwhich instead.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 173 Member
    Exercise. I can't go a day without it! Sunday is my "rest" day, but I feel so bad about doing nothing. I might start incorporating it, but right now, I think I'm just going to leave it as a day off.

    Food. I can't stand fast food anymore! I ate some the other night and felt so sick afterwards.

    I think the only thing I haven't conquered yet is chocolate. That's my weakness, especially when it's that time of the month.
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 284 Member
    When I knew I was on the right track was when I was less concerned about what the scale says (though I still keep an eye on the stupid thing) and was more concerned with my 1/2 marathon training. When I started to realize I NEED to go over my calorie goal on Fridays (with healthy food choices) to have a good long run on Saturday morning.
  • I knew I reached a turning point when I became excited to exercise on a daily basis. I often get depressed on my rest days, but I know rest is as equally important as exercise for results. =D
  • Lee716
    Lee716 Posts: 150 Member
    I knew I was turning this from a diet to a lifestyle change when I wasn't counting down to my next cheat day. Like really, I felt like a junkie itching for my next fix. Food was definitely my addiction. Now my fast food is almost all but eliminated from my diet. If I do decide to indulge, I skip fries for a fruit option, substitute soda for water and if i can get my chicken grilled on a whole wheat bun then I am so in there.

    Lol, and I hit the gym to prevent going over my calorie budget, if I can't squeeze it in, then I'm not swallowing.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    These are all awesome. You guys should all be so proud of yourselves for turning your lives around :smile:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yesteday I was in downtown Munich (buying two HRMs (one of mine died) the other for my daughter - lol) and I wanted to get something to eat - the healthy fast food place (they exist) was packed, as was the sushi roll place I like - I just wanted a place to sit and read. There are hundreds of them but I would have had something huge and a beer - so i ended skipping over to the market and buying a sack of washed carrots and some salami and eating my dinner on a park bench with my book. Cheaper, healthier and a better view.

    The turning point is that I thought about my options. Bad, good and best.
  • welshwoofer
    welshwoofer Posts: 56 Member
    My turning point actually came last night.
    After 3 runs and a swim this week yesterday was my rest day with just dogwalking as exercise. At 9pm I felt fed up, fidgety and bored - I got up went for a really brisk 30 min walk and felt tons better for it! Who'd have thought it just a couple of months ago!

    I actually like exercise now, I think I'd go as far as calling it a hobby rather than a chore.
    I've lost a stone and feel like another 6-7 lbs are quite doable for me.
    I went clothes shopping yesterday and for the first time in ages a UK size 10 fitted comfortably (US size 6?). Hurrah!!
  • gracieabem
    gracieabem Posts: 211
    I usually pre enter values into my food log. Say I feel like having a high calorie, but nutritionally low value treat... I'll add it in and then start deleting the more healthy stuff. And then I realise that I'd much rather have the larger quantity of healthier, yet yummy food. I didn't realise how much I could eat until I started eating more whole foods. I am by no means perfect and I don't consider myself a strict 'clean' eater. I do know that I still cannot have chocolate in the house, unless it is in one portion size. I haven't quite reached that turning point, but there are heaps of foods that I just hardly give a second thought to now. I had some chocolate tonight which I didn't need to have and I'm over my calorie goal because of it. However, I'd much rather be over than start deleting healthier food items. There's no way I'd ever forgo dinner to fit chocolate into my diary, but I'd go over for a treat.
  • For me:

    I turned down a pizza...


    A KFC

    I think I have had a brain transplant!
  • desilu69
    desilu69 Posts: 79
    I completely can relate to this thread. My favorite lunch is when I pack a package of tuna in water w/ spring mix salad, tomatoes and I mash up some avocado on the side for my dressing. YUMMMM Then I will have a peach or apple or some kind of fruit for dessert following the salad. Also with the exercise, if I ever miss a day, I feel like crap. I even want the grass to grow quicker so I can go push mow my lawn for exercise :smile: Some people call that insanity. Great to see so many people who have succeeded with a healthy LIFESTYLE CHANGE. :drinker:
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    mine was buying snacks yesterday, instead of my usual bag of marshmallows I bought a bag of mixed nuts and am portioning them off instead of scoffing them all at once!

    my pasta and cous cous salads make my working days ^^
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Yup, I'm finding that I love salads from certain places now. I only eat at the saladworks when I go to the food court and when I go out to a restaurant, I'm ordering salads and sometimes vegetarian entrees. Not because I'm vegetarian, just that I like how they taste. Grilled eggplant rolls with tomato sauce and pesto and pine nuts on top? Yes ma'am! :)